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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*bows down to MarlandRulez* Thanks so much for the clips!

ILoveTracyQ, I had trouble with the first one, but it worked when I did a right click, "save target as." Also...Thanks for all your compliments in regards to the fic. You're right; I do have the story completed. Perhaps I will write another one in the near future that brings all the Q's together. As for Luke/Tracy/Married or Not, I agree; it definitely would be an easy way out. And I am still wondering why we never saw the wedding (okay, so it would have taken time away from the "chosen ones," but still...). How dare SOW tease us with photos. <_<

And here is WK's quote: Tracy's also a very hard character to write. She's so multi-faceted. Tracy's not just this evil woman. Does she manifest negative thoughts and behavior? Absolutely. But underneath, there's this woman, who's hurting and desperately crying out for love. For some reason, I do not have the entire chat saved. I tried and tried, but unfortunately, I can longer access it.

Today's Episode: Tracy/Lulu and the snowmobile? LOLOL.

Tracy: I did not crash the snowmobile! I parked it!

Skye: Most people don't park in a wall.












It appears that the majority of next week's spoilers take place on Monday. Tracy has Lulu arrested on Monday per Cable Guide Spoilers. And according to the spoilers here on SON, Lulu is not arrested until after Tracy/Jax, so that also happens on Monday. Perhaps Luke/Tracy is on Tuesday? Oh, I don't know! 4 days last week AND 4 days this week! I hate being spoiled (even though her scenes were shorter and less frequent than certain other characters *cough* Jason and Sam *cough*). Also...With Adrianne Leon out the door, there goes any hopes of Tracy/Brook interaction. *sighs*












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I still have not watched Tuesday or Wednesday or today's shows yet,I'll have to catch them on SN this weekend.

coolkid,no SoapNet? It's very handy for us busy working girls. :)

Thanks Ms.Q so much for looking up that quote.

Yes I read about the spoiler on SZ Ms.Q....maybe a recast down the line for this character?

I hope so,eventually. When we have writers that care about EVERYONE.

I will weigh in with my opinions of this week after I've watched. I did see Monday's show.

Wow. Four days a week,yes her scenes are miniscule,but hey the extra bucks have to be good for Jane.

I know she doesn't have a four day a week guarantee,so they're paying her for the extra. At least,they're supposed to. LOL

I don't quite get that though.....if they're paid a "salary",then why not use the vets,like Jane,since they ARE more expensive,why not actually give them meaty screen time when they are on? Why the five minute scenes? It's kind of insulting...but the jokes on TIIC. Tracy Q is STILL one of the most popular characters on daytime ever.

ETA I still can't get it to play the clips. Oh,well. Thanks anyway MarlandRulez

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Well ILoveTracyQ what you said does make since, but along side there salary I think they get paid by the hour. So I guess that there whole idea is that " we will have Tony G. on Monday wendsday and friday. And Jane cane have like a scene every twenty mins every other day just to give the "older fans" a tast of somthing that isnt mob related." :rolleyes:

LOL I have Soap Net but ever time it snows (twice in one week) Jane is on :angry: And I always "forgot" to pick some up food and Im in line for hours LOL and seem to miss my Tracy scenes. But at least It snowed quite a bit so I can watch My Tracy scenes over the weekend. Too bad ABC hasnt invented SoapNet to go :( If they would I wouldnt ever get anything done. :DB)

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ILoveTracyQ, about the clips MarlandRulez posted, is Real Player installed on your computer? If it is, then you can temporarily set it as your default player since the clips will only play in that program. Maybe that will work. :)

Exactly. If she is being paid per episode, then she should be used more frequently per episode with all the supposed budget problems. She is going to be paid the same amount, whether she appears 5 minutes or 15 minutes, right? Ugh. Makes. No. Sense. Well...Here's my theory: Jane Elliot does not need long and frequent scenes to earn her $$$; she can earn it all with miniscule airtime and TIIC know it. ;)

If anyone ever misses a GH scene and doesn't have SoapNet, GH Video Theater posts daily clips of each episode (all scenes except for Jason/Sam). You have to register in order to view them, but it's free. :D

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Ms.Q and coolkid, enjoying the fan fic updates.

Hmm...so Tracy busted Lulu,huh? Good. LOL

And the Skye/Luke spoiler....WHY??? LOL

Because surely she's figured out by now that Luke isn't going anywhere. Does she have no self respect?


Still holding out hope,that Tracy/Lulu might bond. ;)

Also,wouldn't it be something different,for Luke to decide he wanted the divorce,and the way to get it,would be to charm Tracy to death?

Hey,the opposite isn't working. LOL

And wouldn't it be great to see?


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As always coolkid, lovin' your fanfic!

I :wub: Tracy/Jax scenes (too bad there was only one):

Tracy: You're impressive...

Jax: ...I was very motivated to see you.

Tracy: Should I be flattered?

Jax: ...You are the only person that can help me...

Semi-OT, but ClinkBoom also loved Tracy/Jax, right? I miss ClinkBoom. :(

I also enjoyed the Tracy/Luke scenes ("Spanky Buns! You like me! You really like me!" LOL).

ILoveTracyQ, Luke is back to referring to Tracy as his wife. I'm also hoping Lulu/Tracy end up bonding, but it seems doubtful now. And I would definitely love to watch Luke charm Tracy to death. :) Oh, what could have been/could be with this SL.

As for the Skye/Luke spoilers...Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. My Skye love is wearing thin, and it's not because she dislikes Tracy. TPTB either need to move Skye/Luke foward and forget about the Luke/Tracy marriage (and I hope this does not happen), or TPTB need to place her in someone else's sphere. I'm not enjoying Skye's role in this SL at the moment. And if the info. from SoapCentral via TV Guide is accurate, then neither is Robin Christopher. I wonder what this will lead to.

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ILoveTracyQ, your post is so short! LOL. What happened? ;)

Good Parts From Yesterday:

Luke: We've had some fun -- the push, the pull, the gamesmanship.

Tracy: The blackmail, the humiliation, the kidnapping.

Luke: You loved every minute of it, and so did I--

This is good, right? The part where Luke admits, "And so did I."

Tracy called Luke on the times he and Dillon schemed together (against her).

And the whiteboard scene; I loved Tracy's reactions!

So...What did yesterday's episode tell us? Tracy is enjoying her marriage to Luke and is not going to give him a divorce. Except yeah...We know that already. :rolleyes: And Skye is no longer going to sit on the side-lines? Guess we'll see if this leads to anything...Although it doesn't look like we'll be seeing our girl until the Christmas episode. :(

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I loved Lulu with her Drawings, I didnt like the fact that she drew Tracy with horns I kinda thought it was a bit disrespectful <_< I really wish that Luke would have stood up and said something about that.... But I forget thats the same man who "raped" Tracy and who kidnapped her,drugged her, and got her drunk and married her. :rolleyes:

I wonder if we will get a Lacy Xmas Kiss, or at least a decent Xmas eppie... I wonder what Luke got for Tracy and what Tracy got for Luke. I think I can guess Tracy's gift to Lulu a whole lotta Coal. :PB)

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To which I add: Watched her struggle for breath as Alice held her in a headlock AND refused to rescue her when Vinnie Blue Eyes kidnapped her because hey! He'll still receive the $$$ if she dies. *sigh* And what has me wondering is that people (myself included) still want Luke/Tracy to remain a "couple." :huh: Granted Luke/Tracy are fictional, but still...I have no idea. LOL. And coolkid, at least Luke said something after Lulu called Tracy "Satan" in Monday's episode.

As for Christmas...Can we please have a Tracy/Ned/Dillon/Brook Lynn scene? I don't see a Luke/Tracy kiss happening unless Tracy unknowingly stands under the mistletoe, and Luke decides to catch her by surprise. :lol:

OT--Chapters 29, 30, and 31 were posted tonight. A little warning, LOL: In Ch. 29, Tracy goes too far with the insults, and the scene soon ends. There WILL be follow-up in a future chapter.












Take these with a grain of salt. Don't worry, ILoveTracyQ. Tracy isn't trying to kill Luke this time around, but she may frame him for something that Skye cannot forgive, just in time for Tony Geary's spring vacation. ;) But before that...one "insider" is reporting that Ted King is leaving in February, and it involves Luke/Skye/Tracy, and the story branches off from there. And the story? (this may not be the same "insider," LOL): Luke/Skye will be together, and it will become Luke/Skye/Tracy, and well, Tracy has fallen in love with Luke. Same old. Same old. But definitely sounds plausible, right?












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I know what you guys mean. I want Tracy/Luke to be a couple...but then again,I don't.

Not if it's going to just be more of the same.

I'd like to see her happy.

I know,happy on soaps doesn't last long for anyone...and Tracy being happy? will last even less time,LOL.

But I'd like to see it.

And with,or without Luke. By herself,or with someone else,busy with ELQ,ANYTHING other than being the constant brunt of Luke's jokes.

I would actually love for her and Lulu to bond right now,MORE than seeing any progress with Luke.

I think their relationship so far might kind of be like Zoey/Tracy from "The City".

Sweet,but real.

About the rumors....I'm sure the writers are having a hard time coming up with ways to get Luke out of town.

I wouldn't put it past Tracy to do something.....but I hope that's not the reason.

coolkid your fan fic is killing me ! LOL

I love it. :)

*off to read Ms.Q's new chapters*

ETA 150 POSTS !! WooHoo !!

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