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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oy. Oy. Oy. I have wasted my entire morning and early aftenoon. And for what? Oy. Oy. Oy. I love you all. Thanks very much for the support at SOC. :)MinervaFan, I just realized that you have the JE/Tracy avatar. I'm suprised no one called you biased. Great post, BTW. nex, you had an awesome post too! And ILoveTracyQ, you are very, very brave for posting in a Genie/Jane thread with a member name like yours. Heh.

Is Tracy on? I've been home for the entire morning but too lazy to put on the TV (err, nevermind checked SoapZone; she's not on). So, I'm still in pajamas. It's going to storm. I have to make dinner for my siblings, clean up, drive one to work and the other to a baseball game (oooh, that might be cancelled 'cause of the storm)...But what the hell? I'm not their mother. *shrugs*

Thanks TracyLuv for the video feedback. I knew you were going to like that song. ;)


EDIT #2: Hmm...Things are being arranged because the Luke/Tracy/Lulu/rape thing wasn't supposed to air 'til next week. I hope we still get LuNacy next week.


OT: Ohh great. Let's interrupt Tracy!Tuesday for tornado warnings. Not here, but close enough for me to shut the front door that was open and all the windows...Oh, and I also thought it wasn't a good idea to leave the glasses and plates, that I've slowly been taking out of the dishwasher all day, out on the counter. Man, I'm not getting anything done!

Topic: Woot! Tracy!Monologue. Luke just gets to sit and listen. Damn. Jane Elliot rocks.

OMG, just returned from SOC: TracyLuv, you mentioned the rings!!! LOL! I did that originally, but that was part of the post I took off. This is what I cut out of my post:

I also had a nice apology... But in the end, I just got rid of it. I didn't want to cause even more trouble. I also had stuff about never wanting to compare the actresses; I went on to praise them both...This is actually still in my SOC post. Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ooh, I got my behonkus chewed off on the Emmy thread at SOC. *claps* I feel like a real poster now!

I'm so thrilled TQ is on--of course, I'm not going to be able to watch it immediately because Fey's grandmother is having a birthday today and we have to go after work.

ALSO, today is my 8th anniversary as a vegetarian. For the last year or so, I've been eating small amounts of fish, so I don't consider myself strict anymore, but it's still a cool thing to follow through on a commitment like that for so long. (I've never lasted so long at anything before....)

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Wow. I've done NOTHING productive today. AT. ALL. Oh, I put meatloaf in the oven...Except I forgot to take off the lid, and now, we're going to have to eat dinner later, which would be fine, if my sister didn't have to work later. And SOC...Ah. Fun times. I won't be able to post there consistently when I'm in Mexico, and yeah...That's going to be a good thing, me thinks. :)

Sorry for the multitude (is that a word) of posts...Without a job at the moment and without classes and meetings and such, this becomes my life. I even - phone - Oh crap! I forgot to turn the oven back on!!! Now, we'll have to wait even longer. Well, I don't remember what I was going to say with the "I even." Oh well. Hey, if I'm in the breakroom tonight, someone kick me out, and say "You've spent enough time online today." Thanks. Oh, I remember what I was going to say! I even opened up "Oh Baby" last night. Still not happy with it though.

Anyway, YAY!!! Tracy was on!!!! :D And SQUEE I knew the jeopardy answer...err question? :P "The number of months with 30 days." "What is 4?" Oh!!! I knew the Lizzie Borden answer too!!! 'Cause Luke referred to Tracy as that, once upon a time, before they were married. (I can still remember the look JE gave TG; I wonder if Luke calling her that was ad-libbed, LOL). But, yep. Tracy continues to be educational. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OK So Tracy Tuesday ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!

THere needs to be serious chatting going on tonight....I wont' spoil for those who didn't watch...but could she look more beautiful today (OK so it was the same as yesterday) and could her monologue been more perfect??? I love the tone she took with it..

I only wish there was one more follow up scene where either he said, "how did you know about that?" Or she told him to look at her, and how she didn't care as they have all done things in their past they would like to bury, but Lulu would...or for her to tell him she knew he didn't want to hear that but when you love someone you have to say things they don't always want to hear or something like that!!!

Going to watch the video now Ms Q

I will go to soapcentral..I don't care my name there is hookedontracy!

How is the writing coming Deb? Lainey? I started one yesterday...only got one paragraph done!

Observation...would Tracy ever really let herself be screaming out loud to a ghost in public???? She is so gonna get committed!

breakroom around 5:30 central anyone?

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So, I think I'm a bit confused. ;) I have been to the message boards and I read what went on today with Luke/Tracy/Alan, but can anybody tell me, if its suppose to be the same day why in yesterdays scene, were Luke and Tracy leaving the hospital arm in arm (and happy, I might add) and the next scene she is drinking at the Metro Court bar all upset. I don't get it! ;)

Ms.Q, I went to SOC and replied to Orlando, but I guess there is no talking to that person. I also loved you Mother's Day vid!!!

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http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone around? 5:10pm central

Oh..too funny..>I was at the Galleria Mall today in Houston and I walked by Barneys of NY...had to go in and flip through the racks in hopes of running into JE there (as if she would be in Houston...but hey she shops at Barney's according to a poster on SZ who said she was so tiny and pretty in real life!

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Everyone is loving Jane! Here is the GH Wub Blog....notice Jane gets top billing...even though it is only a sentence or two!


Edit Tell me that Tracy and Luke will be on tomorrow or Thursday of this week....they can't just leave that conversation the way it ended with that huge rape cloud hanging in the air....

Oh...and I am so annoyed...OT totally, but next time you hear me say what a crappy mom I am...remind me of today. Not one single mom is my son's 4th grade class will chaperone the field trip on Friday but Moi! So it is me, the teacher and the special ed aide who is assigned to that class. dividing up 19 kids. The last thing I want to do is use my last free Friday (school is out here next Thusrday) spending the day with a bunch of obnoxious 4th graders at an outdoor Ranch place when it is already 94 degrees here and mosquitoes are around. However....my only hope is that my son will remember that it was HIS mom who always came on the field trips with him. Some of the mothers work outside the home and they have a good reason not to be able to come....but more than half don't and they are just plain LAZY!!!!

I am going to try to write some tonight so when I am at the computer I will keep the breakroom open in case anyone is around.

knh...I finished a colored pencil project last night of cherries at my art class....I don't really love colored pencils cause you have to do so many layers to get it rich looking and patience is not something I have too much of! I really do prefer to paint! I sure hope you feel better soon!

Edit again Ms Q I love your video so much! I also loved the city promo clip you posted. I seriously have to get a hold of those City clips somehow someway!

Edited by hookedongh
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Okay, my day started off sorta $hitty. I so didn't want to go to work.

But when I get there, one of the first things I see is this:

YUM-OH!!!!!! It totally made my day. LOVE that promo, Ms. Q. LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing. God, JE/TQ rocks my world WAY more than she should. I'm seriously beginning to worry about me.

Oh, and then I saw GH today (At work, of course!)... and I was thrilled, but not totally blown away (I had some doubts about the way she delivered the end of the monologue. On first watch I didn't think it was tender enough).

Then I come home and watch it in the comfort of my very own living room, and now I'M TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY.

And then... I download this:

And it TOTALLY KNOCKS MY SOCKS OFF!. I LOVE that song! I LOVE that video.

And to top it all off, because it's been a totally LuNatic sort of day.. I have several scenes of Bare ripping through my brain, just begging to get out on paper. And oh-- they're hot! They're steamy. They're SMOKIN'!!

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Damn I missed you guys Lainey and Deb...damn kids needing to shower and eat--ha ha! I was logged in and had to go downstairs and then by the time I came up you were gone....but I read your chat...good thing you didn't rag on me--ha ha!

Now that we watched the promo Ms Q sent of The City...I was on a quest...I found this site that has each episode described so you can see if Tracy was in it or not....

http://www.anybrowser.org/soaps/city/ but so far, I don't find any dvd edits. I found someone who has tapes but that is such a pain....

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