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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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A few things...

First, I can't wait to see the video, MRs Q, I love that song!!

Second, it may be unpopular but I am starting to come around to thing Genie returning thing. After everything that happened with Tracy and Luke lately and how much everynoe not only knows they love each other, but accepts it (except the hadrcore LnL fans) I think this could be good for us. She did get some seriously good material last time and thgis has an added bonus of meaning that Luke will have to choose one over the other and I think and completely believe it will be Tracy.

And Minerva, ai Odn't really like the new hair either. I like it longer than this (ie Nov last year or around the abortion story). I like one side actually. I think it looks nice and bouncy and has plenty of oomph, but the other side, the one that the hair parts toward, just doesn't llok great. It looks alright, but then there is that one piece that is straighter than the rest of it and it doesn't fit and make the whole thing look bad to me.

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Wow. It's so quiet around here without hooked. :(

All this hair talk warms my hair loving heart.

I was watching my video again, knh, and I love her hair around the time of the abortion (September-ish). Long with a bit of oomph. The clip I'm looking at the part with the lyrics, "Hey, what you got to hide? I get angry too; well, I'm a lot like you." That's a good style though I can almost guarantee I probably wasn't too fond of it at first. In fact, a couple episodes before that one, I think I remember complaining that it was too long and too dark. :lol:

Got this post from SoapDish. Made me smile: How sad that the only part of the show I liked was that shot of Tracy while SBu said stay tuned.

On a completely unrelated topic, I realized today that I can view my videos on YouTube by order of most viewed AND most comments. I, then, realized that a good portion of comments on the Skye/Tracy video turned into an argument on who is better: Tracy, Skye, or Brenda. Oy.

Oh, Baby News: I wrote a bit more today. I had to go back to what I had written and add/fix some things, 'cause you know I was dumb and had left out some important scenes. :huh:

Oh, RedHot has registered at HellaGood! Now, it's a waiting game...We'll have more Tracy votes as soon as the admins do their validation thing.

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Ms. Q, "PleaseMam_Don'tVote4Sam" is hilarious.

I take it she was not on today? I have been entertaining relatives since Friday, so I have had barely a moment to myself! It will be like this until next weekend, but I don't mind. I love it when family comes to visit. I will try to squeeze in that VOTING!!!

There are some random Tracy voters that I do not recognize. Hooray! It seems as though Tracy is hovering over the 211-212 range. We need a game plan, lol!

EDIT: Hey there, knh!

Edited by Colette
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Get your butts over to the couples game guys.... we're down to 197. I know other couples have been eliminated and so they are voting for different people now, but that would explain some going up. We shouldn't have gone down that much so we need to help. We're still kicking some serious ass there though. 197 and the next highest is Robert and Holly at 42 so I guess it's not that bad!!

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*waves to Colette and knh* I see all of 3 of us have just done our voting at HG. Go Team!Tracy! Tracy's up to 214. Sam has 86. TracyLuv, what does the spread sheet say for today? In the Couple's Game, LuNacy have 199! Go Team!LuNacy! :D

Colette, thanks for the input on the names. My brother waited up last night, hoping someone would respond. I told him he'd probably have to wait 'til tomorrow which is now today. :) (We're of course not going to use those user names, but he seemed to have fun coming up with them, LOL).

Anyone up for the breakroom?


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Watched the vid, Mrs Q. First of all, loved it like all of them. Second, on the hair, yup that's when I really loved it in the clip you mentioned above. I also really liked it in the courtroom scenes, the sweeps with the brown jacket and in the red suit before the courtroom. I love the bob but I like it a little longer than it is now and with more oomph in in like it had then. But my fave will always be a little longer like in Nov. Anyway, great video. And I can't wait to read more Oh Baby.

As for stories, Lainey, did you have a chance to write anythign at all? Deb, what about you? We have Sister Mary yata yata and we still have the long story you were writing (can't remember her name in that one cuz it's been a while) but I just thought I'd ask.

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Guilty 'bout what?!?

Sorry I got kicked out of the BR. And just when we were having fun! I thought of another hair I liked... the WHo's your Daddy? scene. I love that one in the vida and in the banner. I don't remember whose it is or even if it's here or one of the people here but at HG. I think it is either lainey or TL, though. not sure.... really just rambling till I figure out what the guilts about I guess. That and I need time for my hair to dry b/c I didn't want to straighten it but it takes hours for mine to dry, especially if I want the curls nice (big ol' pain in the ass if you ask me, but less work and damage than a blow dryer in the summer, so there it is)

Night guys!!

*hi MinveraFan*


nevermind... I got the guilt thing. I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake b/c I didn't realize it was you who posted MF, sorry!! gotcha now though

ok, anyone here italian too cuz I have a question. My neighbor brought us this bread earlier today. It's called padre pio. It's a good luck thing and it is suppoed to be blessed, but it's kind of like an italian chain mail. You get the dough, not so much a bread, but the dough and you have to leave it for 2 days, add flour and eggs and sugar 2 days after that and then again 2 days after than, split it in 4s and give 3 of them to other firends. You can't turn the bread away. I've heard of it and knew most of this before but I was reading the print that comes ith it and you are only allowed to make this bread once in your life. Now my question is this: I know they are my people and I love them, but what kind of bass ackwards society passes this around, won't let you turn it away but says you can only do it once? So later on when someone esle gives this to me I have to what, sit in my window holding a sign for them so they can turn around and go or am I going to be going straight to hell for all this? It's not a problem, but I just want to kow if there's another reason I'll be going. Damned blessed chain mail foods!!

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Hey all!

Tracy's at 215 right now on Hella Good!

Ms. Q, according to my spreadseet, she gained 8 points today!! Woohoo! Let's keep it up folks. Oh, and BTW, LOVED your new vid!

knh, the banner you are talking about, the "Who's Your Daddy?" banner is mine (that Ms. Q made for me :) ) and I use it at Hella Good. I like her hair there too.

I like her new 'do. I liked her 'do around the time of the abortion s/l too Ms. Q, just not the day she wore it up when she told Lulu about HER abortion. Actually I like her hair most of the time, 'cept VERY short (well maybe "bus kiss" 'do). I don't like the "The City" hair or anytime she wore it short where it looked like it was shaved off in the back. I thought it looked a little long in some of the HS scenes during Nov. sweeps last year. Or maybe it wasn't the length, but the style, at that length in some scenes. HATED her hair she had in the "Paul" days. Believe it or not my fave Tracy hair, was back in the day when she wore it in braids. It really showed off her beautiful face. I really like her hair when it's wavy too. Haven't seen her wear it that way in quite some time now. Anyhoo, Ms. Q, weren't you going to make a best of/worst of hair vid, like you did for the wardrobe?

I believe this is my 400th post!! :)

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Hey, I just voted at HG!

Goal for tomorrow:

Get Sam below 80, and Tracy above 220. Totally doable.. totally.

There seem to be some new Tracy people at HG.. to whoever here is doing the recruiting of new members -- THANK YOU!

Hey, Ms. Q, your new video is FAB! Totally FAB. You are so talented. So very talented. I really think you have a future in video editing. You should learn final cut pro (Mac's editing tool for professionals. It's easy to use, and probably similar to what you use.. you'd be really really good!)

Let me go on the record as saying I'm not totally opposed to the return of the catatonic one.

Here's why: They can't redo the storyline where Laura doesn't know about Tracy. They did that already. They can't do it again. They will have to have Luke torn between the two. And, my friends, judging by the way they were writing LuNacy before Tony's break, Luke WILL be torn. L&L fans like to think it isn't so.. but TIIC hates being predictable.. and predictable would be L&L. If the vegetable comes back, we'll get lots of Luke-Tracy-Laura angst, and who knows how it'll turn out. And no matter how it turns out, Jane will rock the house (might even get herself an emmy nod-- even though she doesn't "care" about those things)!!!!!

These things take time.. ;)

They take time... ;)

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Good, positive thinking about the catonic one returning. I guess if she is coming back, and they are going to agree to her terms about time on and off, they really can't do much of a reunion storyline with Luke. Actually, they can't do much story with her period. I don't know why thy even bother, though. "Because her kids need her" is pretty lame for a soap opera. Hell, I am a mother who's kids need her. I watch soaps because the are NOT my life. There's no real story there.

Anyway, got to get the screamers off to day camp. Sinus cold broke something through the night, so I actually feel human again, Yay!

Just voted and had the priveledge of getting LuNacy to 200.

Another thought - I wonder if they could come up with a way to have Diane know Ned from year ago. They have got to get Diane and Tracy in a scene somehow. I miss having Tracy on (glad she'll be there tomorrow), but in the meantime, watching Diane has been hysterical.

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Oooooohhh! Stumbled across this while searching for content on my DI site (I always search Jane Elliot, too, just because I'm wired that way.) PURTY PICTURE OF LaJane! http://flickr.com/photos/9496161@N07/675819026/ And here is the person's entire GH page: http://flickr.com/photos/jfer21/sets/72157600650033978/ MadLove.

EDIT: OMG, jfer21 has a Mary McDonnell pic, too! http://flickr.com/photos/jfer21/674954875/ Swoon. Frackin McSwoon, already.

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Thread at SOC called: Vet returning? Possible spoiler. This quote came from suzziq: JE's entire existence on GH is based upon LuNacy. How true (and sad) is that?! :( Now, be good little Tracy fans, and when you have a chance, stop in there and SUPPORT your girl!

Oooh, pretty pic, MinervaFan. I actually think I have that saved on my old computer...somewhere, but the one you shared might be of higher quality. Thanks!

remos, I wonder if there's a way we can get a Monica, Alexis, Diane, and Tracy girls night out? There HAS to be a way...LOL.

Lainey, thanks for your feedback! I don't have a Mac though, and I don't know anyone around here who does, so I couldn't try the program. And are you trying to make me give up my career as a Spanish teacher before it has even started?! :P Kidding. I really do appreciate your kind words. :)

TracyLuv, congrats on 400 posts! You know we disagree on the Paul!Hair. It was longer and kind of bouncy and just pretty (IMO of course). We do agree on the BusKiss!Hair though. However, I don't think the length bothered me as much as the style. It was like plastered to her head. :o

knh, about the hair...Didn't like Day 1 of Court!Hair or Who's your Daddy!Hair, but MetroCourt!GH!RedBlouse!Hair was nice IMO. And I'm not Italian, so I couldn't help you out with that tradition. Sorry.

Keith, yeah! You posted!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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