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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Good, good, good....

Bring on that Diane chicky. She is just soooooooo fun to watch. :lol:

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!!!!!

I hate the way they leave her out. Like she's the side dish. Luke is the Fried Chicken and she's the biscuit or the mashed potatoes. Geeeezzzzzzzzzz.

I do like this Tracy/Claudia talk. There is something delicious about those two on screen together. It's as if Tracy has a slightly meaner mini me. It's mob mini me. HAHAHA! :lol:

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I really like this Tracy\Claudia stuff. And JE looked really good this week; I liked the outfit. She looks great in that creme color.

Mini Unrelated Rant, feel free to skip...

I unfortunately dropped my digital camera yesterday. It was completely turned off, so the lense was not out or anything. At first I thought it was fine and that there was no damage, but now when I use it it shuts off randomly. It is really starting to irritate me, and I have no idea how to fix it, especially since there is no visible damage. Ughhh!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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I was just dropping in to say hi to all. Nothing much here, I'm still trying to recover from the school picnic yesterday.

tracynluke I'm glad you're on the boards. Welcome.

I hope we see some LuNacy scenes and I hope they get closer. I can't take the distance too much more.

Edited by funny1
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^^^ I remember school picnics!!!! They were so fun when I was a kid... We played games and ate hot dogs and ice cream... Good times... :lol: Except that one year that it rained, and they made us have it in the gym. That was lame - haha.

Lainey, if you're interested, here's CH on General Hospital in 2002. She's playing a lawyer, but instead of Diane, she's Maureen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0fFNN7EWok

Some of you have found this on YT, but here's a LuNacy video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVyuqwd1Iyw

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**waves to funny**

Sorry about the camera MissJane Hope you get it worked out.

Great meeting TracynLuke in the BR last night and finally chatting with Addie.

Hooked rereading that email I'd like to reassure you I know the difference between the words utters and udders. Oops!

Lovely job Ms. Q

So will Tracy wear a dress to the HS Opening? She looked good last week. Let's hope they don't screw it up again.

Edited by halee
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Ms. Q it wasn't a picnic for the school students. It was for the faculty and staff and their families. Now that is a good picnic. Everyone had to watch their own kids. But it was too fun. We had a scavenger hunt (like the show Amazing Race) when ppl run off into the cars trying to out race other teams that was what we did. It was great, hot dogs, hamburgers, snow cones, bouncehouse, popcorn. And tons of music. I hope we do it again next year. :D

Sorry I missed you halee. *waves back at you* Nice chatting with you last night. Also waving at the lurkers on the boards.

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Ms Q, LOVE LOVE LOVE the new vid!! Yummalicious on all the kisses :). Nice song too!

Remos, Fabulous, just fabulous! That's how scenes at the HS should play out!

Funny, Thanks for the LuNacy baby fic fix last nite! :D

TracynLuke, Nice chatting with you last nite. Welcome the TQ Lovefest!

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Hey everyone! Wow, a whole day without a post from me! And I am not on vacation! Did ya miss me? LOL!!

Been trying to catch up. Finally watched GH from W, TH and F. I must say I really thought this week was well-done and well-written. I don't love a child getting shot in the head and in a permament coma,. but I did like how the story was written and how everyone on canvas was basically integrated into the story with their reactions. I thought Alexis was spot on. I thought Carly did a great job. I thought Tracy was really not OTT in her scenes with Luke and was calm and serious about Lulu. Not being manipulative at all. I really think she was concerned for Luke and Lulu's safety, and even if she was jealous of Claudia, she is more concerned with her husband's life and her stepdaughter's life.

I kepe thinking there is a reason that she hasn't put her rings back on. Maybe we will get that as a nice moment between them. supposedly the sweeps goal is to intersperse some nice moments?

All I know is her butt better be at the HS opening. Yay some fics and videos clips to catch up on!

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This was from SZ for the week...nothing mentioned about Tracy...

Luke relaunches The Haunted Star with a fancy soiree, attracting the crème de la crème of society, including Drs. Robin and Patrick. She has to be there right? She taped two days supposedly for this week!

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