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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hooked, I love your new avatar, which probably goes without saying. :P You do have your Wyndemere one in a safe place, though, don't you? :rolleyes:

About the Match Game clip...

It sounds like he would trade for any game show. (He said something about not being picky, and interested in any show.) With all game shows that soap actors have been on, maybe someone has something on tape to trade.

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Wish I could, but nope - I have to save money bigtime this year. I'll be more than happy to live vicariously through those of you who are lucky enough, though.

Re: the Match Game clips, who was it that posted the Family Feud clips? Maybe he'd accept those as a trade-off if the OP feels like making a trade.

Anyone up for chat for a few?


ETA: I stayed in about 30 minutes but no one is there - post if y'all feel like it. I'll probably be up for another couple of hours.

Edited by stargazercmc
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Their email address would not work I don't think or came back--the trade one. Grrr...

Some day I'll find it!

Hey everyone. I lost my entire tivo box thing with all my stuff I had saved from 08! Grrr...

Back to school tomorrow--can't say that I am sad for everyone to get out of the house again!

Edited by hookedongh
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I had another insider tell me Tracy has one scene with Lulu coming up and that is it for the near future. I am assuming that means this week or next because they only had the info on a few scenes for luke with bobbie, rick, lulu/johnny and sonny which are all happening this week.

Apparently whateve aired this past week was taped like beginning of December. When they get back tomorrow they start taping for like 23rd or after. Maybe TG took off a couple weeks early for the holidays; therefore JE is off too.

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Most definitely, Sweetheart. That was five months worth of imagination, frustration, computer crashes and set-ups (by yourself and others). Here she be...

The Annals of Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures

And for anyone interested in reviewing the blog...

Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures

I hope we do see TQ this week - actually I'd be surprised with no follow-up references. And they say the hospital thing will play out between now and early February - everyone and their dog said she was part of that. So we shall see. Didn't TG give up a week to return early for NSII? He was due a week at least - after the payoff on NYE, I'm cool with them taping everything at once and then taking a rest. They've been on consistently since mid-October. We can't exactly claim neglect at this point in time.

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That was a long ass body of work! I knew you had saved it--have you re-read any of it? It is pretty amazing you kept that up all summer long--that was a damn long 5 months. I almost don't think we can hack that again this summer!

Amazing how we get spoiled after some semi-decent airtime for a couple months--now two weeks off stinks!

I am still wondering if there is a brief scene with Lulu on Wed or TH of this week--that scene would make sense..perhaps Tracy is with Luke when Lulu asks for help or something and Luke leaves to go do something and they have a brief exchange.

We don't know for sure she is not on the week of the 12th yet, but the hospital crisis or whatever is now supposed to be like flashbacks or something told starting the week of the 19th I think and lasting three weeks!

Okay I am off to try to be zen this morning and go to a pilates class. I could use some ying/yang balancing!

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Too funny, Hooked - balance.... I think I heard about that once. I realized during church yesterday that I only demand one hour a day - M-F it's GH and Sunday it's worship. I don't even get an hour on Saturday. If I didn't have everything from groceries to clothing delivered to my door, I imagine I wouldn't even get those few hours. Don't even get me started on how much of my socializing is online as opposed to r/l.

But I digress..... yeah, I don't think we can do 5 months again. That was painful and towards the end we all had vacation fatigue. I think 3 we can handle well, 4 if we had to but that's pushing it. But those last few weeks were killer. I re-read some of it. I still like the Dance (ch. 4) best, but the kidnapping by Trevor (ch. 35, 36, 41-46) and the food (ch. 50) are right up there. Thanks for the set-up on the kidnapping. And who didn't laugh with Lainey's boycott? Ah... good memories.....

I think we'll see her this week. When they are happily together Tracy is usually at the HS with Luke or wherever he is. It's only when they've been fighting (which was most of 2008, unfortunately) that they don't share scenes. Besides, we've actually been getting storyline follow through of late, and with everyone who told Tracy to get over herself and take Luke back, I can't see TPB not giving any reaction scene.

And for all of you dealing the the school/home dicotomy - take it from someone who's living the school/home life.... sometimes space from each other is a good thing (yes, this can be interpreted to mean the kids are not cooperating today - I swear... how nasty am I that I expect them to do school with intent for 2 hours a day. Child abuse, I tell you!!!)

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HOOKED! I fracking love your avatar.

Just wanted to pop in and let you guys know I FINALLY saw Tuesday's episode. Mama and Papa were SOOO nummy. I finally got my NYE episode. Dances around with joy! Anybody wanna email me with the url for clips (pwease)? I can't check this thread very often, and stoopid SON gave up sending email updates forever ago.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in, wish you all a happy new year, and squee some more about the LuNacy scenes from Tuesday!

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