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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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hey all,

hooked welcome back missed in the br and the posts.

just got home from the boring workshop ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :angry:

i hate the dead animal around tracys neck. did she drive over roadkill?

ms. q did u see the tracy hair flip yesterday? i did i was like whatttttttttttttttttttt she did it!!!! :lol:

EDIT yes Ms. Q after monica and her fight in the elevator she flipped her hair. :lol:

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funny, when she came out of the elevator? :lol:

My comments on today ~

Monica is sure on top of things, isn't she? But, Tracy, I'm sure, is going to dig up something to balance this feud out.

On the topic of spoilers,

We were robbed of a Trax scene! Robbed, I tell ya!!!

Hair was nicer today IMO. She looked SO young in that final scene...

Man!! We have to deal with the fur for HOW LONG?!? She has the same thing on in media photos for next week. Oy. What is with GH and putting Jane Elliot in fur for extended periods of time?

JE did a fabulous job in that final scene when Tracy realized what Monica had done...

And speaking of...How did Monica do that? I know that was a question when the spoiler first came out, but I sort of just chalked it up to "It's a soap." But now, I am curious... Someone specc'd it had something to do with Tracy's time in ShadyBrook. If she was declared unfit, I guess Monica/Edward could freeze her assets? But hello...She's out of ShadyBrook...Who knows?

Non-related to today's show ~

tracyluver, good to see you around! Missed ya!

hooked, welcome back!!!

nex, thanks for the clips!

And darnit, it's already almost 6pm.

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Guys...read my email, but take the time to write a snail mail letter supporting lunacy if you want our couple to continue for the longer term!

Will be back to chat but gotta take a kid to tennis!!! Let's try to chat early tonight!! I gotta lot of catching up to do!!

Didn't watch today yet. I did watch yesterday. Gotta watch the hair flip again!

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breakroom anyone? It is 7:30pm central...

Just got off the phone with BSG and TL who are having dinner together in NY. I am so envious! :)

So here I sit combing for spoilers for my peeps on the lovefest and not coming up with much anywhere!!! Nobody seems to know too much about Luke.

Monica is getting a bunch of stuff. SUpposedly someone just posted that Monica is on a warpath and tries to take Michael away from Sonny and Carly when this whole gun/shooting thing happens!

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It was great meeting BSG for dinner!! And for desert, her yummalicious chocolate ginger cookies!! Great fun! Poor BSG prob thinks I'm a nut all I did was talk about TQS. haha. nah, actually I think we fit some other convo in there for a couple of seconds. It was great talking to Carrie on the phone too :) I know she was just sitting there staring at the phone and waiting for it to ring, right up until we called. LOL!

What I wanna know is... If Alan is Tracy's concience, why does her concious always talk about Luke and how crappy he is? He seems more like a ghost in that respect like taunting and haunting her. I know he's bugging the crap outta ME when he starts with that stuff.

Edit: *waves to bsg* - come join us in the BR for 5 seconds. Like you haven't had enough of me for one night. LOL. :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Off Topic: So I am thinking I am ready and set to graduate after this symester... I go into the office to do a graduation check and guess what? I am missing 1 freakin' credit for graduation! WTMF!!!! So I have to register for another class STAT! So I am like, okay, I'll take an art class, a theatre class or an american sign language class. I figure I'll get an "A" easy and it would be good for my GPA. NO SUCH LUCK!! They only have an Acting I class available this symester - been there, done that. Art? Well I'll be damned if I am spending 4 hours in class for only 1 credit. Okay, I'll do sign language - wrong again! They are only offering sign language II, and although I am probably more advanced than that, it wont let me register since I didn't take ASL I in this college, and I don't have time to interview to prove my case. I thought about continuing with French by taking French III but I can't even rememeber French II even though I got a B+. Hebrew? No dice. They only have Hebrew II and although I can read Hebrew perfectly, I don't always know what I am saying. LOL. So what do I end up with? Are you ready? Irish I! Can you believe it? I am in trouble now! It's an online class. I don't know if that part is good or bad. arrrggghhhh!!

Thanks for listening to my rant. And if you weren't listening, that's okay, I feel better. For the time being anyway :\.

On Topic!! I felt sorry for our girl today. Where's she gonna go with no money, no family and no friends? Sleep at the ELQ office? I have to tell you it is soooo not believable that Monica would have the power to freeze Tracy's assets. She should have decked Monica again. Glad she's out of the mansion for the time being because that place needs to be excorsized (Sp?) of a resident pain in the ass ghost (conscience, my foot!) and other familial EVIL spirits.

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Okay just wanted to say I finally watched today's episode and loved it! This is classic classic Quartermaine! And as much as I hated Monica & Edward, I had to love them, because this is what being a Q is all about!

Can't wait for Luke to return and receive his punishment.

And I think at least one of you NY LoveFesters is an Upper West Sider. Next time you go out will you get a veggie burger and sweet potato fries from EJ's for me? I used to live around the corner from there. That is one of the things I miss most about NY. Well one of many. :(

Edited by halee
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Honestly... I think it's because deep down Tracy doesn't believe he really loves her, and she suspects Luke is up to terrible things right now just to prove he's 'alive'.

Alan was also making a face when she said she kept the family financially afoat, when anyone watching can tell you that was the God's honest truth.

Alan is more Greek Chorus than anything, and Tracy has shown over the years that while she is full of steal and bluster, deep down she is really insecure.

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Was just thinking of this, this morning, and thought it was funny... When Edward gave Tracy his reasons for siding with Monica he said, "yeah, but you tried to kill me by withholding my heart medication..." and Tracy is like "oh that's ancient history... " Almost as if to say, well it's not like I've tried to kill you lately. LOL!! LOVE HER!!! She's just so damn FABULOUS!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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First thing's first... I think Irish as an online course is perfect!!! It's not a language you'll really ever use unless you move to Irland and find only the older people who actually still speak it (b/c I'm pretty sure it's just a culture thing they keep around, they don't really speak it anymore... but I could be wrong). That makes it a great computer course b/c you don't need to have to pronounce it, as long as you know what everything is on paper you're golden. That's the easiest part of taking a languae usually, the pronunciation is the hardest thing so you may have it easy!!

I agree on the show too, I felt bad for her. Though I have to say I'm a little confused about the preview that she's running out of money. I know she doesn't have access now, but she is still working and making the money that was supposedly keeping the family afloat. I'd think that, for spite, she cash some of her exorbitant pay checks, let them fend for themselves and find out the need her, and have money on hand to do with what she pleases!!

Monica looked like a real person again in the last few episodes, did anyone notice? Not to insult or anything, but we know she's had a long period of looking like she doesn't move and even her smiles looked funny, but the last few days she has expression, smiles... she can do more than blink!! She looked great!

On the other hand, while I have always said that onher worst day, wearing a potato sack, JE can't look bad only worse than her normal fabulousness.... I stand corrected. I think yesterday was the worst I've ever seen her look. The whole thing wasn't working for me. Obviously the clothes were aweful, but the makeup was bad, it's not a good day for the hair, and she just looked older. Old, in fact, not just older. I understand the point of the makeover as an "I am not just Luke's wife, I am an atractive powerful woman" kind of thing, but they should have given her one that can always look attractive than. I think it looked best the first day, a little overdone on the product end of it, but makeup was good, outfit was good. It was all a LITTLE much, but it orked together, at least enough to show that she's gorgeous and she looked young... alas... not yesterday

have to say though, I think my fave was when Edward was making fun of the "bond" TRacy says that she and Alan shared and Alan said "well that's actually true". Great big brother, but seriously, he couldn't have said that when he was livine for the old butthead to hear?

oh, and I checked the money freezing thing b/c I was curious after everyone is asking and the first thing I saw written on a site was that usually these people have Swiss bank accounts so how can the US freeze it? A bit of a stupid question b/c they obviously they can't if it isn't a US account, but a begs the question... why can't Tracy, who does have a swiss bank account, get her money out of there? She's got plenty

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