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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh geez. LOL

I cannot tell a lie.

Well I try not to anyway. :)

*I* am ARealSimonforTracyQ.

Yeah. How depressing is that? a TOTALLY! made up character is now my chosen perfect mate for my girl.

Forget Lucas Lorenzo and his HAWT chemistry with our girl.

Forget Robert and his playfulness and sexy accent.

I want SIMON to emerge on screen. Slightly more fleshed out and colorful...but with his knight's armor firmly intact.(Richard Gere-ish is what I'm thinking of.)

But woe is me. *palms clasped to forehead*

Our own MinervaFan has informed me there will be no sequel.

I know. I know. I'm devastated about it too. :P

spoiler talk

I'm personally scared anytime Guza puts pen to paper.

No matter what he does with Luke/Laura...our girl is not out of the woods. I'd hate to see her villainized for them. :(

spoiler talk over

and hey...TQ's been on about five minutes this week. Maybe we'll get lucky and this will be one of her ten minutes of airtime weeks.

I actually miss LUKE too.


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ILTQ, you BEYOND crack me up! I can't believe you chose that UserName. LOL. Tracyluver, thank you so much for comments. It really makes me feel wonderful that you guys enjoyed the story. Sorry there's no sequel, but I'll try to keep them coming as much I can. You guys are awesome.

Group Hug!

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ILTQ, you BEYOND crack me up! I can't believe you chose that UserName. LOL. Tracyluver, thank you so much for comments. It really makes me feel wonderful that you guys enjoyed the story. Sorry there's no sequel, but I'll try to keep them coming as much I can. You guys are awesome.

Group Hug!

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A seventeen-chapter fanfic from somebody on this group??? :)

Actually, I think if she lost her memory, she'd retain her personality, but would be very confused by the reaction to her by the people around her (if she was still amongst her normal group.) If she was with other people, I think she'd maintain her drive--that force within her that doesn't let her stop, doesn't let her falter, doesn't let her give up--but she'd be much nicer about it. A lot of her meanness comes from bitterness--remembering what has been done to her, what has been denied her, and well--face it--what is expected of her. Take away those expectations, take away the memory of the hurt and humiliation she's suffered, and I think we'd see a very different Tracy.

Oh, and sorry about the duplicate post earlier--I was having trouble with the computer. But hey, you can never have too many group hugs, can you?

MsQ, did you get my comments on the Anniversary story? Are you still speaking to me? ;)

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Ooh I agree MinervaFan . I'd love to see that happen on screen...but if not a fanfic would be cool.

I wouldn't want the memory loss to last too long.

But a few days/weeks could be quite the entertainment. :)

I hate my job.

I REALLY hate my job. I've said that before here.

It bears repeating. :)

And no you can never have too many group hugs. :)

We need them, n'est pas?

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Regency, all I think is that it would be a GREAT story. Any takers? 'Cause we all know GH is never going to give JE something that big.

MinervaFan, yep. I responded about 10 minutes ago. Thanks for the help.

ILoveTracyQ, I'm sorry. :( It's got to be even worse now since you just had a mini-vacation. Thanks for the review at FF.net, by the way. You gave the baby a middle name? LOL. j/k.

LaineyBev, I would like to thank you for the feedback on Oh, Baby as well. I'm trying to get them "together," but I don't want to move too quickly. Hope I'm not moving too slowly either. LOL.

Edit: Per SZ...Lulu/Liz. Lulu/Lucky. Lulu/Sonny. WTH? *sigh* I miss Tracy.






According to Wizard...Lulu visits Laura again. (See, this? I don't like. The first time was good IMO, but you can't keep doing it. It's not going to have as much impact. Also...Lulu asks Georgie to help her, and EMILY is the next person to lend Lulu a sympathetic ear. *head to desk* Ugh. I get that Lulu can't go to Tracy, since she's Dillon's mom, but can Tracy play a role sometime soon? Please?

According to SOW...Alcazar threatens to destroy the Q's if Robert doesn't reveal Skye's whereabouts. Oh, gosh. Please don't let the Q's just sit and there and be all "uhhhh..." They better not let Lorenzo win, like they did last year with the whole Durant lawsuit/Charitable Endowment/ELQ thing. I wonder if this relates to the ELQ is in trouble spoiler? Hmm...Not feeling too good about about this. On the bright side, yay for the Q's! At least we got *something* that indicates Tracy will be onscreen. I hope Ned's involved. *crosses fingers*

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Okay, now that I have that totally non-TQ-related scream out of my system (work, boys & girls, work has been...stressful today).....

So, here's what I want you guys to tell me.

1. TQ was on today, HUGE part, sassy, sexy, smart, powerful TQ.

2. TQ was in the previews for tomorrow, with another HUGE part.

3. TQ looked gooooooddddd in her SAYXEE new outfit that shows off her fabulous legs.

4. TQ met a man/woman who just flirted the hell with her, making her forget old wassisname for a moment, although she did not succumb to the OVERWHELMING temptation to just get wild and free while He-Who-Shan't-Be-Mentioned is off chasing after Holly.

5. TQ had lunch at MetroCourt with her two sons, and they had some great, funny, snarky Q-esque bonding scenes.

If you cannot tell me this, do not tell me anything at all because, to quote Evilene in The Wiz, "Don't nobody bring me no bad news."

So. Anybody want to lie through their teeth tell me that my psychic visions of today's show were totally 100% accurate??????

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Wassup, ya'll! Sry about all the typos in my last post but i was REALLY rushing and by the time i noticed them all it seemed pointless to fix them. Any TQ today? yeah, i thought not. Why would there be? It's theSonny/Carly/Alexis/Ric/Jason/Sam/Maxie/Lucky/Liz show!!!!! YAY!!! Aren't you all atwitter with emotion and excitment? Yeah, me either.

Well, nuthin much to say....luvin OH, baby, Ms.Q. I get so excited when i see that you've updated. Homelands, anyone? Any takers on a Beautiful Disaster? I'm bored and i need intellectual stimuli guys and Gh obviously ain't doin' it. Oh, angel, did you say that you are already in school?! I would seriously cry myself to sleep at night, but that's because i didn't get out until June this year. When did you get out? Are you a senior now or am i a year behind you?

well, guys, that's all she wrote so i'll be out. TA!

ETA: How do you put a banner on your posts?

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No, no Tracy today, tracyluver, Audrey was the lucky winner of the 'get out of the vet closet free' card today. Side note: AUDREY!!! Better luck tomorrow, although nothing in the previews supports that. Still, it wasn't a bad show, and well worth it to watch Alexis' long overdue reaming out of Sam. Lulu was on though, she talked to her cracked out brother, and had that discussion with Sonny (omg was that ever laughable). Lots of extraneous Sonny/Jason/Carly. And some Mucky and Sic disgustingness bookending the show, but the middle wasn't bad at all.

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Yay! Audrey!

Anybody else notice yet that we're on pg 117?

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Survey anyone?

Everyone will need a sharpened #2 pencil for this exercise...and NO.

You can't borrow mine. :)


Question #1:

What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.


Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.


Tracy can secretly ____________. And only _______ knows it.


Tracy would __________ for _________.


What Tracy loves best about Luke is ________?


Tracy admires ______ more than any other person on earth. Living or dead.


Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.


Tracy keeps _______ in her nightstand.


Tracy is currently reading ________.


Tracy's best traits are:


Tracy's worst traits are:

#12 Essay question:

The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

And yeah. Add any questions if you want to. :)

My answers tomorrow.

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Popping back in to say....if anyone has posted fics or vids that I didn't comment on....well I apologize.


My computer time is so sporadic now and I do read/view all of them when I can. I just sometimes forget to comment.

That said...Keith I loved your story and Ms.Q your latest vid may very well be your best one yet.

And just think boys and girls....what WONDERFUL scenes (and vid clips) we WILL(being positive) get when TG comes back.

I do think Luke will blame Tracy for letting it all happen.

Angst is good my friends.

Better than the All.Comedy.All.The.Time.Shtick.

And knowing my girl the way I do...she will take up for Dillon and might blame Lulu...and Luke will take up for Lulu and blame Dillon.

More angst.

Bring it on I say.


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As much as I want to say that witholding Edwards medication is her biggest regret, the one thing she would go back and change. I really think it is the way she raised Ned and Dillion. A few months ago, I think January, she was telling Luke about the way she raised them, that if they ever became anything in life it was in spite of her not because of her.

The other questions I am going to need time to answer. :P

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