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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I understand where you are coming from, Hooked.. but I'm definitely in the opposite camp on this one. I love the Lunacy dynamic oh so much. I'd be destroyed if Tracy lied to Luke NOW. It would seem out of character now (not before, but now). His love has changed her... it's changed both of them. They are tighter, more bonded.. bonded enough so that I believe Luke would choose Tracy over Laura. I believe it. She can't violate a love that strong. She just can't. (The fact that she knew Scott killed Rick - and kept it secret! - is going to come back to bite her in the butt. Guaranteed!!! But that was old Tracy. She's not 'old Tracy' anymore.)

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Maybe she just keeps it a secret for now so she can be the one to tell Luke when he returns...who knows. Might not even be true...

On that note...I am off to a class this mroning, and then to prepare for Hurricane Ike which is headed smack to Houston as of now sometime late Friday night/early Sat. morning. Sounds like a big one....

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Hmmmm. If this is true, I bet we will see lots of Alan needling Tracy to do the right thing and tell the truth. The good thing that may come out of that is lots of really good 'angsty' scenes with Tracy and Alan.

Off to work....but plan to make a pit stop at the bagel shop...I'm starving!

Edited by LisaQ
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Well my TQ pals...I had a productive and interesting morning...guess who I talked to today??

BRIAN FRONS himself!!

On the way to my ethics class this morning that I am taking, I decided to call Frons's office about this 911 thing...

So I call, and HE ANSWERED THE PHONE (AA I was totally thinking of you). Actually he just said "Brian Frons's" office, but it didnt' sound like a scretary or anything and it sounded like an older' mans voice...

So anyway, I started by saying that I wanted to know if he could pass along a message to Brian Frons. I said I have been a long time viewer of GH for over 30 years and that I was disgusted that they would be showing and explosion on 911. I was very calm and rational, and said that the constant mob violence, deaths, explosions, shooting are totally turning me off as a viewer, and that the reason I started watching GH so long ago was for the family dynamics and relationships like the Quartermaine family who has been completely decimated in recent years almost beyond repair and how these actors are basically wallpaper, etc. I also mentioned that I have a 14-year-old daughter (okay so I lied I have a son) and that I won't even let them watch GH with me because of all the violence, and that we both are about to tune out for good.

So he says, "Well this is Brian. And I had this same conversation with the writer this morning and we are listening and working on changes right now."

So then I said, "Well that is good to hear, but I have taken the time to write letters in the past to you and others and I haven't seen any changes take place. I said that I realize that this is a soap opera and a tv show and in the scheme of real life and the world it is very insignificant...but it has been a part of my life for so long that I care enough to write and call, etc...

He said he appreciated the call.

Interesting eh? I couldn't believe I was so rational and calm and not flustered during the conversation!!

I am following up with a letter now!


Wrote a letter reiterating our conversation and adding in a special plug for Tracy...

Most of the time a secretary answers, but I called in 7am calif. time...

I encourage all of you to call him now--supposedly he is really watching Guza now...

Here is the address and phone number...leave a message...I think ti is even better than the commnent lines..

Brian Frons

President, ABC daytime

2300 Riverside

Burbank CA 91506



If I can do this while preparing for a hurricane to hit houston, you call can take a sec to do it for our girl!!! :)

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Tracy on...

1st scene:

Tracy protests Lulu being there, telling Scott and the judge this is about Luke and not Logan. Judge asks "Who's Luke Spencer", to which Tracy replies he's Lulu's father and Scott's 30 year enemy. Tracy is really angry at Scott telling him he's trolling mental wards for witnesses who shouldn't be there. Edward throws in his two cents saying "this little girl" shouldn't be dragged into this. The judge says something to the effect that the outburst will taint the jury. Edward stands up saying "I'm tainted, send me home", the judge tells him to sit down. (it's actually funny).

3rd scene:

Lulu is testifying. Two reaction shots for Tracy. Lulu admits she killed Logan, and Tracy's reaction shot is shown. She's stunned.

4th scene:

Tracy is on edge of her seat throughout, and not happy with what's happening. Lulu confesses, Scott tries to say she's only doing it because she wants Johnny free. Ric has just asked her about the gun. No close-ups of Tracy, but her face he really tight.

5th scene:

Lulu doesn't answer about the gun, but continues saying she killed Johnny and everything is her fault. No one believes her. Tracy on edge of her seat throughout but no close-up. Nicholas enters to witness and sits at the back behind Tracy.

5th scene:

Nicholas intervenes saying he's Lulu's legal guardian (oldest sibling, I assume) and she needs to be taken back to the hospital. Judge agrees and two court officials take her back. Lulu wants Nicholas to go back in the court and make them believe her. Tracy is interested but doesn't stand and get into anything.

7th scene:

Lulu's back in Shadybrook talking with Laura while Tracy is in the courthouse sitting back in her chair for the first time the entire show.

Edited by remos
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Thanks guys! I was pretty proud of myself that I didn't go all flustered! I wrote a letter too to follow up and mailed it today, where I specifically touted Tracy. I am glad I talked to him this mroning before the nut case Liz fans posted his number on soapdish to call in today for Liz...

It is getting bad looking out. I don't think we are going to dodge the bullet this time..

I just bought four more cases of water and two more bottles of wine--I'm prepared!

From soapdish...(people are saying these are fake..probably because Tracy is in one of them)

Robin comes to Leyla's defense when Carly attacks her.

Maxie and Jason are caught in a compromising situation.

Diane rebuffs Karpov's advances.

Alexis is stumped by Ric's apology.

Sonny cashes in his favor with Claudia.

Sorry, I hit submit too fast.

Liz and Lucky hava a family day.

Nikolas catches Nadine in a lie.

Tracy receives news from Luke.

Thank you...what week are these for?

Week of the 29th.

And ratings


Y&R -- 3.8 -- 13 (+3)

B&B -- 2.6 -- 9 (+1)

GH -- 2.1 -- 7 (SAME)

ATWT -- 2.0 -- 7 (+1)

DAYS -- 2.0 -- 7 (+1)

AMC -- 1.9 -- 7 (SAME)

OLTL -- 1.9 -- 7 (SAME)

GL -- 1.5 -- 5 (SAME)

EWCBO...no change!

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