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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks Regency!

No, I won't tell you all why I needed to know. ;)

I like the MetroCourt well enough. The Haunted Star is a casino and a boat and the PC Hotel burned to the ground (which is reason enough to kick Guza), so I think the MetroCourt is nice to have around as a hotel, with a nice little upscale restaurant downstairs. Mind you, I wouldn't mind Tracy stealing it out from under its current owners, but that's another story altogether.

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You're welcome!

And agreed! They're not even home. It'd be like taking candy from an infant...which might be a favor actually, with choking hazards and all. That goes for CarJax, too.

BTW, I just need to say that I think Edward used to hit Tracy. I'm watching the "Not Ready To Make Nice" vid and that scene where he raises his hand to her doesn't seem like a onetime occurence. Especially considering the scene after Lila's death where she flinches away from him. (Yes, that could also be denial, but eh, I'm not so sure.) I could be overanalyzing this, though, I doubt it.

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*Waves at everyone*

How's everyone holdin up with this long Tracy absence?

MF, love the new fic.....i really tend to like angst stories...dont know why but do.

MS.Q, wasn't able to see your new vid could you maybe repost it please?

I'll have to think about my answers to the little question thingy(dont remember who posted it).....hopefully I will figure them out sson and post them.

Ms.Q, thats exciting to see that you letter got published......hmm....maybe the writers will take a hint.

I know I haven't been around in a while its just hard for me to post when there is hardly any Tracy on. So I try to pop in every once in a while. It seems like forever since the last time I posted.

Regency, I thought about that when I was making the video , but I don't ever see them mentioning it, that would be too much drama for Tracy and I dont think Guza and all them are willing to make tha tbig revelation if it was true....I OTOH would like for them to do something like that.

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*waves to everyone*

knh, will try and get the 3/10/06 Luke/Tracy scenes up tomorrow. I liked the song, by the way. :)

ILoveTracyQ, if TIIC weren't well, um, idiots, I'd add Brook/Tracy to the list of female relationships, but nooooooo...We never even got a one-on-one scene with them.

Write faster, Keith. ;) *says the person who can't remember the last time she updated the anniversary story*

Yay! Fic from MinervaFan! I loved it. It's so real and just so...wow. Was I supposed to realize the doctor was Alan at first? LOL. I know it said "Alan's age," but it could've been some else, right? Heh. The scenes with Tracy/Dillon on the couch had me going "aww," and Ned's empty chair? :( I might have more comments later, but I'm glad we got some more fic from you.

I just watched that part of the video, Regency, and I agree. Lots of potential, but GH won't ever go there.

kenna, wasn't sure of which recent video you meant, so here's the last 3 (that have been posted within the last 5 days or so): I'll Remember, LuNacy Promo, and TQ Video. And yeah, it's hard to post when Tracy isn't on, but we find something, LOL.

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Ms. Q, thanks so much for all the videos. I had a download-fest late Saturday night and then again on Sunday morning. I think I got everything you posted, with the exception of Nex's Ohh La La video which, for some reason, won't download 100%... but I'll keep trying!! They've been really fun to watch!

Minerva, I love your newest fic.. a lot!

So I was brainstorming for an idea for my 24 hour fic (I'm going to do one!!), and I had a horrifying thought (Premonition? Predicition?). What if Luke is the one to sue ELQ over the defective condom? Somebody's spoiler somewhere mentioned that ELQ gets in trouble over the condom thing. Luke might think he could win such a suit, and get his money... but if he did that, Tracy would be furious because he'd be going after more than just her, it would be her "family" business.. and she would get rip-roaring mad.. and that would be the END of them.... at least for awhile. Anyway, this popped into my head today... and I'm having a bad feeling about it. So if it happens, you heard it here first!

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Oh, that would be the End of the World As We Know It.

What fun!

Of course, I would have to kick Luke all the way from here to that Canadian border his sister seems so obsessed with.....but it would still be interesting to watch. Of course, the last thing I want to see is another trial storyline. I hate courtroom scenes--they bore me.

Bedroom scenes would be nice, although, if they included TQ! :)

Oh, I finally got to the computer this morning during my Day-Long College ComputerFest, and I forgot my drive with the story in the car!! I have a two hour break where Fey is between classes in about a half hour, so I'll probably use that to work on the the Ned-Tracy story.

Thanks for all the feedback on As If Nothing Ever Happened, guys. I thought it might be too much of a downer....it's been that kind of a month, right? Maybe that's why the Ned-Tracy story is so hard to write--it's a comedy....

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*waves to everyone*

Awesome 24 hr story MinervaFan.

Yeah it was angsty and I would've liked to read your version of the results....but it was good all the same.

don't read if you don't want to be spoiled on Minerva Fan's story:

It all affected me but the part that made the tears flow was her calling Luke and no answer. Not even voice mail. :(

That and the Alan/Tracy childhood ABC game. *sniff*

Ned's empty chair. Tracy thinking about him.

Dillon and her watching the movie. *double sniff* because I know from past scripts that Tracy likes old movies too....although it has never been mentioned by GUZA. I could totally see it happening and have imagined myself that more than once Tracy came in after a date and sat with Dillon watching a late show with them falling asleep together like that.

Oh and Edward not being there? Typical. *snort*

It was good. I just need to not read the angsty stuff while I'm at work.

As far as writing the comedy....there's a saying that comedy is angst too...worked out through laughter instead of tears. Or something like that. Or maybe I just made that up. LOL I seem to remember reading something similiar but I'm battling an ear infection and my brain is bouncing around in my head so who knows?


fic talk over

*hopes for TQ today*

ETA LOL Keith about the Lulu comment. I'd love to see Tracy and Lulu be friends because I'd like to be able to enjoy her and Tracy is the only one so far who can make me do that.

Well Dillon to some extent but not enough.

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I hear you about Lulu, ILoveTracyQ. There's so much potential with Tracy/Lulu. And all of it is wasted.

To those who impatiently await my first multichapter-fic Tracy chapter: I do need a beta. I have weaknesses as a writer and I would love to do this story real justice. Any takers? Any at all? I'm nowhere near finished with it; I'd say maybe (big maybe) by midweek. I poutting everything I have into this story to try to do our girl justice.

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Keith, if you still need beta-reading services, please feel free to email me at minerva_fan AT livejournal DOT com. I'd be happy to help out.

Ned and Tracy's Excellent Adventure is coming along well. I've gotten about four pages written in the last hour--and that includes side-trips to change CDs in th walkman, check LJ, and search for a British slang dictionary. (Those people sure talk funny.) At least they are now out of the damned school and on the road. *rolls eyes* Why is it every stupid short story I try to write gets out of control?

Oh, and ILTQ--I didn't know that about Tracy and the old movies. I wish I knew the dates of the script that mentioned it. I have a feeling she'd love Bette Davis, Katharine Hepburn, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, Barbara Stanwyck--all the tough, ballsy broads who thrived before Hollywood went anorexic--physically and spiritually.

A clue for those out there who want to know what was on the paper in Alan's manila envelope. The story, in my mind, is canon. It happened. Actually, it happened Saturday. So. Look at the next few episodes she appears in and tell me what the results were. :) That's all I'm going to say.

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Every potential for every SL Tracy related has been wasted Keith. And it's a shame.

When I think of what an even "slightly" better writer could have done/could do with Lacy....I swoon. Seriously....because with a staff who cared about the Q's...about Tracy, the fan fic happenings we dismiss as "never gonna happen on GH" might have been a reality with better writing.

Can't wait for your next story BTW.

MinervaFan I exaggerated a bit. It's not like they had Tracy as a film buff like Dillon...but there would be a mention now and then of a movie she'd watched or wanted to watch and it was always one of those old ones. Like the time she and Alan were fighting over the remote because he wanted to watch the football game and she wanted to watch "Love is a Many Splendored Thing".


There's something very "timeless" and "classic" about Tracy....so yeah I could see her into the old black and white movies.

As far as your story MinervaFan....you're MEAN. LOL J/K.

Ummm.....so Ned/Tracy....can it be almost "Thelma and Louise-ish" ?

I'd like that ....but I think I'll like it no matter what. :)

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OMG, that just cracks me up. I have a strong suspicion that a lot of the things she gets most annoyed about in her boys (Ned's music, Dillon's old movies) are things she herself enjoys a lot but has repressed in order to be a "proper Quartermaine."

Yeah, I'm mean. But seriously, there's no sequel--no need for one--so what do ya think? C'mon. ;)

As for Ned and Tracy, nah, nothing like that. Just him seeing a side of his mother few people see, and her getting to know him a little better. Oh, and there's the drug bust outside Barcelona. And the wild ride with the Hell's Angels in Prague. Yeah, that's it. :rolleyes:

ETA: *waves to coolkid*

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Yeah the scene with Alan and Tracy fighting over the remote was classic....from waayy back though I don't even know what year and I doubt we could find a clip.

Alan's response to Tracy about the movie when he finally gave up fighting with her over it:

"Go ahead and watch it then...it's the closest you'll ever get to it !"


I remember that sooo well. :)

And it's little human touches like that which make the characters REAL and relatable...something this regime doesn't really seem to know or care about.

It's something you all put in your fics....like the *Tracy calling Luke's cell phone and getting no answer* from MinervaFan's story. It just makes the characters....HUMAN. Vulnerable. And I know it sounds silly saying two characters fighting over the remote makes them "vulnerable." But I don't know any other way to phrase it.

And oh come on...you know Tracy and Ned *have* to have a similiar event in their past like when she and Dillon were in Mexico and Dillon was in jail.

Maybe Ned gets mad at his mom for something she says or does (or in Tracy's case doesn't do) like paying enough attention to him. So he swipes a record or bottle of cologne or wallet from a store and Tracy sees at the last minute and tries to cover but they get hauled to the police station.

Hilarity ensues(I've always wanted to use that phrase) as Tracy tries to seduce the local authorities (or the shop owner...or BOTH) into letting them go.

Well it was just a thought. :)

Pleeasse let TQ be on today.

*waves to everyone*

ETA MinervaFan couldn't you just see it? Ned in a room at the Swiss PC...eating a chocolate bar while his mother is making out with the *whatever they call the person in charge* in the next room? With Ned hearing a noise every now and then and looking at the door.....:)

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You crack me up. I'm afraid I'm building up this story too much--it's not nearly as much fun as some of the suggestions I've been getting from you guys. No car chases, no police stations, although maybe I'll have Ned try to intimidate one of his mother's unwanted suitors. :)

Oh, and I was rewatching the clips from Lulu's surprise party last night and have updated commentary on the Outfit. Because, well, FASHION is a priority on this board, is it not?

I've mentioned before that I did not like the outfit. (I believe I compared it to the way I loathe Hitler and lima beans, which is serious loathing, folks.....) But I noticed something interesting when I was watching last night--the pants. Notably, the material. Granted, the overall effect of the outfit was right out of Ching Hao's Drapery Emporium, but those pants....

Those pants were divine. They were scrumptious. And this is from a woman who admittedly hates anything that hides the legs--even I loved those pants.

Now, as we all know, Tawny Madison, the girl who put Sally Field in a Gloria F-ing Swanson turban in Soapdish has obviously been hired as the wardrobe mistress for GH. So Tawny, if you're listening, take my advise.

Go out and by several yards of the fabric used to make those glorious white pants. Any color is all right, but Tracy does best in jewel tones. Now. Make her a damned formal gown out of that material--floor length, billowing skirt--something Ginger Rogers would have worn. Give it a fitted bodice with a plunging backline--something beaded and beautiful. And sparkles. The GIRL MUST SPARKLE. I want to see diamonds every where you can imagine--around her neck, in her earlobes, around her wrists. I want jewels in her hair--upswept in that pretty way they had it for the reopening of the Haunted Star (not the nasty updo they had for the renewal ceremony). Give her this amazing ball gown, put Luke in a tuxedo, and let them dance to Strauss waltzes for an entire evening. I don't care if it's a fantasy segment. I don't care if it's a hallucination she has when passed out drunk. Just put that girl in a beautiful dress, put an adoring man on her arm, and nobody will get hurt. Ya got it, Tawny?

No more ugly pantsuits. No more Ching Hao's Drapery Emporium. No more hiding her legs, or shoulders, or beautiful skin. No more pretending that women stop having a figure when they hit fifty--cuz girlfriend has curves and damned well knows how to use them.

So. Freaking. There.

Wow. I feel much better now. Thanks for listening.

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