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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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QUOTE (TracyLuv @ Dec 23 2008, 01:02 AM)

Ah, there you are! Hee. That's right... I forgot you are on vacation. Got LuNacy fic? . I'd say you were lucky but when Hairspray closes in a week I will be on vacation too. A looooong one. heh. I don't know whether to or :) or :(

You forgot to answer the most important part of my post :D.

And if not, you are off all day tomorrow - hint hint.

See ya manana. Have to try and get at least 7 hours tonite. I am beat. Let's hope for some great luNacy tomorrow!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Today's Recaps (Christmas Episode, Tuesday, December 23rd)

Serious jip - no Tracy looking at Luke.


Vets: Monica, Edward, Tracy, Luke, Anna, Robert, Alan

Kisses: nada

Appearance: in bathrobe, still with Jane Jetson's hair - I think this is the new style, and she can flip it a little

Other Stories: Lulu, Lucky and Nicholas are at the Spencers ordering pizza (Liz took the boys out of town and Mike is taking Spencer to the Xmas party at the hospital); Spinelli encounters Santa at the PH with technological problems - Santa erased the Christmas list for most of Port Charles and want's Spin to find out what everyone wants by midnight.; Q's don't want to celebrate; Diane and Max together saw Santa and reindeer flying away; Robin is majorly stressed and feels Patrick isn't helping because the tree is half done and her parents will be there soon; Diane talking about Max to Bernie while Bernie is lighting the Menorah and tries to tell her what Channukah is supposed to mean; Anna and Robert arrive to celebrate Christmas Eve in Robin's apartment, then Spin and Maxie arrive to give their gift to the Scorpio/Drakes - cookies like Philomena used to make; Spixie help Max who just wants to celebrate Christmas (with the woman he loves) and gives him a pawn tug meanwhile Diane breaks down in front of Bernie because she misses Max. Spixie arrive and gives Diane a phone to speak with Max and then she's on her way to see him, hugs from Diane all around; Spixie deliovers the gift of matches to Bernie so he can light his candles while Diane runs to Max on the docks and they kiss...

Line of the Day: "Maximista and the Jingle Jackle"

Sc. 1 - no Luke; Tracy wonders why Monica isn't going to the hospital party and tells them that she's not going either, all the Q's are in a very un-Christmas funk even though Alice is trying to cheer them up with a tree and eggnog.

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Luke arrives with pizza for the three Spencer kids and a tree that he claims fell off the flatbed and rolled off the truck and right up their drive. Lucky doesn't hide his grin well while Nicholas brings in the tree. He almost falls under it and asks why he's doing it all alone - because you're the oldest his lovely little brother and sister reply. Spin and Maxie arrive with Christmas wishes and wanting to know what everyone wants for Christmas. We hear Santa's bells and Spin pulls an old fashioned key out of his pocket for Lulu (Spin is wearing Santa's coat).

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Lulu takes the key, and Maxie sends Spin out. The boys go to get the tree and Luke says he hates Christmas. Lulu asks on principle or because he misses Mom. Luke smiles at her and says both, he guesses.

Sc. 4 - Screamers want Luke to help decorate the Christmas tree and Luke tells them about the first Christmas Luke spent with Laura in Texas. Meanwhile Edward talks about Lila and the Christmas tree, saying Lila and Emily were the heart and soul of this family and Tracy says why bother. Alice tries to get them to tell her what they want for dinner and they all brush her off. Then she goes to Tracy and says perhaps they should have what Mr. Luke would want if Tracy hadn't kicked him out on Christmas Eve. Tracy says it doesn't matter what Mr. Puke would want, he isn't Tiny Tim and if he wants a crutch he can go to any bar in town. Alan shows up and gives Tracy a hard time, and Monica is really insulted that Tracy would talk to Alan right then. Tracy says she's not sure what's more annoying - the way they fought when Alan was alive or the way Monica moons over him now that he's dead. Then she turns to Alan and tells him to leave. Alan says not until she tells Monica he loves her. Tracy says to tell her himeslf. Just then Maxie and Spin arrive with a gift for the Q's - eyeglasses.

Sc. 5 - The Spencers looking for Laura's angel while Luke continues to eat pizza. Lulu uses the key Spin gave her to open a chest and finds the angel. The phone rings and it's a Christmas call from Laura. Meanwhile Spin has a gift of glasses but doesn't know who it's for. Tracy and Edward leave saying the hospital Christmas party would be better. Monica says she's happy they left now Spin/Maxie can leave too. Alan says it's a big mistake to ignore the glasses. He thinks those glasses were thrown in one of their fights when he said she only sees what she wants to see. Monica picks them up and puts them on then turns around and sees Alan.

Sc. 6 - no LuNacy; Monica approaches Alan who's amazed that she can see/hear him. Alan takes the glasses off and she can still see him, but asks how. Alan says you don't ask how at Christmas. Mon says if she had to have one Xmas miracle he's it, and tells her to go on with her life because she's got so many things to live for. They get into a bickering fight about who cheated on whom more, and finally Alan pulls Monica into a hug.

Sc. 7 - no Tracy; Monica and Alan continue to bicker about the hospital administration. Alan says he cheated on her in his own house. MY House, Monica says. I gave it to you, Alan replies. Then he snaps his fingers and the lights on the tree turn on and they hug in front of the tree. Bernie says the blessing over the candles in the Menorah, Scorpio/Drakes holding Emma by the tree, Spencers decorate the tree and Luke says "Merry Christmas, darlin" to Laura over the phone, Spixie returns to Santa who tells him the real reason he's there - to tell him it takes a special person to see into another's heart; Spin and Maxie awaken to find gifts by their beds that contain their pictures with Santa. Then they wish Merry Christmas to everyone.

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Dax and Spixie plus a dash of A&M... it was nice.

I wonder if they cut Tracy looking in on the Spencers. Maybe. Or maybe we'll have that tomorrow?

Whole show was pretty good. Wanna know a main reason?

No Mob bang 'em up. No Sonny or Jason or Sam or Carly or Jax or Kate or Olivia or Ric or Claudia or any of the darn Zs and Russians.

A nice little family show: Spencers, Qs, Scorpios... with Dax and Spixie sprinkled on top.

And who knew Bernie was Jewish?!?! A nice little nod to the Jews among us. I don't remember them doing that previously.

I will say I didn't like the Luke/Laura stuff (Really, dude. Don't you understand NOW why Tracy is so hurt?!?!).

Now: Give me my reunion already!! I need the LuNacy!!!!

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Awesome Show Today! Got a little teary eyed during M&A reunion! What happened to the scene of TRacy?? Well I'm kinda glad they didn't do that it would made the show kinda sad! Anyway...

From wubs

Luke in attendance 2 watch his friend walk daughter down aisle

... I wonder if Tracy'll be there too!

From Soapnet msg board

Luke and Robert talk a walk down memory lane as Robert and Anna share life's memories before the big wedding of PattyCakes to their little girl Robin.

As usual on New Years Eve Carjax had trouble putting a bright face on their celebration when all they can think about is a divorce that Jax wants.

Luke has plans to propose again to Tracy knowing that he is not really divorced from him so he closes the haunted Star early to spend that day of celebrations with her.

Edited by Truke
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Overall, I enjoyed today's show. Could have done without Diane/Max though. Sorry angel, Lisa, Lainey and whoever else is a fan. I felt Diane's rants could have been replaced with either other stories from this episode OR perhaps Alexis/girls who we didn't get to see at all.

Tracy won't be watching Luke tomorrow since GH is running last year's Christmas show. No GH on Christmas. And Friday is the Scrubs wedding (no Tracy, apparently), so it seems to me that scene was cut. At first, it bothered me, but then again, Tracy watching Luke from afar is a bit pathetic and semi-stalkerish. So perhaps it's better that it didn't happen. Let's just hope nothing on NYE is cut.

Now, how much did I LOVE Monica and Alan?! That was by far the best part of the episode for me. So much SQUEE-worthiness going on there. Just wonderful. GH did something right! Yay!

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I'm actually kinda glad they cut the scene of Tracy watching the Spencers. It didn't go with the feeling of today's episode ya know. I mean don't get me wrong I want JE onscreen in an unhealthy way, but that would've put a sad feeling on a surprisingly feel-good episode. Whoever wrote today got it right! The cuteness was overwhelming. I was literally grinning and jumping up and down in my seat when I was watching Alan and Monica.

Now of course if any more Tracy scenes are cut from here on out I will be throwing a fit but...

Today was very well done.

Edited by angel2devil
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Who knows what's happened since those first spoilers were mentioned until now. If any Tracy stuff was cut, I'm glad that was the one, but even so the mind is turning.....

The rest of the show was great. BA said is was a stand alone, but I'm not convinced. Robin's PPD is starting to come to the fore, Dax (I'm a fan too) was great and showed a little more about the characters - one of the ironies is that the non-contract players seem to get more personal development then the regulars. Monica's being Chief of Staff came into play, as did John's work and the various missing children. All in all while it was certainly not the usual behaviour for Spixie, it kept the stories moving forward and gave the viewers a nice glimpse at the families celebrating together.

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hey guys..;I like that spoiler that says he is proposing again..

From FOJMMF on soapdish...

Especially for Tracyfan..

Tracy and Luke reunite just before midnight on NYE!

thanks for the recap remos--ms. Q emailed it to me to make sure I saw it.

I am a frozen popsicle. I had to come in at 3--too damn cold to be out skiing when your face is freezing, your toes are numb and fingers are numb and it is like a white out every 20 minutes.

Tomnight we are going to a really nicer estaurat you have to take a gondola ride up 40 minutes to with my MIL and friend.

I am going to take a hot shower now. At least Tracy is on tomorrow in the repeat. I agree, I am glad the sad pathetic tracy scene is cut--knowing they get back together NYE makes this week more palatable.

BTW--supposedly soapnet and ABC are monitoring calls this week and mail for feedback on the family stuff, romance, etc vs. mobbie crap, so call in for the romance of Lunacy and for the

Q family!!


Oh and kudos for GH for acknowleging hanukkah at least in some small way!!

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Soap Opera Digest Scoop

SOD 2009 Previews

Luke/Tracy: "Luke and Tracy try to make their marriage work. For Luke, that means finding a way to resist the urge to go on the road. An unexpected stranger may provide incentive to stay in PC for a while."

Me: Does this means the stranger gives him something "fun and exciting" to do (as if being with his wife wasn't fun and exciting). :angry:EDIT: I was hoping it had something to do with the "Tracy in danger," but I associated "incentive" with reward. Yes, keeping Tracy alive is rewarding, but it just didn't "go." However, per Dictionary.com, "incentive" could also refer to something, such as "fear of punishment," that induces action. And THAT goes along with the "Tracy in danger" scoop. Am I making sense? LOL.

The Qs: "The Q's get an unexpected surprise that will have far-reaching effects and bring them closer together."

Me: Rebecca? Emily's look-a-like? And does this "story" last 1 minute or 2?

Positive thought: LuNacy AND the Quartermaines are mentioned. Yay!

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Incentive could also mean a man is snooping around Tracy and Luke is getting jealous. Lately the writers have Luke making a point that he wants to be with Tracy but what if suddenly he realizes someone more worthy of her is interested and he has to fight to be worthy of her himself. The show has been getting better and LuNacy has had a good showing AND the dialogue might be on the same theme but it certainly isn't repetitive. That's spoilers in two printed rags for early in the new year. That's a great thing.

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I just tried, Star. The voicemail box is full. I hope they get plenty of positive feedback and keep giving us this type of writing. They obviously have the talent, they just need the will and vision.

I realized today might have been their Christmas Eve show, but we've been getting serious holiday celebration since last week and it goes until NYE. I can't wait until Luke has a real reason to be happy.


Hooked, they seriously love you on that site...

and especially for Tracyfan

Luke and Tracy reunite just before midnight on New Year's.

Happy Holidays to you and yours

play nice

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