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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves back to Keith* Are you stalking me? LOL. And Patrick works, but before Lucky got hooked on pain killers (back when he was off the force and therefore unemployed), someone on another board suggested the Q's hire him as their butler. :lol: He could've been Tracy's boy toy. Luke would've just loved that, LOL. And yeah, the signature is from Justus's Not!Funeral, the July 4th episode, even though the funeral that wasn't began on June 28th. One long day in GH Land...

Welcome to knh! I hope you post more often. * :D I have no way of making clips myself, but I can put in a request at Hella Good. The ladies there have SoapTalk clips of several GH stars, so I see no reason why they couldn't clip JE's portion.

* Speaking of people posting...Anyone hear from 4XCrazy lately? Or Bella?

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Who me? Never! :lol: I just happened to come into the thread and see your name at the bottom, italicized, heh.

I'm a major Lucky/Liz shipper, but I could have gone for that myself. I love me some Greg Vaughan. He's a half way decent actor and he's got the looks that TPTB wants.

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*waves to all*

Welcome to knh glad to see more people not afraid to post here,LOL.

We really don't bite.

*passes around Lemon Bread as a gesture of good will* Or any bread....what's your pleasure.

And Keith I was just kidding about keeping the breadmaker....you can have it back.


You earned it fair and square.

Today has been so exhausting.....picked up my new unpainted bookcase and rocker,which was originally supposed to be delivered. LOL

My sister helped me tote the things upstairs,and we left the bookcase out on the patio because I was going to buy the stain and stain it today.

Well I helped her move her stuff,SOME of her stuff,because she has to be out of her house by next Friday due to her ex (divorce final yesterday) getting the house.

So we did that for a while and might I mention we used my dad's truck...which is really OLD,and has no air conditioning,in 105 degree weather.

So yeah I drank a lot of liquids today,LOL.

And we had a blow out on the way home.

It's just a good thing we got the truck back to my parent's house before it starting raining.

And then I remembered,AFTER it stopped raining,that I had left my bookcase on the patio without a cover,while it was raining.

Aaaahhhh.......it's been a long,tiring day. LOL

Thanks for letting me vent.

BTW my dad hardly drives that truck anymore...but he has a special name for the lack of air conditioning...he says he has "two and fifty air conditiong"....both windows rolled down going FIFTY miles an hour.


And that's about the only way you'll get a breeze.

I think I may have suffered heat stroke,so if I act weird.... :lol: ,just ignore it.

Anyway to keep this on topic...Tracy Q rules,and even if it is only ONE day,look forward to her next week.

Ms.Q she hasn't had too many weeks of being on more than twice,but when she does it's always nice.

TIIC sure are stingy about her airtime though.....it's like "okay Jane's been on ONCE. Now let's get back to Sam/Jason/Ric/Alexis/Sonny/Carly/Emily/Ric/Luke/Robin/Patrick,the REAL important cast of GH."

Oh,I'm not bitter. :blink:

Yay to JE being on SoapTalk

And the spoilers.....*sigh*sometimes I wish I could be spoiler free. Because if she's going to be on only one day and I already know what's going to happen......*sigh*

Ms.Q I answered your PM. :)

Ta,all! It'll be Monday I think before I talk with you again,everyone have a good night/weekend. :)

*waves* to Ms.Q !!

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So...About this breadmaker...I did have the 2000th post. I'm thinking Keith should let me borrow it for at least a little while. Heh. We better stop before we scare any new posters away.

ILoveTracyQ, wow, sounds like a crazy day. It was ridiculously hot here too. I didn't even want to get into the car to go to bank, and my car has air-conditioning, LOL.

Yeah, the more than 2 days/week hardly ever happens anymore, but there was awhile there when she did have 3 days/week (May 2005, late November/early December 2005--I only remember this because I was excited that TQ was on 4 whole days the week of my birthday, LOL, middle/end of Jan. 2006--between the "Tracy fakes her death" SL and "Luke returns with a chimp" SL, and even some of March/April--Tracy plays hostess/vow renewal/freezer madness.) Of course, some of these appearances were maybe 2 minutes total, and appearing 3 times/week every now doesn't mean it's the average. Heh. I think I better stop before I come off more obsessed than usual. Don't mind me, LOL.

Night everyone!

Edit: *waves to Regency who is lurking*

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For MinervaFan and anyone else who has asked for these...

April 27, 2005: Tracy informs Skye of AJ's death. Luke/Skye talk about going into the light or something, LOL. Luke drugs Tracy.

April 28, 2005: Luke holds Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star (the scenes with the hamburger are unfortunately not included). *

April 29, 2005: Luke informs Tracy of his plan to lure Helena out of hiding. Skye arrives and asks Luke to set Tracy free to help the Quartermaines. Lorenzo arrives and makes goo-goo eyes with Skye. After they leave, Tracy plays on Luke's feeling for Skye (the final scenes where Luke unties Tracy and Helena holds Tracy at gunpoint are not included). *

Credit to Geena of HellaGood. Special thanks to Ashley for requesting the clips there.

nex, Geena responded to your post about the July 4, 2005 clips. ;)

Edit: July 4, 2005. Includes all Tracy Q. scenes as well as a Bobbie/Durant/Alexis/Ric one. Credit to Geena of HellaGood. Special thanks to our very own nex for requesting them.

* I've asked her about these, and she'll have them up in a bit. I'll post when they become available.







SoapDish has Lulu getting shot possibly by Lucky with Tracy possibly making all the medical decisions. Gotta love all the "possibly's." Heh. Fits well with the motherhood spoiler and Luke returning in August, though. But eh...I don't know how this would be a crisis for the entire teen scene that has the Q's forming strange, but interesting alliances (as one of the magazines spoiled). Any thoughts?

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Hola... been out of town for awhile.. checking back in.

I SOOO love the idea of Tracy with a woman!!.. but there isn't a woman on GH who is a match for our girl (Really.. Nobody comes close to matching her strength and complexity. Anna sort of does, but not really).

Come to think of it -- there aren't really any good male matches for her, either. Luke is as close as it gets, which is why all of us seem to love the idea of the two of them (He matches her stength and complexity).

Maybe the "old" Robert would have been a good match for Tracy.. but this new incarnation of Robert is sorta bafoon-ish. I really don't like the idea of a Robert-Tracy match-up..

Not one little bit. Not at all. Sorry.. I know many of you disagree.

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Actually, I don't disagree with you at all, on any of it. Tracy has had thirty years as a character to develop, and really there isn't anybody out there who's a match for her. Okay, there is one female character on the show I'd love to see her slashed with, although I think I'll get slammed for it--Bobbie. They're roughly the same age, both have been toughened by the school of hard knocks, both are fiercely protective of the ones they love. I could so see them going there--and let's just say it does my little byotch heart good to just imagine the line "Luke, I can't believe Tracy left you for your sister!" being uttered on the show....

ETA: Tracy/Patrick? Huh???? No, my brethren and sistren, Tracy does not need a boy toy. She's already married to an overgrown adolescent and pseudo-flirting with another overgrown adolescent. What she needs is a man, not a boy. She's never actually been paired with a real grown-up--don't you think it's time?

Oh, and totally fishing for Tracy-Monica-Bobbie-Anna Girls Night Out fic, now that they're all in town. C'mon--any takers?

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I am with you... No Patrick. Not enough substance...

Bobbie has the substance.. but for some reason, I'm not loving the pairing. If they ever do a woman for Tracy, I think they'll need to bring in a new character (I'm voting for someone played by Kate Mulgrew. I would SO pay big bucks to see that!!!!! Yes, apparently in addition to a Jane Elliot obsession, I have a Kate Mulgrew obsession. Who knew?!?!)

Good news (for me anyway), is that I have become convinced Lacy will happen when Luke returns in August or just before Laura returns in the fall. All the spoilers/signs point in that direction, and I choosing to believe it!!!





Ms. Quartermaine was quoting SoapDish about Lulu possibly getting shot with Tracy possibly making all the medical decisions..

Supposedly an SD rumor for August says (this is from a fan email I get.. I can't find the darn thing on SD, but anyway..): "Dillion and Lulu aren't the story."

If Dillion and Lulu aren't the story.. then their parents are. I am convinced that something is going to happen with the kids that will finally push Tracy and Luke over the edge (only to have it busted up by Laura)... but it is definitely going to happen. I feel it in my bones!!!

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I saw Soaptalk this morning, Jane looked great :) If you don't want to know DON'T READ!!! (no spoilers)










They didn't go into detail about what the summer storyline is going to be, but she came over to the show strait from GH and was still wearing her wardrobe from the show. She also came out in her slippers, she said that she has gone past the legal limit for wearing high heels. They showed 2 clips from the show, the first was from the MI's where she says to Luke about mounting his head or wanting "congel" rights. The second was her being left at the alter. They did ask her about the vets coming back and she said it was like a party. She talked about producing and acting and she said she loved producing but it was hard with young children, that as a producer she was over worked and under paid, now she is over paid and under worked. (a jab at the writers perhaps) She was asked what her favorite character on daytime has been, and while she wanted to say Tracy, it actually was Carrie from GL because she was a nut job, and it really pushed the limits in her acting ability. There was more but unfortunately I was in my bathroom doing my hair. Hopefully, somebody will post the episode later today!!

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I'll remember to watch JE tonight,I can't wait. :)

spoiler talk

I can see Lulu attempting suicide with a gun,Dillon and/or Tracy walk in and try to stop her and the gun goes off accidentally.

THAT would be something that would divide the Q's,especially if Dillon was the one struggling with Lulu with the gun,and TRACY said she did it.

You're right Ms.Q,I hardly see how Lucky shooting Lulu would divide the Q's.

Unless Tracy telling Lulu she didn't have to leave the mansion made Dillon so mad he joined forces with his grandfather to get Tracy out of ELQ.

But that would be the GH that makes sense,right? LOL

LaineyBev Lulu/Dillon may not be the story,but it could be Tracy/Lulu bonding and Tracy stepping up to help,just as well as it being about Lacy.

I'd LOVE for it to be about Lacy,but IMO if Lulu does get hurt, it'll cause more damage than good because I can see Luke saying something hurtful and critical to Tracy about her parenting skills.

And if she already feels guilt,to have Luke put coals on top of that.....

It'd be nice if it brought them together,though.

spoiler talk over

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Welcome back, LaineyBev. I don't think Robert's the best match for Tracy either, but if he treats her with the respect that she deserves? I'd be all for it. Oh, and I hope you're right about Luke/Tracy happening in August. *crosses fingers*

MinervaFan, you have to write the girls night out fic. You just have to. Please? [/begging]

nex, thanks for sharing! I don't know when I'll be able to get the tape from my friend. "Over-paid. Underworked." Heh. TIIC aren't going to punish her for that, are they? For anyone interested, SoapNet has a complete recap here. Click on "Archive."

Clip Alert: HellaGood has all Sam/Tracy scenes and a couple Jax/Tracy ones from Nov. and Dec. 2003.

Tracy: Aren't you petite? No bigger than a china doll -- and about as intimidating, as well.

Sam: Yeah? Well, my fist isn't made of china. Is your face?

Tracy: And belligerent, too. Do you scratch and spit?

Tracy: I am impressed with your proficiency. Do you watch a lot of porn? :lol:






ILoveTracyQ, you are a genius. If your scenario isn't the plan, then it should be, just because that would totally fit with the summer previews and the alliances and all that. Oh, and because I think it would be awesome. :D Maybe not so good for Lacy, but we'll see...

As mentioned here before, SoapDish has Lulu moving out the Q's, but another poster is saying that Tracy tries to get her to say. Hmm...

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