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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Not sure who answered this on soapdish tonight...but I would like to believe this..

Any idea when Luke is due back? I wasn't expecting much involvement for Tracy with lulu/shadybrook but was expecting she was going to have a couple scenes maybe with Lulu or with Lainey and the Qs...is it possible she just wasn't in the medianet photos but is in the scenes?

TG is usually back in September which puts Luke back in October.

The medianet pics only tell part of the story. They don't show all the scenes for that week. The scene with Alice, Edward, and Monica outside talking to Lainey is probably one where Tracy is in Lulu's room.

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MSQ- I totally understand what you mean! LOL I was so pissed when didn't get our ring scene and when we didn't get our romantic night!!!! Damn Trevor!

TL- I love your Avie too! JE Looks so gorgeous! When was the piccy taken?

Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom

Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life -I can't choose one

Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids- BOTH

Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

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Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke (although i hate Lulu, I don't want her getting shot for any man)

Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage (and Scott can get invovled hehe...wait this sounds familiar)

Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs (i have my reasons)

Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom

Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life (she must choose, she doesn't, but they both end up fine and decide to move back to PC)

Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis (yes! I want Tracy/Diane scenes now!)

Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane (evil thoughts, evil thoughts haha)

Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him) (and Lulu stops being an ungrateful whiny bitch)

Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

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lainey I am trying to IM you...you are offline.

Remos computer died. Over a week or more ago. I think she said it is back but she needs to rehook it up.

So some sort of good news for my Tracy peeps this morning...for next week...

(part of the GH stuff for next week)

All this PLUS Patrick (Jason Thompson) asks Robin (Kimberly McCullough) to marry him, someone gets hit by a car, the Qs act like a real family as best they can, Nadine (Claire Coffee) actually makes some headway with Nikolas (Tyler Christopher), and an evil curse may rear its head!

So I think the Qs scenes with Lainey are next week (tracy better be in them or else)

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TL-=-Thinking of you today. Hope your sis is okay!

Ms. Q--you around today? I am home all day trying to go through my kids drawers and clothes for school. FUn fun fun. It is tax free shopping day today but I won't step foot in a store or the mall--too insane!

This football stuff is so intense...it was two hours out in the heat last night and practice is every night for two weeks straight! It sucks!!

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Thanks for the info hooked!

::sighs:: I just got back from Matanzas after getting my schedule....and I'm kinda confused....this is what it says....

A Day Classes:

1a- DCT PRIN. TECH OJT (wth is this suppossed to mean)

2a- Nutrition and Wellness (is this suppossed to mean Health, cuz i already took that)

3a- Creative Writing

4a- English 4

B Day Classes:

1b- Economics

2b- Comp. Theatre (wtf)

3b- ADV PL Psychology

4b- English 1 (i failed half of it my freshman yr)

Apparently I have more english classes than i know what to do with haha. and then it says that "all students will pick up a new schedule before reporting to class monday morning) so what exactly was the point of giving us a schedule if its gonna change? I hate these ppl. UGH!

Okay Tiffany, think happy thoughts (not homicidal ones)..... May/Walsh won their Beach Volleyball match last night! Better.

Edited by angel2devil
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Wait..some insider just said Luke is back in town for the skate wedding which is September 26th so that is some hope that Luke/Tracy will go. IT is supposed to be a whole cast event...but I can't see the Qs going to sonny's wedding as they hate him...unless Luke goes cause he is sonny' friend.

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hooked, I was out this morning, but I'm home now. I just IM'ed you.

Ugh to the spoilers... She has to be out for Luke. No other explanation for her not to be there. But still ugh... If she's been on Lulu propping duty all summer, it only makes sense to have her involved when Lulu actually breaks down.

I think Luke will go to Sonny's wedding if he's back in town. If Tracy still isn't in Europe or wherever AND if Luke and Tracy are on good terms, I think they'd go together.

About high school schedules... When I was in high school, we got ours like 2 weeks before school starts, and it was our real one. Unless of course, there was some kind of problem with it (i.e. they forgot to give you lunch), then you would contact the guidance office... And also, we knew what our classes were going to be 'cause we registered for them back in February/March. We just didn't know the order we would have them in or who are teachers would be...

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Okay, I have a multiple choice question for those reading "Disenchanted".....

Who would you like to see in a scene with Tracy in Chapter 7?

a. Monica

b. Edward

c. Alice

d. Scott

e. other- state who

Oh and I figured I'd share this with you all. My friend bombarded me with requests via email, im, and the phone for a Tracy video to a certain song. Here it is.....

"She Hates Me"


Edited by angel2devil
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THIS OR THAT...this is a fun game :P

Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom

Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

Edited by Lady Ashton
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