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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The saddest part of all?

Is that (spoiler for anyone who hasn't watched, recaps follow)

I predicted last night in the BR it would go almost exactly that way.

I predicted Lulu instead of Luke going to the Q's for Christmas ornaments, and the whole thing being over mid show and Tracy finding Luke at the HS because I really didn't think Luke would have the guts to go to the Q mansion, but I was wrong.

I was right enough though...that it makes me sad how well I know Guza by now.

ETA oh yeah and the "my WIFE" thing, I predicted that too. Scary, HUH??? *SIGH*

From some sites, no one was woo-hoo'ng Jane's performance, so I was thinking we got nothing.

Thank you Reg for letting me know otherwise.

Can't wait to watch tonight.

recap talk over

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ok, I loved today's episode!!!!! I want to see what goes on tomorrow, but I loved everyting about today... except that I thought it would be a bit more of a breakdown with Edward. I know they tend to exagerate, but I thought it'd be a little more, though I do love what was there anyway. If they hadn't said anything about it at all I'd have thought it was fantastic.

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Regency, you are being much too kind about today's episode. :P

Did Jane rock it? Absolutely. But I didn't not see any "breaking down." Misleading spoilers? Or things getting cut? Last minute changes? There was definitely no "collaspsing into anguish" or any of that. No hysterics. No crumbling. Nothing that the Emmy people would deem worthy enough for a nomination, let alone an actual award. Nice subtlety though.

And the "breaking down" took place outside. Never ever would I have guessed. I also didn't think the LuNacy scenes would take place outside either, so I guess GH gets some points for being creative with their use of sets. I thought for sure the Edward/Tracy scene would be in the mansion.

Dillon and Tracy scene is a nice surprise. Aww, he gives his mom his coat!!! Oh, but the editing is way off. It's cuts too soon or something. Anyone else think so? MinervaFan, Dillon approached Tracy, who's sitting on some stone wall on Q property and realizes, "You knew about Laura." There's about 2 lines inbetween, and she makes a comment how Luke's heart will always belong to Laura.

Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. You need better clothes. Seriously. These are the boathouse clothes, the outfit JE had on for SoapTalk. They look like pajamas. I had a feeling that she would be wearing this, LOL. Speaking of feelings, ILoveTracyQ, you're so right. You called the "wife" line, which brings me to...

The "lashing out" scene. Totally not what I expected. Did he hurt Tracy? Sure. But from the spoilers, I was expecting him to be a lot meaner about it. He definitely didn't rip her apart as he could have.

The apology? Eh. It was an "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," kind of thing. Very brief. He did put his coat on Tracy (see * below). And it wasn't supposed to be funny, but I laughed at Tracy getting so upset that Luke was cutting down a pine tree from the Quatermaines. Tracy, it's only a tree.

* Oh, Luke? I don't think you were standing far enough away from Tracy. [/sarcasm] Goodness. You put the coat on her shoulder and then stepped away from her like she was going to go psycho on your ass.

Previews: Jason on the phone: I thought I would call you all and let you know that I'm alive. Monica (on the other lines) is all smiles. Edward, Alan, and Emily are there too, also smiling. Um, can Tracy PLEASE be somewhere nearby?

Edit: BTW, Tracy wants a divorce, and I think she's serious this time.

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EH, the moderator, Jeff, asked everyone yesterday to stop the BalloonPosts with all the multiple replies, SHeri did the LP today but the LP never has 1,000 replies like the other big posts do.

Anyway, lots of people in a snit over it.

I think it's silly. If you have something to say, say it in a main post or in a reply to another post.

So I think a lot of people may be boycotting or something.

He asked it because he said it was hanging up the board, but some people think it's because others complain about the BIG posts.

I don't know. But also I think a lot of people are on the road for Thanksgiving. Not nearly as many people watching today I don't think.

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Heh, I'm as bad as the spoilers. I misled you guys. It didn't happen in a LuNacy scene. It happened in the Tracy/Edward one. He said something like, "That reprobate. That scoundrel. That...[pause] He's still my son-in-law." And then Tracy responded something like, "Just until I divorce him."

*cue Loving!Edward*

Edward: You deserve better.

Tracy: Thank you, Daddy.


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Sorry ya'll.

I know my attitude is horrible.

I guess I'm letting this show get to me more than I should, and I don't mean to offend anyone, or their favorites.

Online is not a happy place for me right now.

GH is not a happy place for me right now.

I'm just sooooo frustrated.

And knowing TIIC, they probably DID cut some of Jane's stuff, and even if they didn't, she's just a prop to Luke, and it REALLY gets to me, more than it should.

Anyway, sorry ya'll. :(

I'm taking another break when TG leaves, unless JE is getting airtime, and from the spoilers, I doubt it.

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Is it weird of me to say that as of today I've developed a rather unhealthy fixation on Tracy Quartermaine? I mean, I was just sort of moved by her in some deeply emotional way. :o And no I don't really get it either.

ETA: I feel oddly vindicated from having received exactly what I expected, nothing. I am also sorry that everyone's so down right now. It'll be all right. LuNacy has a future in here somewhere and even if they dont, Tracy does. I have a feeling she won't just disappear. They have to make Jane worth the money they're spending to keep her.

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ILoveTracyQ, we'll miss you!

MinervaFan, yeah, I did leave that part out. Oops. So very Tracy though. :) And I was kind of hoping that instead of the scene being cut, Jane and John sort of just changed the scene, but I don't think they have the POWER, LOL. *shrugs* Why does GH keep cutting TQ's breakdown scenes? I had a feeling this would happen, but then my feeling had GH cutting out the Edward/Tracy scene all together (like the Mac/Tracy one from the epidemic). Oh well...

And Regency, I love your optimism. *borrows some*

Oh, didn't ABC.com say Luke ignores Tracy? Hmm, that didn't happen either. OK-I need someone to make a list of all the possible cut TQ scenes. Actually, that would just make me angrier. Never mind.

And about the tree, I made up a bit of parody at SOC, kind of. smirks was amused, so I'll share it here. Did anyone else get this impression from the scene?

Tracy: First, Laura gets my husband? Now she gets my tree?!? Waaaaah!

Yeah, yeah, that wasn't the intention, but I couldn't resist. Ya know I still love Tracy. :)

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Oh Staci no you won't.

Quit your lyin'.


Hmm...maybe TOMORROW is the day he ignores her?

Tomorrow should be good as well.

Breakroom for a few minutes, anyone?

I'm at work and of course have work to do, but I need a break.

ETA nevermind, I can't get in. LOL

And Reg? The fixation on Tracy? I think it's because it's so obvious right now what a loser in love she is. And she always, even through her plotting and scheming, shows us her heart and her pain.

That's just a small part of it for me. :)

I am really interested in what they're going to do with Lacy now.

Tracy isn't Skye, so she can put up with being third or fourth best.

So I wonder..........

And I hope tomorrow turns out to be more than today sounded like it was.

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