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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Around the dial.....


**Ethan reveals his ties to a family the Spencers knew long, long ago...

**Tracy's condition gets worse

Blog: Edward and Tracy: blah, blah….too fun. The best part of the show. Edward was going to talk to Alan (the ghost)! LOL.. I wish Alan was there! Tracy goes down with a heart attack, Sam accidentaly shoots Jason (ha) Robin is walking in knee deep snow. (Me - she had a heart attack? I thought is was the biotoxin. February is Heart Month..... maybe....

Daytime Confidential

Silly line of the day:

Tracy to Monica: “You’re awake?”

Well Tracy, you and Edward have been screaming for five minutes, right beside her bed, so of course she’s awake. Heck Layla and Andy in the morgue can hear you!!

Soap Zone

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly for Feb. 4th.

The Good: Tracy's continued digs at Sason. Calling them both thugs is music to my ears.

Monica waking up b/c Tracy & Edward were fighting. It was a classic Quartermaine moment.

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So, today was a rare good day...until I collapsed. (ironic its the same day as Tracy haha go figure) But yeah, it was the end of the day and I was walking to the bus, next thing I know I'm falling and hit the ground. It wasn't like a trip fall forward or a faint backwards unconscious though. It was like a safe fall, like the kind you do in acting to fake a faint or whatever. I remember thinking (while falling) 'Am I falling? Did I trip?' and then I just sat there head down, looking at the ground. I didn't move until this one girl came up to me and asked if I was okay. I got up, said I was fine, and walked to the bus, barely really. I think somehow I twisted my ankle/foot on the way down (or that's how I feel cuz it gave out) cuz now it hurts like hell and is difficult to walk on and my knee is all scraped to hell and back. I'm super confused (and was in state of shock when it happened), I mean I don't understand what happened. Now I get to limp all over campus tomorrow. Yay.

Re: "The Fall" (Tracy's that is)- I thought it could've been better but I'm sure JE was just going with what she was given, as always. I thought the "Oh crap" line was a little out of character, I don't know why. But I did think the whimpers at the end worked. Jason Thompson's performance needed work though in my opinion. I mean she's panting in front of you, yeah let's yell at her and argue, that's a good idea. Ugh.


1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)


1. Tracy smashes Luke in the knee with an I.V. pole ("Campbells Select", Laced Valentines Candy, Tracy roughly wheels Luke out to take him to Mercy Hosp)


2. Luke and Tracy leave town together


2. Tracy's speech to Johnny about how she doesn't want Lulu to end up like Laura (in a catatonic state).


3. "Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


2. Opening of Haunted Star - "Collar-Leash/kneeling" scene


1. Kiss on New Year's Eve


2. "Here's to men! ... falling off the face of the earth"


3. Tracy's expression before she enters the elevator to go after Monica


1. Spankster


1. New Year's Eve


2. Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front


1. Jane laughing dressed as Frau

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That's so scary. :o I hope everything is all right.

hooked and I were chatting about the "Oh crap" thing earlier... We also agree that it was out of character. So NOT a Tracy thing to say. I also believed the whimpers worked (btw, those are not part of the daily transcripts, so I'm not sure if JE added them or a director or what...) Unfortunately, the bit that happened before was not good to me at all.

As for Jason, I loved seeing Patrick in caring doctor mode once she fell, like him holding her, then having his hand on her foot, then around her (:wub:). And telling her to relax and breath. Aww! :lol: And I'm not sure he put two and two together... Patrick has a lot on his plate right now, and let's face it, it's easy to want to dismiss Tracy Quartermaine when she's ranting. I was fine with his acting choices... But that's just me. :)

And I really hope you're all right! I know I already said that, but I'm fairly certain it's not normal to pass out randomly like that, but what do I know? I'm not a doctor. You're in FL, right? Was it warm down there today? Like hot?? I passed out once 'cause I was in a non-air conditioned car for almost 2 hours in 80 degree weather and then had to lift a bunch of !@#$ up to my room. Anyway... I am afraid of the doctor, so if it were me, I probably wouldn't go - unless of course it happened again. But, anyway, don't let my commentary prevent you from doing what you feel is right. :)

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I didn't hear the "oh crap," until I read it here, and then went back and watched again.

About a decade ago, my grandfather had a stroke in his sleep.. apparently it awaken him, and when he went to tell my grandma what was happening, a bunch of gibberish came out of his mouth. So he squeezed his eyes shut, and concentrated enough to slam his fist on the dresser and mutter, "oh crap."

He was a blustery, argumentative person.. who else do we "know" like that? hmmmmmm.

So I think the 'oh crap' was very much in character for our girl today.

Was it the toxin or a heart attack? She grabbed her chest... looked like a heart attack to me. I hope so. She and Luke can do funny pain comparisons later. Hilarious.

Gotta tell you -- I didn't like the lap kissing yesterday. VERY BAD. PISSED ME OFF.

FLOVED the Q Banter today. VERY VERY FUN.

WE NEED LUNACY!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow? Possible?

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Don't think so unfortunately Lainey. Luke is on with Ethan tomorrow back at the Haunted Star I think. Tracy I think is on passed out with Edwad in those scens I would guess. I am sure Edward will be her only visitor. Lulu won't give a [!@#$%^&*] to come visit her.

The biotoxin is supposed to affect the lungs so maybe that is why she grabbed her chest.

Did you guys see on the 23rd they are doing a special AU GH for the heart health month where it is a "What happened if BJ had lived and Maxie had died" episode? And then the 24th is a gala in NYC that Maxie wears a red dress and takes Johnny as her date because Kate donates one from Crimson and the model bails at the last minute.

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Let everyone say what they want about the way Tracy went down or the noises she made going down, all I know is she went down, and this is prime opportunity for some kick ass Lacy scenes, so I am going to sit back and enjoy them. It took 30 years for her to get here and I will love every minute of it.

Anyhoo, here are today's clips! Enjoy!


Credit goes to Trudy, edited by me.

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My votes!


Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)


Tracy smashes Luke in the knee with an I.V. pole ("Campbells Select", Laced Valentines Candy, Tracy roughly wheels Luke out to take him to Mercy Hosp)


Luke and Tracy dance together


Tracy's speech to Johnny about how she doesn't want Lulu to end up like Laura (in a catatonic state).


"Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


Luke and Tracy leave town together.


Kiss on New Year's Eve


"Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I'd say we are over LA"


Tracy's expression during "I don't do generous" to Laura.




New Year's Eve


Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front


Jane laughing dressed as Frau

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I don't think there is anything to be upset about with Luke not being there right now. It underscores the fact that Tracy has lots of people to interact with - not just Luke. She doesn't have to be dropped from the face of the planet when he's not around. I hope this is a lesson learned.

I'm still betting that Lulu will be concerned - might even be the one to call her father because I can't think of anyone else who would do that. Edward doesn't think that much of Luke and he'll be very upset. I'm looking forward to some great Ed/Trace stuff. You know LuNacy will knock it out of the park when they are together, but not being together right now just heightens the expectation. Even on SOC I see the remaining LnL hardliners are now asking what Luke will be like when he finally gets to Tracy's side. Everyone is waiting and the way Luke is in such a lighthearted, throw away story right now just underscores the fact that he's going to have huge guilt and a big reaction when he finally realizes what his wife has been going through without him. I can't wait to see them together next week - but in the meantime we have Edward needing to apologize for 60+ years of treatment. That has been a long time coming too.

LB, the lap thing really bothered me - stomach dropping bothered me. The only thing that improved it was that Luke hardly looked at the woman and didn't trail her with his eyes, which he's been known to do in the past. She was truly just a prop. Luke also acknowledged Tracy twice - unfortunately in connection with money, but that's what he and Ethan are really talking about so I guess it makes sense - but he has yet to acknowledge anyone else in his life. That's a little warm fuzzy.

And about the "Oh crap", I think it was perfectly in character for Mrs. L. L. Spencer. We've talked before about how she's starting to pick up some of his turns of speech much like Luke has started to pick up some of Tracy's. It's a natural part of living together. She knew what was happening and the significance of it more than anyone else thus far. And it showed that even going down she was still tougher than any of the others.

I saw someone say something about AU, but I didn't pay attention. Guess I'll have to go back and have a look. Bobbie has GOT to be involved in that one. I wonder who will be playing BJ?

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I'm okay for now, besides the fact that my ankle/foot is killing me when I walk on it. So I decided to stay home today to avoid further irritation and possible fainting. My mom and I can't figure out why I fell but I can't exactly afford to go to the doctor. I probably just twisted something and didn't notice, I don't know. I haven't passed out or anything yet today so that's a good sign! haha

MsQ, Yes I do live in Fl but it has been anything but hot! In fact it has been freezing cold outside, it sucks. Oh and you are too funny btw.

Ohmigawd, I was just flipping through the tv channels and some older woman on the Jeffersons is wearing an outfit almost identical to Tracy's gray thing with the fur collar. No comment.

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