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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I just saw on Soap Opera Digest's website, that Wally was one of three actors up for the part. The only question that seems to be the real problem is weather he will make the move to New York to play this part. I hope for the best in whatever he does. I do like his show "One Day With...." but I think that show has not been picked up for another season. :angry:

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It's all right, 4XCrazy. I had a friend tape it, but she lives a bit of a distance, and I haven't had the time to get it yet. I'll probably go this weekend. Waiting an extra 2 days or so to see it isn't going to kill me, LOL. And yeah, FF.net hasn't been up and running lately. Or you can access it one minute and not the next (kind of like how this site was last night). Heh.

*waves to Keith and goes into the breakroom for some bread*

Good luck with your dad, MinervaFan. I doubt there's going to be any TQ today, so if there are interruptions...Well, it wouldn't matter to me, LOL, but in case you sit and watch everything later (how you do that without Tracy on as a motivator, I have no idea, LOL), I'll hope for no interruptions. ;)

ILoveTracyQ, it's just so boring sitting there, and I'm not one to read novels or even magazines. Ooh. *gets idea* Maybe I can print out any new fic MinervaFan writes and read that. Oh, and this is besides the point, but I have no sense of direction and no doubt will get lost on my way there (I haven't been to this courthouse before). *sigh*

Excellent analysis on the Quartermaines, everyone.

Edit: JE has the picture at SZ today! She didn't have a photo on the old site, but she does now. It's nothing we haven't seen before, but still...Yay!







I heard that too, smirks. Was thinking about posting it today actually. Yay for Wally if it's true! And we better get some final scenes.

I read that too, nex. Wonder who the other actors are?

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Hey, guys! Sry i took so long in posting but i was having the most imteresting conversation with tracy in the break room...oh, but, don't bother getting excited about seeing her, she had some AMAZING love scenes to do on set today and she had to go...the flatbread tacos we made with the breadmaker was awesome tho, thanx keith!

OK, gotta catch up. first let me say how much i LURVED JE on Soap Talk, even if i do hate lisa and ty, (and i do hate them, make no mistake) they are loud, boisterous, obnoxious, and lisa's lips just piss me the hell off. i dont know what it is but they just look...ugh ( i know thats incredibly critical and shallow but they seriously irk me) they overtalk each other and i too think two hosts are redundant. It wouldn't even be so bad if they were funny, but, alas, they are not. that sais, however, i would miss the show because it is the only one of it's kind. i mean where else do we get JE, NLG, RS (robin strasser, my sista from another mista) all on one show (not one episode, mind you, but, you get me drift.)? They should just get better hosts. Ty's actually not all that bad when there's a guest host or something like when lisa was on DWTS. that was like heaven!

Back to JE, tho. she was awesome: vibrant, witty, she seemed comfortable in her own skin. I don't know if anyone else caught this but i would not worry about JE not re-signing in Nov. When they were talking about her producing she specifically said that she was over-paid, under-worked, and she wouldn't give that up. she's staying my friends. also, at the end of her segment when they were about to go to commercial, she ,mouthed the word "write" to the camara. I, personally, have taken that as a supreme command for my Tracy-god, and i shall doeth whath sheth commandeth! It might actually matter since she said do it, right. Write.

MF, i feel you on the whole daddy cancer scare. my dad wnt for a colonoscopy and they found out that he had polyps and they didn't knnow if had cancer and they wouldnt know if they medicine they gave him was working and that he didn't, in fact, have cancer until some weeks later when they could do another test. the most nervewracking weeks of my life. It was, alas, a false alarm and im glad that your dad will be able to fight his own illness. that's awesome.

i do think that tracy's "problem" as far as the Q's are concerned (well one of the bigger problems, the biggest?) is that she doesn't have a penis.(blunt but true.) she has major daddy issues but i personally think that adds to her character. I like that she has the problems she has/has had (sadistic, right?) because i think that is the reason she is so strong. She's self-reliant because she really has noone else to rely on, she's determined because the has had to fight to the death, nearly, to get just the simplest of things. that is excatly why i like her, she reminds me of myself. granted, my relationship with my family is great and my dad adores me (he calls me his "little chocolate chip" :) I don't even like chocolate but i do lurve that name!) but i have one through some things in my seventeen (eighteen in one month and four days..) years that some adults haven't gone through, couldn't survive if they did (among them: familial child molestation, two divorces, bullimia, finding out in the worst possible way that i was adopted...and of course, the dreaded T word, "therapy") yet i have survived. scratch that, i have more than merely survived, i have lived. i refuse to be crippled by the situtations that surround me, refuse to remain a victim to the cowrdly actions of those that would despitefully use me. i am a strong woman, hear me roar...so is Tracy, so too, i think, are the women (and keith), on this board. opposed but never beaten, bruised but never broken. l love this place. you guys are awesome.

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Say it LOUD, say it PROUD, Tracyluver! Sounds like you're a powerful broad--the world needs more powerful broads. You're right--I think a lot of us love Tracy because she's faced life's trials with pinache--wish I could say I was as classy dealing with the slings and arrows.

Rock on, Tracyluver. Rock on, TracyQ. Rock on, everybody. :)

(Oh, and just so you know--my Fey is a powerful broad too! That why I LURVE her soooo much!)

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I don't think they'll do anything if Wally leaves. They don't have to.. I mean, serously, when is the last time anybody saw him? (It's been months I think) I can't remember the last scene I saw him in. What's he supposed to be doing these days, anyway?

Speaking about seeing less of the Quartermaines these days.... When's the last time Monica has been on? I believe it's been close to a month. There was talk on this board awhile back about more Q characters going recurring. Is LC recurring now. She had been popping up here and there for awhile, but now she seems to have disappeared. :(

That said -- fewer Q characters to choose from means "our" favorite Quartermaine may actually get on more often. (It' sad but true, I think)

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You know, LaineyBev714, I have to agree with you on that one point--the fewer Qmaines, the more chance TQ has of having screen time. Of course, that's applying logic to the situation. It's quite possible they could pare it down to one or two Quartermaines (Oooh, I vote for Emily and Jason!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeee!), and still not give them any air time.

But, for those of us who don't LIKE what TIIC are doing, there's always fanfic.

(Nice seque, huh?)

New fic: Beggar in the House of Plenty: Prompt #22, Beggar. Tracy tries one last act of desperation with Paul before it all blows up in her face. (Hint: MsQuartermaine, you aren't going to like this one. I just feel it in my gut.) Lots of angst, Tracy playing dubious with ethics, Paul Hornsby being his own spineless self.

It ain't pretty, but it's where the prompt brought me. The next prompt is False. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. Hopefully, it'll be happier than this one.

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tracyluver, what a wonderful way to end your post! You go, girl! :D

LaineyBev, that's an excellent point. As I think smirks mentioned, Ned might be perpetually "away on business." And I believe we last saw him the day Luke left Tracy at the altar (April something or other). As for Monica, she had an appearance sometime after the 4th. I didn't watch, but I remember people online commenting on the fact that she was at Sam's bedside, but not Jason's.

About writing...I emailed my letter to SOW Public Opinion, ABC Mail at Soaps In Depth, ABC Speak Out, and SOD Sound Off. Gotta come up with a something a bit more sophisticated for Guza and co. And those letters will not be emailed, but rather mailed the old fashioned way. Heh.

MinervaFan, I just read it. I didn't hate it. ;) I don't like Tracy as the Desperate!Wife, but I could see a scenario like that happening. And as with everything else, you've written it so well. *bows down to your greatness*

So...I checked recaps for this week's show, and Dillon was supposed to overhear Lulu confessing to Tracy on Wednesday (and this happened), and Tracy was supposed to offer Lulu advice on Thursday (and this we know). Anyone think anything got cut? * Or was it just moved forward? It did seem kind of rushed. I mean, one minute Lulu was all, "I'm late for work," and in the next scene, she's back at the Q's? And this brings to... *drum roll*

BACKSTAGE STUFF: At GHFCW, Greg Vaughan said that none of the actors know what the hell is going on and that they're getting a lot of pink sheets (scripts with pink ink all over them to signify rewrites). He talked about Tivo'ing GH and then wondering why a lot of his scenes never made it on air. GH better step away from the Tracy scenes. I'm still wondering what it would've been like if Mac comforted Tracy when she feared Dillon was going to die. *sigh*






Patrick Mulcahey might return and write for GH again? I hope so. So does GV. According to his event recap, when asked about this, he got down on his knees and prayed to the Soap Gods for it to be true. LOL.

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MsQ--the Gods of Silicon Heaven bestowed a few hours of computer time on me tonight. I still felt too dirty after writing that Paul/Tracy story to actually work on anything else, so ya know what I did? I reread "Oh, Baby." All 49 Chapters! In one sitting!

You done REALLY good, kiddo, and I can't wait for it to continue. I noticed the writing style improves with each chapter--you put more detailed narrative, more emotion, more everything into it. I enjoyed it even more the second time through. If anybody here hasn't been reading it, I highly recommend it. "Oh, Baby" rawks....

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Ms.Q about the jury duty thing....just picture them in their underwear.


awww...tracyluver,you rock. :)

The rumor about Wally...LaineyBev I have my doubts about whether or not they'd do anything,either.

Cause they're dumb. That is all.

MinervaFan your story....I didn't hate it. I think YourPaul needs much more meaness,though. If you even write him again,LOL.

CAuse towards the end,yeah.

He was a complete jerk.

He was kinda a jerk anyway....but he was a colossal jerk by the end of it.

Yeah the ** coming back as a writer rumor? I'd love to see how he'd write Tracy,specifically Luke/Tracy.

And Oh Baby does indeed rawk. It has soooo much heart. :)

And that's why I love ya'll's fics.

Cause they all have heart,and except for days like this past Wednesday and,well....pretty much every scene Tracy's in...LOL....GH just doesn't have heart. It's lost it somewhere.

But then we get those moments of sheer brilliance,like the Luke/Tracy unexpected goodbye kiss and the Tracy/Lulu stuff this week.

How much better would it be though if it were that way all the time? *sigh*

Heart,people. Heart. That's what it should be about.

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Re: Spoiler/Rumor Talk









Patrick Mulcahy is one of the most gifted dialogue writers ever to grace soapoperadom. I was trying to google exactly what years he wrote for GH, but all I could come up with was that he was an associate head writer from 1998-1999, but he was writing for the show for longer than that, wasn't he? (I was still actually enjoying the show at that point so I had no interest in going online to examine who was responsible for killing my show yet). I also know that he wrote for Santa Barbara, and that NLG thinks he kicks tremendous ass. Someone with dates, give me the heads up. I just know that he's responsible for a lot of my favorite GH scenes. So, MinervaFan, just imagine what Jane could do with really good dialogue, given what she does with the tripe that the current writers often give her.

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I was just rewatching some of my clips--June 28, 2006 (Tracy and Luke kiss after Justus' funeral), July 4, 2006 (Tracy tells off Alcazar), and DOOL Justin and Anjelica seduction scenes.

I've seen what JE can do with lousy dialogue (forgive me, Keith, I know you're a fan, but the DOOL clip sucked). She's okay, given the severe limitations of the character and the pairing. I've seen what she can do with excellent dialogue (yeah, the scenes with Luke and Alcazar were excellent, even though she was just a sounding board for the Luke scene).

Frankly? I'll take excellent dialogue, thank you. So, if this guy is as good as you say he is, yeah, bring him on. And if they want to hire on Quinn Redeker (a man who could make the best of even the crappiest dialogue) and Lane Davies (who can outsnark even Tracy herself, in just about any character) to play with Ms. Elliot, I would not complain either. She works best opposite men who are smart, funny, and can match her zinger for zinger. (I'm telling you--Wally Kurth did not do well on DOOL--his zinger was out of whack, and he delivered his "comic" lines with about as much pinache as a grapefruit.)

I still haven't come up with my bunny for Prompt #23 yet, but I was having this great mentafic (ooh, thanks Regency, for the perfect term) on the way home last night. Tracy, Lulu, Helena--a gun, a cell phone, and Luke thinking the absolutely wrong thing. I'm going to wait to see how this summer plays out, and if I'm not satisfied with Luke's August return, I may just try to write it.

ETA: I just read the transcripts of Tracy's April 2003 episodes.

Blows my damned Tracy/Alice femslash story to smithereens.

*pouts* Now I have to figure this out. Damn.

ETA2: Have any of you ever read this? I don't know why, but it had me LMAO. Maybe it's just a Sunday morning bored-and-hungry thing?

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*sneaks in*

What happened? It's so quiet. :o

MinervaFan, thanks for the kind words. I have no idea how you read all the chapters in one sitting, LOL, but I'm glad that you're seeing improvement.

About Lane Davies...He's been on GH before as Dr. Cameron Lewis, a psychiatrist, non-romantically paired with Alexis. He was also Zander's father, but you might not be sure who Zander is. (He was Emily's husband before Nikolas, and also Baby Cameron's biological father.) Anyway, Cameron died in the PC Hotel Fire, but I wouldn't be opposed to bringing the actor back as a different character.

I've read the Barney fanfic, and yeah, I was amused, LOL.

ILoveTracyQ, could it be a good thing that we don't get brilliant stuff all the time? It makes the times we do get it all the more special. Maybe.

Edit #1: She's a Lady, a LuNacy video by Silver Lining.

Edit #2: MinervaFan, that second quote in your signature. Did that come from SoapTalk? Can you elaborate a little more?

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Hey everybody!! Just wanted to pop in real quick and share a song that kinda reminded me off TracyQ.....

Song: Let Down

By: Bif Naked (don't ask lol)

Ain't had a job in about a year

Living down in my parents basement

I wish that I could get outta here

Sometimes I think I need a vacation

Can't get my mother off my back

She don't have far to go to drive me crazy

Someday that !@#$%^&*] is gonna make me crack

Might be the last time she calls me lazy





1-2-3 I'M A LET DOWN

(are you like me?)

And now my sister's got a fancy car

I got a piece of [!@#$%^&*] from 1980

But at least I got my two guitars

And a one-way ticket to nowhere, Baby!





1-2-3 I'M A LET DOWN

(are you like me?)

(are you like me?)

(are you like me?)

Oh, no! no! Now, I've got a dream

they don't understand. It won't be long

I'm not what I seem. See, I've got

a plan (that's right!)

Sometimes they act like I don't exist

Or else, they treat me like I'm still eleven

Heaven knows I can't take more of this

They never thought that I'd be 27





1-2-3 I'M A LET DOWN

(are you like me?)

(are you like me?)

(are you like me?)

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