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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You beat me to post that Ms. Q! The ball stuff starts on the 31st I think. Wonder if she will be on at all this week. On the brightside...at least she is on next Monday the 29th--maybe in a scene or two without Luke hopefully as well???

This was funny...someone posted this on Soapdish...

"I'm still holding out for February sweeps:

The Quartermaines' Last Stand

With Tracy pulling the plug on Luke, and shooting anyone who tries to come in and save him. Edward and the rest of the Q's, along with Ghosts: Alan, AJ, Emily(?) and Big Alice and COOK making an armed compound out of the Q mansion, as they try to fend off any further attempts by Guza to kill them off. "

Have a good day everyone...anyone else noticed that nobody has been writing lately at all?? Myself included! Well Deb did write, so with the exception of Deb! :)

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This Q&A was just on soapdish in the insider's scoop:

Since that is supposedly happening at the ball, at least that means Tracy is there right???? Maybe that is where the tracy ends up somewhat embarrassed spoiler came in somehow! Let's just hope she is not in some hideous outfit for the ball like her white wedding fiasco dress she wore--ha ha!!! Or that it doesn't involve fur!! :)


Some insider at SD named SR (Ms Q is that person legit as the yseemed to have lots of info) said that most couple had nice moments at the ball. I asked "Do Luke and Tracy have any nice moments before he has a heart attack" and they answered yes they do. So again, at least she is there I think. When I asked if the other Qs were there, they said no. :(

Edited by hookedongh
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'bout time this board came back up.

Yeah, we wait all summer long for Luke to come back in the hopes of Tracy having more airtime with him and we get mostly other people having airtime with him instead. I hate also that he has more scenes coming up than she does. arrrgghhh!!

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And we're back. :) SoapDish's newest "insider"

I hope SR is right though (hooked, as I said in that email, I have no idea who that person is).

So...I don't know how some insiders know things and others don't if they're all getting the same breakdowns. Maybe they're not all getting breakdowns and have other sources? Or more likely, not all of them are actual insiders. Sigh. I just don't want a whole Sweeps without any Tracy. Bright side is that the one insider


Also... HERE A HAPPY LUNACY VIDEO!!! Song probably would've worked better before they were really, really married, but here it is, anyway. Enjoy! :D


And now, I must run. Later!

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And if SD is a huge hit, and they go with more airtime for him, that means more airtime for Tracy, as Guza sort of backed himself into a corner saying that he isn't a ghost, he is Tracy's conscience. One way for her to get some airtime besides Luke.

I still think she will be at the ball. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Why wouldn't she go there with Luke, they are all lovey dovey these days, why wouldn't they go there together? Plus they keep talking about her sharing some scenes with Scott and he is there. Why the heck would scott be there over Tracy?

Oh and this morning it said that Luke cuts into a dance between Lulu and Logan so that is why he is dancing with lulu in the pics.

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Still no suggestion that we'll see her this week, though, is there. <_<

Anyway, bad Mommy me, enjoying my vino..... my baby needed two stiches to close the gash in his head. He's a little subdued, but not needing pain medication so far. Ah well, at least they didn't have to shave his beautiful, curly red hair, and he's fine otherwise - not even a bump.

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My first thought on today's episode? WTH? Another recycled outfit. The blue, shiny jacket (think Heather/Tracy/Dillon/martinis; Tracy gets voted out of ELQ; Vow renewal; and Tracy looks at Sam's resume). Necklace is recycled too, BTW. It's this big blue rock thing that goes better when it's not lying on a turtleneck.

My second thought? WTH? Why aren't they showing her face?

My third thought? I don't think I like the hair.

And finally, my 4th thought was related to the plot: UGH. About Lulu as usual.

So, my brief recap? 4 scenes. Segments 3, 4, 5, and 7 IIRC.

My last thought of the episode? Not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey guys!

Was this site down for anyone yesterday? It wouldn't work for me! I tried and tried, but all it said was that the "page could not be displayed." How. Frusterating.

So today I was trying to get through on my cell phone (thats why my previous post is messed up). It didn't end up working because I can't see my post, but I could read all your's.

Remos, wow, how did he get hurt? Glad he's alright.

About the epi!

I just saw it, so Ms. Q beat me to the recap again. I really liked the scenes today. The jacket was pretty and shiny, and Lunacy seemed like such a married couple. Like Lulu was just as much Tracy's daughter as she is Luke's.

Loved when Tracy went to sit down and ran her hand on Luke's shoulders. And Luke acted like it was natural. It is like we are definately past the stage of flirting, the whole love thing is casual now. awwww.

Lulu was not more mean to Tracy than Luke. She treated them equally, and not like Tracy was extraneous and in the way.

Tracy showed genuine concern in where Lulu was, and genuinely wanted to know why she didn't call. She tried to get her to stay, and Luke didn't think twice about it, like it wasn't any different than normal.

Team Lunacy vs. Scott! I like Scott, but I love Lunacy United...

Chatting with Alan is always good.

All in all, thumbs up from me!

Edited by Colette
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