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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm overwhelmed again.

Guess what that means?!?!?!

That's right... Lainey can't SLLLLLEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP

Not a wink.

Not at all.

Not even her very best LuNacy Lust dreams are helping.


Not at all.


This Sux!


Oh, Hooked... funny thing is I bought that mag today.

I think it's referring to Spinelli. His quest for a private eye badge will probably require Mr. Lukey's experience. Maybe they go hunting for Coop's killer together or Stan's killer or something. I think this is the thing that brings Spin onto the Spencermaine canvas, which is a gooooooood thing!

As for Tracy knocking his legs out from under him....

In my world, he sneaks in to seduce her, and she... uh... literally knocks him on his back (Now the question is, once she has him there... what's she gonna do???? :lol:;) )

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Sorry hooked, I was in the breakroom last night, then Rusty wouldn't settle so I laid down with him. By the time I woke up again Mike had shut the computer down and it was 3 AM. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my insane days, but perhaps sometime today for a quick chat.

Glad you're "home" (as in back on the LF, don't know what you're doing in TX).

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Thanks, Hooked. I'm more intrigued by "the spirit is so, so willing, but the flesh is weak".

Lainey, I LOVE your theory!!! And Spin in Spencermaine, along with Diane in Tracy's legal corner... be still my beating heart!

Edited by remos
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Argh... I can not wake up this morning...

Are we expecting her greatness on today? I hope so. Unfortunately my kids have piano lessons at 3:30, so I won't be able to do a recap (at least not much of one). Sorry Staci.

Totally OT, Shiloh has been nursing a Tamagotchi for 8 generations now, and he's run out of names. So the boy this morning was named "Lukey", and the girl next week will be "Tracy". When asked where the names came from ('cause he's growing up in a world where boys are named Cairan and girls are named Solara), I told them they were from GH. He only said, "cool" and walked away. Oh... the world I live in...

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I hope you are right. I was just thinking, dare I get excited thinking I may actually get three days of Tracy this week. Or, will they save the Monica kicking Tracy out until Thursday & Luke just shows up at the very end of the episode. And then of course, not to be picked up until Monday.

But I like that you said she is usually on a lot the week of Luke's return. That makes me feel a little better.

Happy Tuesday all!

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Halee...what lovely weather we had in S.F. this weekend! :( AT least Saturday when we were in the wine country it was not raining. Ended up eating at the dining room at the Ritz Carlton (totally overpriced, food was okay but $40 for fish that was like 2 by 3 inches), Moose's (which I didn't particularly love) and Gary Danko's (which was excellent). I am so stuffed and miserable from a weekend of eating and drinking...

I had bottles of wine we brought home stuffed in my two pairs of boots I brought with me (Thank god they didn't break in our suitcase). Not to mention what was shipped home. We did do some very cool private tours. We stayed on Market Street and Kearny. I kept walking on Geary street and it would remind me to calll the comment line!

I think when Luke returns this Th and Friday and next week with the push/pull him trying to win Tracy back stuff, we have GOT TO KEEP CALLING the comment line supporting Lunacy. That is when they are probably trying to gauge reaction. We need to call to say we want her to take him back, but make him work for it a bit!!! Key words---We want Tracy/Luke to stay together!!![/color]

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1. Monica is in the study with moving men, telling them to take it all. Tracy comes in wondering what is going on, why her things are out on the lawn. Monica says she's having an exorcism.

2. Tracy says Monica can't throw her out of the family home, Mon says it's her home and she can do what she wants. Mon leaves telling the movers to get out the taisors (sp?). Alan asks Tracy why she is surprised, she knew she would set Monica off. Tracy tells him Mon almost killed her husband, to which Alan responds that her husband ran off and is probably doing as many of the 7 deadly sins as he can fit in with his bad heart. Edward walks into the den and Tracy asks if he knew Mon was going to pull this. Edward said he heard rumours about it. Tracy tells him they can outvote Monica. Mon returns and says what a good idea, who wants Tracy gone, and both Mon and Edward raise their hands. Tracy is shocked that her father would choose someone over his daughter. Edward says she deserves it, stealing ELQ from him (when did that happen, btw); withholding his medication; forcing Alan's Will. Tracy says that's ancient history why bring it up now. In the meantime Monica walks over to the desk and grabs a legal paper. Tracy asks what that is and Mon says she should recognize it (didn't get what it was, sorry).

3. *had to get Rusty's socks and missed some* Monica is gloating about the papers. Tracy says it's worse than a Eugene O'Neill play, only thing missing is more liquor. They go at Tracy again about forging Alan's Will and how she cheated Emily out of everything and now Emily's dead. Tracy gets indignant and tells them not to blame Emily's death on her, she's not responsible for that. Tracy continues to say she can kick Monica out of the house, but she wouldn't even be able to afford the house without Tracy. Tracy says she is the one who has financally carried this family and fixed all the messes (Go Tracy!!!). Everyone rolls their eyes, of course. Tracy then looks at Monica and says "what if I did change that Will". Monica is surprised and says "you're admitting it". No, Tracy says, but how about a truce.... *I had to leave at that point*

4 & 5. *not home*

6. *came in through the middle of the scene* Tracy is at the desk at the Metro Court. Card after card is being declined, clerk says she can pay in cash for tonight, "who carries cash?" she asks. Then wants to talk with Jax, who is out of town. Put it on ELQ account, notation on the account says she can't and all her assets are frozen. Tracy looks horrified. She's hiding her face so no one knows it's her.

7. nothing

Previews: nothing


Oh, she's already in the sage green outfit with the fur collar. Looks like the rest of this week is one whole day.

btw, those who are watching this stuff. Was Tracy wearing that 'boxed' jacket last week for her whole 90 sec? I'm wondering so I can get a timeline. I think it's only been 4-5 days since Lukey left - tops.

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Hooked, I know, it's raining again today. Glad you had a nice time though. You are brave smuggling wine home in your boots. I'm assuming it was white wine.

Remos, thanks so much for the recap!!! Can't wait to get home and watch!

And no, it wasn't the boxy jacket last week.

Yeah Tracy 2 days in a row. I can't believe it!

Back to work...

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Halee--it was red wine!!! Thank god it didn't break because they were new boots too!

The rain would just not quit. We had this driver take us to muir woods and we are like um...not going to walk through a national park in the mud in the rain...seen one giant redwood, seen em all--LOL!

So glad she was on today. Not the boxy black last week. That is a horrible jacket on her by the way.

So that means at least three days of TQ which brings her total to 9 episodes in January with her 9 in December and 10 in November. She is averaging a bit more than twice a week.

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