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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think on any given day of the week, Ms.Q wins. No one can touch her.

Very quiet day. I'm doing paperwork, cleaning.... BORING...

NO Tracy spoilers, nothing listed for this coming week or next. I hope that's just because it's spoiler business as usual and Tracy will indeed be on.

We need that Insider with dates, cause this drought is getting bleaker as the days pass.

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I do think she will be on next week. Monica is not mentioned either anywhere, but I think some of the Tracy/Monica lashing out will be next week.

Meanwhile...here is something from soapdish...

Do you know any general arc for Luke/Tracy...are they still gonna be married? I know they are supposed to be conflicted when he gets back and she is supposed to try to keep him at bay.

She is supposed to give him the cold shoulder and he will work to try and defrost her. But apparently he doesn't understand how badly hurt she is

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I also think she's on next week. 'Cause we had those paragraph spoilers (for this week) with the sneak peek for next week. Tracy got a mention in the sneak peek. Yay.

EDIT: I was going to post the results of the Best of TQ in 2007, but I'm going to see if MinervaFan, Rach, and any others wish to vote. We have some ties, so your votes still matter at this point. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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ok, in Kristin's world (a world where all my faves are, in fact, real people to me) I don't like TRacy hurt... but in the real world I so cannot wait for this story to begin. I know peole are back and forth but I'm gonna love it. If nothing else, it will give JE a chance to use some of what she's been perfecting for 30 years!!!

a little sidenote so feel free to scroll down:

I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!! I know everyone says that (and I'm sorry if anyone works for one and I'm forgetting) but I'm really not diggin' 'em today. I had to call a bunch b/c my cobra plan will be expiring in the next few months so I have to find one on the off chance I don't get a job before it ends. Not one perso will cover me b/c I already have diabetes. I know this is a problem for a lot of people, but come on!! In theory everyone needs health insurance, but in practice how much really? They need it for dr's appointments and the occasional antibiotic, but seriously I have an insulin pump that I need to replace every few years (coming up on that in a few months btw) that cost $7000 when I got the frst one 7 years ago so now I don't know. I need supplies for the pump every 2 months, $700 a box. I need my insulin, 2 different kinds b/c I have an insulin resistance so I need to keep changing what I take. Last I need a new med called symlin b/c of my resistance to make my insulin actually work for me. I would be so far in the hole wothout insurance so, come on, give me some of the money that the other people don't need instead of making them pay like crazy for what they don't use!!!!!

I know that isn't practical nor is it right to do to anyone so you can disregard the whole show me the money thing, but you got my point. I knew the systen work against people, but now I am convinced that it is specifically desinged to do so. I have always been a very damned possitive person, regardless of my venting, this turned me right around on that! I am now I cranky conspiracy seaking bitch who is gonna want to stick it to the man at some point..... only for something like this though. Otherwise I'm just me writing and drawing and having a high old time watching JE.

speaking of drawing.... Carrie, did you every decide what you wanted to do about a picture?

oh yeah, and Hooked and MissJAne: how're we looking on my story? I know what I want to fix and it was all confirmed by ILTQ but I wanted to check with you guys before i finish my corrections

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Okay, this was just on the updated 1/18 page of GHH2

They are not always so accurate as they said Tracy and Luke ring in the new year together at GH (although perhaps it didn't mean they were on NYE but that they were still in the hospital as the new year rolled in).

I think this is a synthesis of info being dropped here and there on soapdish...but here it goes anyway on this very quiet day...

Oh please oh please oh please let it be true!!

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1st Annual Best of Tracy Quartermaine in 2007 Awards


Thanks Lady A for breaking the ties!


February 27, 2007: Alan's death


April 16, 2007: Oopsie Daisy


November 9, 2007: Luke opens his heart up to Tracy


April 19, 2007: I love you Luke, and that is a rare emotion for me...


November 21, 2007: "Be gentle with me." "I don't do gentle. You should know that by now."


November 9, 2007: Tracy and Luke, all over each other in front of Scott.


November 7, 2007: Luke and Tracy kiss at the bottom of the stairs at Wyndemere.


March 6, 2007: Alan's funeral


April 24, 2007: "Every time you open your mouth, you fall into a deeper abyss of dumb."


November 16, 2007: Cabana boy


December 19, 2007: Linoleum, oatmeal, and bypass surgery




Alan is fading/DNA tests (bob, oomph)


MetroCourt, red blouse, black skirt

THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED!!! You know who you are. To those who didn't, we still love you. And there's always next year. :D THANKS AGAIN!

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Acceptance speech:

I would just like to thank Ms. Q for taking all her valuable time in putting these together for me. I can't thank you enough. I am so moved I might even consider having a fan event this spring and giving you all plane tickets out to LA to attend!!! :)

LOL...by the way, I am thinking I am gonna print these out on some nice paper and send them to JE c/o ABC daytime. It will count as a snail mail fan letter and send it anonymously. I think she will get a kick out of it.

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Hooked, Ohh good idea! Send her the url, haha, maybe she will glance at the board. That would be godly. Have you guys all ever sent her anything before? Does she ever respond to anything?

HAHA I was just thinking, obviously this would probably never happen and she would never use her real name, but imagine browsing the board and seeing "Jane Elliot" listed as a member. The thought cracks me up.

Ms.Q, thanks for all of your hard work!

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You know, seeing this actually makes me feel better about Luke leaving. He is selfish, no doubt about it, but he is also dumb. He just doesn't understand what he did. It would be a whole lot worse if he understood and did it anyway.

Thanks for the Best of 2007, Ms.Q. That was a lot of work, and you did it admirably.

Miss Jane, funny you should ask about mail to JE. I just mailed my first fan letter since I was a child. (That one was mailed to the real Maria von Trapp - and she's been dead quite some time.) I printed off all the birthday greetings on SOC and sent them to her. I just briefly told her I thought she would like to know about the birthday greetings, about us and the Trivia party we had in her honour. So Hooked, if you mail the Best of.. she will have at least heard of us. (Well... depending on how long it takes for a letter to go from Toronto to LA.)

Edited by remos
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