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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree with you ILTQ!!

The less Tracy (and Luke) are on... the more I think about 'em (I guess it's my overactive imagination filling in the blanks). And I have been thinking about 'em a lot lately, and I have become obsessed with the whole idea of him choosing her. I even *gasp* have started playing with a fan fic about it. I call it "surprise." In it, Luke shows up for Lulu's surprise 18th birthday party (organized by Bobbie) and everyone, especially Lulu, is surprised (and impressed) by his appearance. Turns out his presence at the party was just luck -- he was simply looking for Tracy. He never got to Holly. He figured out enroute that she was going to use him, and that he was simply using her as an excuse to run away from whatever was simmering wih Tracy. So he had spent the last several weeks kicking around Europe trying to get Tracy out of his head, and realized he couldn't! So, in my little fic he returns to PC to tell her he really cares about her and wants to give thier relationship a whirl. It's sorta sappy, and I'm having a helluva hard time with the tone and the dialogue!! I've written stories before, but never fanfic. It's a lot harder than I thought because I have real established characters with voices and personalities running through my head, and its difficult for me to match my writing to those voices. I gotta tell you, MinervaFan, I've been a big fan of you fic for several weeks (since I've been reading it), but I am a *really huge* fan now. I don't think I realized how difficult it would be for me to write this little idea I had....

So anyway... I am obsessed with the whole Luke *choosing* Tracy thing. I am glad to see others share my obsession!!

oh.. one more thing..

Ms. Q, I LOVE your banner-thingy (What do you call that? "String of Icons?" "Graphic?" "Banner-thingy?" ha!). I saw it earlier this evening while I was at work, and laughed out loud. So thanks for the distraction. I was having a cruddy day, and it helped brighten things up!!

Edited: To apologize for not being able to get the screen names in this post to appear in bold. Ugh!! I have tried and retried, and the "bold" is not taking, no matter what I do! oy! I'm going to bed. Sorry! I tried!

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Damn, I go away for one evening and you guys post the living DAYLIGHTS out of this place! :) I'm totally agreeing with the commentary so far--coming to the point of "some Tracy is better than no Tracy," even if it's just in a Bobbie-esque capacity. Now before you guys start throwing delicious herb-crusted whole-grain toast at me (*yay* Keith brought the breadmaker back!), let me explain.

Now I love me some Jackie Zemen--she's pretty and funny (even with the too-obvious plastic surgery) and her character has spunk. Now, Jackie is no Jane Elliot--she is not the actress Jane is, nor does she have the "presence" Jane has. Given the same air time and opportunity, I believe that Jane could be fine (whereas poor Jackie just gets lost). She'd be like that musical sting in movie scores--you never know when it's coming, but when you've heard it, you always get chills. Jane shows up and delivers a flesh-tinglingly wicked speech, cutting some bimbo (pick one--Sam, Emily, you name it) to shreds. -DADA DUMMMMMMMMM - Tracy arrives and manages to figure out in ten seconds the plot that Stupid Airhead Regular has been stumbling over cluelessly for six weeks. - DADA DUMMMMMMMM -

Jane can make any scene worth watching, imho. She's just that good. So even if her air time was almost nil (hell, BobbieLand), she'd still be worth looking for when she's on. Face it, how many of us on this board are still watching every scene of every show? I know I'm not. If you guys tell me TQs not on, I just rewind the tape and set it for tomorrow. I'm sure I'm not the only one. So Jane going on recurring status would not be horrible.

LaineyBev, thank you for the vote of confidence on the stories. I get so many comments from well-meaning friends who say, wow, if only your wrote *real* fiction instead of wasting your time on fanfic, you could be a really great writer. :) Yeah, get's old after a while. So your comment on how hard it was to get established characters to sound right was really gratifying. I'm really looking forward to your fic, especially since I haven't written a single ficticious word all week and I'm jonesing to write something awful.

MsQ, LOL at the icons, especially the last one.

Now, I'm off to work, to make bandage supplies available to one and all....Later, Taters.

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*waves to Keith*

*waves to everyone* LOL

Mmm....MinervaFan mentioning herb bread and taters is making me hungry.

I didn't eat breakfast. :P

First off let me say that's one reason I have not finished any fanfic. Writing an existing character created by someone else,who already has their own voice?


Which is why Guza and Co just write the characters as doing whatever they want them to do,regardless of whether or not it makes sense,because that's much easier.

And ya know,shoot me,but I do realize how hard their job is.

It IS hard. Especially writing new and engaging stories for these characters five days a week.

I'll be honest. Even if I was arrogant enough to think I was the best writer in the world,I don't know if I'd want their jobs.

But...some people just have a knack for getting down certain character's voices,and I think each person here who writes Tracy fanfic is very good at capturing her voice.

MinervaFan I think you should send in samples of your work,and your resume,and apply at GH.



And I've said the same to Ms.Q in the past,if I haven't,I'm saying it now.

And I agree no matter how often Jane is on,she makes the scenes she's in worth watching.

BUT I'd rather her leave than stay on recurring,unless there was some kind of guarantee I'd still see her a couple of times a month,and with recurring,you don't get that guarantee.

So I'd rather she'd leave than accept that.

She's too good to be wasted.

Is she a perfect actress who hits every note and never messes up?

Of course not. Much as I love her,there have been times I just felt this or that scene fell flat. But those times are rare. Most of the time,she hits home runs.

Ms.Q I love the pics and comments. Too funny. And I wouldn't be surprised if she's thought those things a time or two.

LaineyBev I love your story idea. I also like MinervaFan's plot bunny about Helena,Lulu,Tracy and a gun. And yes I'm obsessed with Luke choosing Tracy too. At any rate,whatever happens,it should be interesting to see what Tracy does when Laura comes out of her catatonia. I hear ya about the "bold" function,sometimes it messes up with me,too. Or I mess it up. I like to blame it on the computer. :)

smirks GH has almost beaten the desire for more, out of me,too. But I keep hoping. It's that optimism peeking through again. It's not as strong as when Jane first came back and when Jane was first paired with Tony,but it's still there.

Keith as long as you put the appliances in the breakroom we won't come after you. :)

Where are angel,nex,tracyluver,coolkid,PestSpray,4XCrazy? And anyone else I forgot,please forgive because it wasn't intentional. :)

Come on in and join the party,ya'll. :)

Ms.Q when I was a kid,the hail scared me. I've seen some BIG honkin' hail,and if you get caught outside in it,or if you're driving in your car, of course it's very scary.

But sitting inside, and the wind blowing so hard it rattles the window panes?

I LOVE that stuff.

I know. I'm a freak. :)

*off to get something totally inappropriate for breakfast out of the snack machine*

See what I mean about me and the bold function,Lainey?? Just LOOK at my post.

Just LOOK at it.

It's a mess.

But it just makes me unique.


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Hey Ms.Q thanks for the clips, I really thought I had those until I started looking for the one you wanted, I thought I was going crazy :blink::blink::blink:

As for everything everybody is saying on the board, I agree with what everyone has been saying. I do believe that the whole situation with Tracy is a double edge sword. I don't want her to leave but I don't want her immense talent wasted. I would HATE to see her bumped to reoccuring status, but I also think that the TPTB wouldn't do that to her. **feeling optimistic** I mean if they haven't done it to Alan or Monica than why should they do it to Tracy? ;)

I must say that I have watched the episode of Soaptalk about 100 times and I really get the feeling that she is having a good time i.e. "at this point of my live I am underworked and overpaid, and I am not willing to give that up" or something to that effect. And I will mention that we really don't have it as bad as we think, I have started watching Y&R on soapnet and I can honestly say that I haven't seen any of their "vets" in weeks!!! Now I know that Victor and Nikki are the Sonny and Carly of that show, but all the others (I still don't know all of their names) Have no storyline what-so-ever. They just pop in every now and then and leave.

Anyhoo, I know I am rambeling but I am at work 2 hours early and soooo tired!!!!

**waves to smirks**

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::waves to everyone:: How is everyone? I sincerly hope you all are better than me. :D;)

Seriously if it wasn't for the pills I'm taking because of my painful damn monthly I would've jumped easily off the deck/balcony. Please please please tell me TQ is on today!!!!? I really need something to look forward to and the fact that school starts august 7th sooo isn't helping! *And* ff.net is having issues with letting me update my story. ::sighs:: Sorry.

Re. Teen scenes- Okay now I'm a teen myself and I just can not stand this crap! I mean I live in the south (from the north) and I'm around the incest enough as it is, I don't wanna see it on TV!! Come on now I have to go to school and live near all these rednecks with their uncle-dad and sister-cousin sh*t so why does GH wanna punish me with it further!? Its just.... eeeewwwwwwww!!!

I'm so close to getting my cousin's (he's 16) gun and paying them a little visit, lol!!

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*cough* Keith unless you like hearing women discuss their monthlies you might wanna skip the first part of this post. :D

Menstrual discussion below:(yes,I really did go there)

angel I have had pretty bad ones myself,and I never did anything more than take Tylenol or use a heating pad on my back or belly,whatever hurt the most. LOL

But just this month I took Midol.

It's a blessing,really. I didn't have any real discomfort while I took it,and I know it helped because the one day I didn't take it I could tell a difference in cramps,back pain,etc.

So see if your mom might get you some.

If you're already taking it,and it's not helping, try a heating pad. Try laying off the caffeine about a week before you start,and drink lots of milk.

I've heard caffeine increases,and calcium DE-creases,cramps and such.

I think it really just depends on you.

The Midol helps with the bloating,cramps,PMS and during MS related moodiness. It worked for me. And actually I tried the generic dollar store version. It's cheaper and it works.

Menstrual talk over

About the cousin loving.

Well I'm from the south,and I won't deny I've know people who married second cousins and on down the line.

But it's a stereotype that it only happens in the south.

Theodore Roosevelt and Eleanor,were first or second cousins,and they married.

Many old school Europeans married brothers/sisters and cousins, mainly to keep the bloodline pure.

And those are just a few examples.

Yes,it's gross...but it's rare,IMO.

And truthfully,when you get down past third cousins, there's very little bloodline there anyway. It's still icky but hey we're all ultimately related anyway,so there ya go.


Besides....Dillon/Lulu ARE step sibs.

They aren't related by blood and didn't grow up together.

So it doesn't squick me out nearly as much as it would,if they had grown up together.

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Wow we really talk about everything in here, lol!

ILoveTracyQ Yeah I hear you about it, my mom went through all that with me when I was 12 (when i first go it). Midol doesn't work for me really, I don't know why. But since its so bad my gynocologist (sp?) makes me take these pills.


Yeah I didn't mean any offense (my mom is from SC)! This whole show has gotten kinda sick, they really need some new blood, that's all I meant.

OMG, Kill me now! My aunt Bonnie and her two boys are coming over. HELP!!!!

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angel if you're taking pills and they're not helping, you might want to let your doctor know and maybe he/she can give you something else to try.

Otherwise you're paying for and taking pills that aren't helping,which is a waste.

You poor thing re: the relatives.

Tell your mom your period is making you feel so bad you have to "retire" to your bedchamber.

Take a good book,swipe some snacks,and hope no one bothers you. :)

And *waves* to knh. Care to comment on the cousin' lovin issue?

Or just Tracy Q in general? :)

We don't bite.

We even have a break room with a breadmaker...cheddar bread with fresh sliced ham is in there,and good hot cinnamon cappucino from Keith's new cappucino maker,along with sliced cheese,fresh grapes and almond biscotti for those with a sweet tooth.

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Glad everyone liked the icons. (LaineyBev, I'll call them 5 icons in a row. It wasn't supposed to be a banner, but it's cool that it turn out that way, LOL) And yes, the "away from the accident" line came from SoapTalk.

nex, if JE is glad with the current situation, then I shouldn't complain. And well, being overpaid and underworked sounds great to me. Heh. But from a fan's point of view, I want to see JE/Tracy onscreen a lot more than we do. Interesting about Y&R. I thought that soap was most known for utilizing its vets.

Chiming in on the discussion that Keith might want to skip over...

angel, I used to have pretty bad cramps too. I'd lie on the couch, bed, bedroom floor, bathroom floor, wherever, and eventually just fall asleep. Midol never worked for me cramp wise, but Naproxen did. And the heating pad helped a lot too, although I was an idiot for falling alseep with it on. Nothing ever happened, but still...Me=Stupid sometimes. I don't get it as bad as I used to and if I need to, I'll use Ibuprofen. Anyway, just sharing a bit of info...LOL. I hope you find something that works.

End of that...Keith, you can look now.

So...What is this I hear about Tristan Rogers developing a new soap that (if everything goes according to plan) will premiere at the end of the year? I guess he mentioned it on The View. Hmm...Hey, Tristan. If Jane doesn't re-sign or isn't given the option, can you please snatch her and use her on your soap? Please? I get that's he's not a casting director, but I can dream, right?

Edit #1: *waves to MinervaFan and knh* And per SZ...No Tracy. Now really. Are we surprised? In kind of exciting news, JE got the Mid-Show Promo with a Greg Vaughan voice over. Tracy/Lucky, hmm? LOL.

Edit #2: Forgot to add: If anyone wants to use one of the icons, you can. Credit is appreciated, but not necessary. *thinks about using one of the icons myself*

SPOILER ALERT (No TQ...not directly anyway)





On The View, TR spoiled that someone will be pregnant. I don't think he'd mention it if it didn't involve his "story" (I used quotes, but he's got as much of a story as JE, LC, SD, etc.) Anyway...Are we going to guess Lulu? Or Robin?

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*peeking in*

Wow, the conversation has gotten very interesting--Tracy/PMS Plot bunnies, anyone? (Oh, dear LAWD, could you imagine that woman with PMS? I mean, seriously? Would you want to be the person who pissed her off during that time of the month?????)

As for cousin-loving....I come from Louisiana and am living in Kentucky. I had to move away from Louisiana- given the size of my family (my adoptive father is one of 11 children, my biological mother is one of 10 children, and my adoptive mother and her siblings managed to produce 26 grandchildren between them), the chance of my dating a blood or adoptive relative was just too damned high. Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi were too risky, as well. To be honest, Fey scared me when she told me she had an aunt in Louisiana, but I'm just not doing the geneology, okay? :) (My dad's third wife found out that she's my mom's -- his first wife - second cousin. It's just that close genetically.)

But to know it and to still go there? No, I don't think so. I mean, technically they are not related. But think about it--his mom and her dad are married, and even though it's mainly platonic right now, what do you think it would be like if it got more serious? I mean, it's hard enough imagining your parents getting nasty. Could you imagine how freaky it would be if it were you and your boyfriend's parents getting nasty?

Oh, I don't freakin' think so.

Anyway, I'm just talking out my head now. Please tell me TQs on today? Please?

And can we have some cheese-free bread in the breakroom? I'm totally allergic. And a vegetarian, so the ham is out, too.....


No, it's TRACY! Yeah, and it's Coleman's baby, but she and Luke are pretending it's his, and it's causing them to grow closer...

No, wait. That's the plot to "Oh, Baby...."

Never mind.

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Hmm...okay MinervaFan how bout some of my famous zucchini bread,sliced and toasted,with butter?

Are you dairy allergic,or just lactose intolerant?

Can you eat,say..soy products like milk and cheese?

We also have wheat bread with vegetarian sausage and onions,for you adventurous ones.


And a nice fruit salad to go with that.

And *whew* I'm exhausted from all this cooking. :0)

About no Tracy today. Noooo, I'm not surprised. :(

*waves* to Keith and LOL,I think w/all this "women" talk he's afraid to come in here.


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--skips merrily down Midol lane--

Sorry, it had to be said.

I'll get right on that meatless and cheeseless loaf for ya, cuz--I mean, Deb. --another jab I couldn't resister. Sorry! :lol:--

And yeah, I'm with Deb on the whole incest issue. It's not unheard of. But to go into it knowingly? That just seems like all kinds of icky. Knowledge is power, or something. But as Ms. Q said, when it all comes down to it, we're all human, and all somehow related, so, yeah. Moving on...

Any Tracy today? No? I knew it!

Me? Afraid? You're talking to a man who watches/has watched GH just to see a little Jane Elliot action. If I'm not afraid of that...

Hmm. I may!

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Hey, that's the best I've eaten in days. Too bad it's virtual-- I don't really like milk products that much, so I don't normally go after the soy equivalents. (I don't put milk in my cereal--just eat it dry, and the only kind of cheese I like is cream cheese.) Don't know if I'm allergic, intolerant, or just don't like it. (Oh, and I only crave ice cream when it's cold outside. Eating ice cream in hot weather makes me sick.) Weird, I know. But that's where I am.

And the zucchini bread--oh, lady, you just made my weekend.

So. No TQ this week at all, huh?

But, we DO get SOILY, Lucky and Maxie doing the Yucky together, Sam slutting it up with her step-daddy, and Patrick infecting himself with AIDS.

Why do we watch this show again? Oh, yeah...>TRACY<

Maybe next week...

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I don't even wanna imagine the next person that pisses me off let alone Tracy Quartermaine, lol!!

Ditto (or word or w/e)!!

ILoveTracyQ they're working, thank the lord. And Re. relatives- I can't tell my mom cuz she's in florida, lol. I'm at an aunt's house in Jersey watching my other cousin. But good news, they left!! But they left me with a head ache and an 8 year old brat.

::sighs:: TQ today??? ........ Okay I'll take that as a no. This getting ridiculous!

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WOW, is it just me or has there been a ton of activity on this board today!! :D:D:D I'm glad Tracy is getting the attention she deserves on this thread since she isn't getting it on GH. :angry:

Well, I am off to a Beer Pong tournament in Las Vegas this weekend. I will "see" you all on Monday.

**ILoveTracyQ is posting eeeeeeeeeeeeee**

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