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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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hooked, Good, cause I thought it was just my wishful thinking. BTW, I'm diggin' your new avatar :)

I didn't watch the show today, just scanned it for Tracy, but will check it out later. I was TOTALLY into Leslie back in the day. I'd like to see her more often.

I am so looking forward to tomorrow. I hope our girl and her "daddy" (heh heh couldn't resist) have some great scenes, and plenty of them. :)

ETA: pg. 289!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Peekaboo, Hooked, I see you!!! I'm back on and you're clearly in here too... I hope this means that you have something for us.

I couldn't sleep so I'm typing right now. Not that you all really need a play by play of what's going on here, but whatever.

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Thanks for noticing I was gone. I came back briefly and said I felt better. Then I got sick again. :(

I have been under the weather in some way or another for about a month. JUST when I thought I was okay, I got knocked down again. I lost about 15 pounds. Good, but bad to lose it that way.

I've been trying to read stories and catch up.

Frustrated with all the Laura talk. Luke and Tracy need to move forward. He needs to stop obsessing over his Ex-wife and tend to the lovely one who is right in front of him. :angry:

Minervafan hope you feel better.

Ms. Quartermaine and Lainey you are so positive and upbeat, love reading your posts. :)

My screencaps are waaaaaaaaay behind. When I feel 100% I will make some.

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Ha ha. can't hide around here huh?

I tried to go to bed at 11, but I of course couldn't fall asleep. I did a few things for my fun run I am planning and wrote a few more chapters. I am getting slap happy so they may not be the best.

I dont know if I shoudl end it with the wedding, or go on to the whole ned thing and then them partying and galavanting all over Europe, etc. I think I might just end it as otherwise it could go on and on and on...I lke them happy and young and in love. I think I might just end it with them knowing she is going to have a baby....we'll see.

here is chapters 11-14


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RE: Tracy knowing about the rape. I'm torn on this one. She was sort of in the middle of some things when it actually happened, what with getting banished and all. So it's conceivable she doesn't know. But Tracy makes it her business to know the dirt on people, and this is a huge, huge thing for her NOT to know about her husband of almost two years. As much as I'd love for Lainey's scenario to be true, because it would be AWESOME television, I'm pretty sure he's just going to be upset because Lulu might find out.

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Just stopping in briefly...

OT: Found out this morning that my revised lesson plans are apparently not revised enough. I don't get it. None of the other teachers I worked with had a problem. Oy. Oh, and I have to be at the school TOMORROW and MONDAY too at 7am!!! And I have to teach Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at that time. Ridiculous! How do those students do that every. single. day. for the entire school year?!? :o

Topic: If anyone is looking for pre-LuNacy marriage clips, 5 of them are posted at JE Online. And how much am I looking forward to Tracy today?!? Whatever happens...no matter how short and how few the scenes, JE and TG will rock it. We all know it. pinkpopsicle, welcome back! Sorry that you're not feeling well. And me? Positive? I must go through my previous posts, 'cause I'm usually a negative one around here. :P But I'm glad you love reading my posts. hooked, good luck with your story!

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Hmmm. I like my version better, but I could live with what you posted, Hooked. It sounds 'true to character.' (both of 'em). Could happen that way.....

He NEEDS to tell her at some point, even if she knows (and I don't think she does), he needs to have that moment with her. Nothings says "I honestly, truly love you" like telling someone your deepest, darkest secret. It will bond them --- turn them into a "real" couple. He has to go through the process of "telling" her. I am positive about ths. I am certain LuNacy love (er.. sex), can't happen until this happens.

Pink Popsicle, sorry you were sick. Glad you're feeling better... uh, that banner... BLOWS MY SOCKS OFF. LOVE IT!

Lainey is having BIG issues today.. she really really really doesn't want to go to work. oy....

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Watching LIVE.

Off work(technically, vacation...although I still went in half a day today).

NO Tracy yet.

I'm torturing myself, but commenting live is fun. :)

I will edit with Tracy scenes.

ETA the Lacy talk was about Love and how "till death do us part" is an illusion.

Tracy is nice to him, tells him she'll make him coffee, Luke says you don't know how to make coffee, LOL..

she tells LUKE "Their" children (hee) still believe in love and that they need support, so they need to go support Liz/Lucky.

Luke asks if she'll do him a favor, she asks, "be your designated drive?" and Luke says, "please."

and Tracy tells him to get her purse.

The man is carrying her purse.


I loved it.

Best part of the show so far.

More edits later, but I think they are going to be window dressing today.

So they are at the wedding, Tracy went off to get a cup of coffee, Luke called her darling. Awww. Sometimes he can be sweet. :)

And so far, that's it of them.

Will edit if more comes up.

"The wine is domestic, the food is pedestrian, five minute after the bride and groom say "I do", we're outta here, I'll take you out to eat."

Tracy to Luke. :)

They had dialogue where they knew something was up with Lulu and Liz at the wedding.

I wonder if they'll figure out about the baby.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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She finds him "damn irresistible." As if we didn't already know...Heh. Nice to hear Tracy say the words though. :)

And I'm a little sad, 'cause I know we're not going to see LuNacy's post-wedding dinner. Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!! :(

But happiness! SQUEE! LuNacy were on! LuNacy were cute! LuNacy were acting like a real husband and wife! :)

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AHHHH! Today was sooo cute! So many good things today...

Loved how she said she thought he could use a friend cause his son was getting married in Laura's house and she wouldn't be there....soooo nice of her to acknowlege his sadness over stone cold non-talking head) Ha ha

Loved how she said, "Your hours don't apply to me" and when he said what are you doing here, she said, "Looking for you" in a very sexy way!

Loved her saying she would make him coffee (as if) like she was taking care of him

Loved her rubbing his back when she was talking to him (off camera of course you but can hear it if you listen carefully)

Got an arm around his shoulder/hair rub real quick

WHew whew....she tells him he is damn irresistable

Loved the designated driver line she said when he was about to ask her to be his date....

She was being wifely getting him coffee when they walked in. She looked a bit uncomfortable to be in that spencer house.

Loved how she was holding his arm when the wedding party came in and they said to take seats. She was very touchy feely today (notice how much more touchy they are as of late???) He should be taking her out with his quarter mil he scammed for "sympathy money". Sure didn't look like he was hating being married to her today now did it!!

Loved how she again rubbed his arm and leaned into him and told him she would take him out for dinner if he was nice to her five minutes after they kissed the bride....

Also liked how he told tracy to look at lulu's face...as if she knew her well too!

Oh yeah...liked the "our kids still believe in love"

Did anyone catch what he called her when he said, "careful____, your snob is showing" I rewinded it a zillion times and couldn't hear it. Sounded like darlin but I don't think so.

OK...whew...can you tell I just watched?? I have a meeting tonight at 7, so I will not be online til around 9 central if anyone is around.

Only three scenes but of course they rocked them out the door. None of the others actors put as much into the "unsaid" as they do.

Oh...so funny...did you catch the "evita" that spinelli called Lulu. Liked how Jason said, "No" when he asked if he liked his suite and that napkin hanging off his collar was cracking me up.

What the heck is up with Robin's hair????

Mrs. Q...sorry about all the extra work you have to do and how early you have to get up!! Hope you are feeling way better today. I tried to scan that JE/SD/LC picture from his 70th from SID, but my scanner feature wouldn't work on either printer saying the software was not installed. I will mail it to you if you want!! Maybe someone else has it and can scan it. It was from the ABC soaps in depth with lucky/liz/jason/lulu on the cover from last week. There was a whole section about SD's 70th and how Jane, Leslie and John planned it (mostly Leslie). Photos of TG kissing SD too.

Lainey...guess we were both wrong on the dialogue today...but it was still good huh??? She totally wanted him today...you could just tell. SHe couldn't wait to get him out of the wedding...

MinervaFan...glad we got to chat for like a minute today You are right about the opposite of writer's block. I am sure it is going to leave as quickly as it came!

TracyLuv...we need to watch again tonight using the play slow mo button--ha ha

Mrs. Q I tried to load some clips on sendspace on JE as I saw you did some too, but I waited and waited and they finally all loaded and then sendspace page froze up and wouldn't let me do anything. I got so frustrated that I left!!!

Knh...looking forward to reading the end....

OT--I was a very, very bad girl today!! I was "Hookedonshopping" today. I haven't been shopping in a very long time....trying to replace that addiction with a less expensive writing habit--ha ha. But I fell of the wagon....was in SUCH a great mood all afternoon too and couldn't really figure out why, but then realized I was on a shopper's high!

Yes, I have such a deep and meaningful productive life--shopping, internet, GH, ha ha! So glad I went to college!

OK...I will shut up now as this post is long enough, but I have been off the computer all afternoon.

Mrs Q they are not in the previews for tomorrow but they are supposed to be on Friday right?

Edited by hookedongh
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BTW....I got a signature too! What's next for me????

I have slowly overcome my lameness factor...got an avatar...got a signature...posted fanfic....figured out the breakroom....have become a clip supplier....

Oh yeah...still can't figure out the lj cuts thing on the ficathon....see there is always room to grow! Ha ha

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