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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves to ILTQ!!!*

yeah, the scene yesterday did seem a little unfinished. and, as i think someone else mentioned earlier, WTH was up with all the people ranomly showing up at kelly's? i mean, i get the diego/georgie making out thing and how like people were watching them, but they never showed anybody leave! I mean, i know they don't ALWAYS show people leaving a scene, they just assume the viewers know, but like that was FOUR couple's of people (did that make sense?lol) nobody was shown leaving, yet nobody saw each other and they were in the EXACT same place as everybody else. that's...UGH...that irks me. you would think that if you can coordinate a (too damn long) train crash you can work out a scene where people LEAVE a place! Right? or am i just moody today? :)

ok, going WAAY OT for a sec: does anyboday have a myspace? just wondering.

okay, well, gotta go eat some waffles. oh did i mention i didnt get the car (well , not officially) because i don't even have my permit yet, BUT i am going to take the test today or tommorrow? wish me luck!

ETA: Hey, amello!

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***waves to Kenna and Tracyluver**

As I sit hear at work and read everybodys posts I have to agree, yesterdays Tracy/Robert scene was definately unfinished, you know god forbid they take two minutes out of Sonny's BORING storyline to finish up a scene between two real characters! :angry::angry:

ILoveTracyQ I also agree with you about Tracy's real reason for wanting to help Lulu, I do think she has a soft spot for her, weather she admits it to anybody or not. I truly believe she does not want her to get hurt, especially by her own son.

This is a bit off topic but as I was watching tv this morning I saw a commerical for Wheel of Fortune and this week is soap star week, does anybody know who, if anybody, from GH is going to be on? Today's episode was featuring Peter Bergmen (Jack from Y&R), Diedre Hall, and Susan Flannery (Stephanie from B&B).

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Okay,trying this again:

MinervaFan: I'm not sure what site has clips: bet smirks will know....sowry. I went to NeverQuiet all the time,then it went down,and I don't know the site of the place Ms.Q goes to. About the missing Tracy/Robert scene....here's a thought: if you're unsure if Tracy would say all those things to him that you want her to say,put them in a perilous situation. He IS a spy,after all. And the perilous situation is a tried and true way to get people to spill their guts.

That,plus the fact that they have known each other for years...and I actually think she WOULD confide in him to an extent...you just have to push the envelope. I think she trusts him.

*Luck* tracyluver with the permit.

I drove so fast during my test that when I hit a dip in the road, the cup of coffee the instructor had sat on the dash almost spilled all over him.

LOL...but don't DO THAT. :P

And no, I don't have a myspace.

nex I hadn't heard about Wheel of Fortune,I don't think any GH stars are on,but if you google it might have a list of who's appearing.

*hopes TQ is on for more goodness this week*

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TracyluverMaybe I'm moody too cuz I feel exactly the same way! And yeah I have one, www.myspace.com/smoke91 and good luck on the test!!

I seriously wish they wouldn't finished that scene yesterday, I felt very cheated. But anyways.... I'm liking her hair like that now just get her a better wardrobe and I'll be happy.

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*waves to angel....I'm so glad to see ya'll posting. :)

MinervaFan let me clarify that when I stated the idea of a perilous situation,I don't mean anything convoluted or complicated,because the situation itself won't be the main focus,or at least I'm assuming it won't be.

The man IS a spy however...so just about anything could happen,but it could be as simple as someone coming in to rob the HS after hours and Robert/Tracy are there alone.

But if you pick up the scene outside Kelly's it could be someone robbing Kelly's and Robert/Tracy stop them or try to and get taken hostage or tied up together waiting for someone to find them..

HEH...funny how a few good scenes and we are talking more about Tracy/Robert than Tracy/Luke.

Although I'd love a REAL triangle.

And since I hate triangles that's saying a lot for me.

ETA *waves to kenna*

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It's dead in here.

I loved the scenes this week! I even though she asn't in every segment, they were still quality scenes so thats good. Robert seems to get Tracy really well. I am not sure how well they knew each other the last time Robert was on, but he seems to understand her better than most people. I'm still stuck on what my next vid should be about. Hopefully I'll figure something out though. Any ideas?

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Sigh. I did not get *any* writing done tonight. But that does not mean I haven't been thinking about it. In fact, I've got at least two non-100 Situations fanfic bunnies running around in my head, vying for attention with the two WIPs I haven't touched and the stupid 100 Situations I'm trying to keep up with.

ILoveTracyQ, I hesitate to write a "danger" story with Robert and Tracy. Writing "Crash" for Tracy and Luke just about killed me--besides, I don't see Tracy as the "adventure" or "danger" type. She's more cerebral, more subtle than all this running around, dodging bullets. My dream fic would be a mystery, very much a Nick and Nora Charles feeling to it--very witty and urbane--with Tracy always being just a little smarter than whoever she's paired with (although he would take all the credit). But since I can barely *read* most mysteries, much less plot and write them, that will probably never come from me.

Another pairing I'd like to tackle is Tracy and Lulu. I'm really starting to love the vibe between them, especially since Tracy's responding so unexpectedly (on the surface) to all this with Dillon & Lulu. We're seeing a much more insightful and deep part of her, possibly because Tracy identifies with Lulu on some level and wants to protect her. She lets people think it's because of Luke, but I'm absolutely certain she would care anyway if she'd had as much interaction with her. I mean, she was somewhat protective of Zoe, even sweet to her, gave her a make-over and everything. (LOL)

I don't know--I'm just babbling on. Maybe Tracy wishes she'd had a daughter, secretly--I don't know.

I'm going to try and write now. Any chance of TQ on the rest of this week? Oh, and did you guys check out that the Anna jealousy thing was about Robin? :rollseyes: I'm sorry, she ain't all that. If Anna wants to be jealous, she might want to check out the "parenting bonding" Tracy and Robert are doing....

New Fanfic:

Prompt #18: True True to the Blood. Tracy and Robert trade info after their talks with Dillon and Lulu, respectively. Robert hits a little too close to home when he speculates on the real cause of Tracy's anger with Dillon.

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I liked your story MinervaFan.

You seemed a little hesitant about how to approach their relationship but you've got a good grip on it.

I like that Tracy can be herself with pretty much anyone,at least the "self" she shows to people.

I like that she's comfortable with Robert,and he seems to be comfortable with her.

I would like to add that in the past Robert,when he wasn't written as so much of a buffoon, seemed mostly to consider her an annoyance...much like everyone else.

But there was a respect there and a casual friendship,and I can see it going somewhere even if it just stays a friendship,but I could see them getting closer.

About the adventure stuff.....actually I just meant something simple....like when you had Tracy and Ned locked in the cellar. Or like when Ms.Q had Tracy trapped in the elevator with Jason.

Something just tense enough,or something that gave them time on their hands,so that they had nothing else to do logically,but talk.

I think someone coming in the HS and robbing it,then tying them up like they were in the Q's freezer,would be perfect.

About Lulu.....spoilerish

I thought she was supposed to confess to Tracy and that TRACY was supposed to give her advice...where did we read that,anyone remember?

Of course spoilers also have her going to Carly for advice this week,so maybe she does both,or Tracy's part got changed/cut.

Also,SOW says Dillon confronts Lulu NEXT week,so maybe Lulu isn't the one to tell Dillon.

Tracy tells?

Or someone else?

And SoapDish,anonymous poster,has Lulu looking for a place to live.

You know I can't see Tracy kicking Lulu out.

I can see Lulu leaving voluntarily....but I think like you do MinervaFan...I believe Tracy sees Dillon becoming Paul and she feels for Lulu...I can't see her kicking Lulu out.

But this is Guza's GH.

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With Guza and staff, I'm never sure what to expect from any of these characters. In the past few weeks, they've just nailed Tracy to the floor, and let her rip with that old TQ flair. But just as easily, they could have her doing something atrocious in the next scene they write for her, something she would *never* do.... It's like a sort of schizophrenia with these writers--they're right on target, then they just go off the deep end, listening to the frightening little voices in their heads that tell them to have Tracy post nude pictures of Georgie on the GH Intranet, or have her chase after Luke for over a year without even a little bedroom R&R to keep her going--you get my drift.

Now don't take this the wrong way--I love me some Luke/Tracy. When they are written right, they sizzle like nobody's business. Even when the writing is mediocre, the two actors can still make it work for the most part.

But this last week or so, with no Luke in sight, I have just totally fallen in love with Tracy again. She's a new woman--sadder maybe, hurt, definitely--but still...there's a power in her now that we haven't seen for a long time. A determination, rather than just petulance or stubbornness. Like she's remembering who she is, now that her head is clearing from the Cloud of Luke Spencer Sexual Frustration she's been walking through for the past year. I want to see them develop this. I want her to own this situation with Dillon and Georgie, really take control, be the kind of mother to both these kids we know she's capable of being. And then I want Luke to come cruising in, say late August, and get a load of what he left behind. Get a load of the woman he's taken for granted.

And I sooooooo want him to threaten Dillon. I want that to happen. And I want him to do it in front of Tracy. Because I can see it, like a vision in my head--Tracy cutting him down right in his tracks for *daring* to threaten her son, for *daring* to be angry at this when he was off galavanting with Holly and leaving her to deal with the mess all summer, leaving her to be a mother to both her son *and* his daughter.

I want her to throw his sorry, cheating, butterfly-chasing dreamer ass to the curb.

And then...I want him to earn her back.


And that would be right about the time Laura came back.

Why did you people let me get hooked on a damned soap opera?????????

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I agree with nex.

And can I say, I think we share a brain?

Only I think you stole my half and ran off.


Cause that's the way the last few weeks have been going for me.

As far as Tracy threatening Luke,I actually think that if Luke threatens Dillon,that will happen and we will see it,and instead of it being a case of Luke realizing what he missed,I think Luke is going to also blame her,and this will be not something that wakes him up,but something that causes more distance. Yeah even though Tracy is disappointed in Dillon....she raised him to be a gentleman and NOT to treat women this way....I can see the Mama Bear coming out.

Which means more angst for Tracy and maybe more airtime for JE,which is good,too.

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Somebody tell me TQ was on today. LIE to me if you have to (only make sure I know you're lying, so I don't have to be reaaaally disappointed).

I've had the kind of day that makes me want to pull a TQ--"I WANT MY MOMMY! I WANT MY MOMMY!" in exactly that same tone of voice. And hitting somebody would be nice, too.

ILTQ, got your PM.

Where is Ms.Q, anyway? I thought she said she'd be in Indiana (or Ohio, or one of those middle states) for the weekend. She's totally slacking on carrying her share of the obsession.

And yeah, I'm making this long in hopes that I'll push it over the edge and get that coveted Page 100 Breadmaker......ETA: DAMN! Sooooo close.....

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Tracy and Robert had SEXXX !!!!

On the pool table at Jake's,in the backseat of Tracy's car....in the rose garden...FREAKIN' EVERYWHERE,MAN !

LOL okay so you said make it obvious.

Noooo TQ today,but I think maaybbe tomorrow?

I didn't watch,going on recaps.

Lulu told Dillon what she did but he didn't believe her,he thought she was just saying that to take the blame off Georgie.

So maybe Lulu tells Tracy,thinking if Tracy tells him he'll believe it?

Sounds likely,but then again,not.

Dillon would believe Lulu before his mom.

Maybe Tracy tells her to tell him again?

I'm confused,LOL.

Sorry about your bad day MinervaFan.


And Ms.Q said she'd be there all week,five days,that she was LEAVING last weekend,but that she'd be gone all week.

So yeah....otherwise you know she would've posted by now.

She'll be back......LOL

I miss her,she keeps this place hopping. :)

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ILoveTracyQ you are so funny!! :lol::lol::lol:

I hope Tracy is going to be tomorrow, it gives me something to look forward to when I come home to watch GH. I have OCD when it comes to reading SoapZone's live post, while at work! :P I wait until after the previews have been posted to go and have lunch. **it's sad, I know!**

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