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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ, I saw those previews too--she looked good, but her hair wasn't curly. She also looked yeah verily pissed.

Shout-out to Keith--thank you so much for talking to Fey today. She's pretty shell-shocked (we lost two of our puppies in less than 24 hours), and I really appreciate your taking the time to keep her company.

Oh, and tracyluvr--it was really slow today, so you know what I did? I started tackling that damned Edward situation on paper. It may never go anywhere, but...well, it was stuck in my head, and I had nothing else to do.

Wishing for something good to happen. Thank god TQ's on tomorrow's show.

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No problem. It was great talking to her, after only hearing about you talk about her. Missed Days, but I didn't mind at all, which is only compounded by the fact that it wound up to be a sucky show. I call that good Karma on my part, heh.

Good luck with Eddy Q!

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It seemed curly to me. Or maybe wavy. At least GH tried to make it the same, LOL.

I know we're not supposed to mention anything about this until we have factual evidence, but...

RUMOR ALERT (not from SoapDish either... :P)






Paraphrased from WUBS. 2 actors aren't very happy with their upcoming summer SL, and this might lead him/her NOT to re-sign this fall.

Could it be JE? Yes, because she has a contract up in November. No, because I doubt JE has an "upcoming SL" to be unhappy about. Heh. I'm so evil like that. Any thoughts?

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Happy 4th Ya'll !

May pop in tomorrow if I get a chance.

I'll be watching,for sure !

ETA Sorry about the pups MinervaFan.


And I'm sorry ya'll about the short posts,but besides being rushed and busy I really don't have much to say.

I'm torn between being anxious for Jane and wanting her to re-sign and get a good story,and wanting her to leave GH in the dust because I know as long as Guza is there,this is IT.

This is what she'll get.

Oh I suppose if you put enough pressure on him,he might write for her,but you also have the double edged-sword of wondering if him writing her a story would be a good thing.

My agenda right now is,I wouldn't mind at all for Jane to go to another show,or Tracy to "cross over" to another show.

Although that last part isn't likely to happen.

And I know we'd promised to be positive,which is partly why my posts are so short.

I love ya'll,nothing personal,and I HATE this. I HATE it.

I HATE that she's been so wasted and my probably favorite character on television ever,her airtime hinges on a story with a man who isn't there FIVE MONTHS out of the year.

Not that TIIC are writing for them when he is here,but still.....

Anyway,in order to keep it positive I better log off.


I will pop back in soon,tomorrow maybe.

Is everyone off from work/school/other obligations?

Let's all try to make an effort to post tomorrow if we are.

I'd love to hear from you all.

YOU GUYS are the best part of this thread.


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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm not a fangirl. I'm not a fangirl. Oh, who am I kidding? LOL.







From Wizard: Tracy will give Lulu some much needed advice.

Sure, I would prefer it to be Tracy/Dillon, but this is still good, right? No, this is awesome. I realize some of us can't stand Lulu, but we gotta take whatever we can, when we can. *puts on a smile* See, I can be positive after all. :D

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You're welcome, ILoveTracyQ. And oops, I was so excited before that I didn't even respond to your post. Congrats on 500 posts, by the way!

I hate this too. It sounds stupid, but JE and the other Q actors (who we see maybe three times a month) are the reasons I watch. No Q's=No GH for me. I'm just not invested in anything else anymore...which is sad, because I used to be. *shrugs* And yes, I'll be around tomorrow, until late evening or so, and of course, I'll be sure to post! :D

Have fun tomorrow, Keith.







From Wizard: Lulu confesses to Tracy.

Hmm...She can't confess to sleeping with Dillon because Tracy is going to have the unfortunate pleasure of walking in on that. So, I'm assuming Lulu admits that it started as a big lie to break up Georgie/Dillon? I can't see Lulu just confessing. Something's gotta happen. Come on. Let's speculate. LOL.

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Yes Tracy walks in but she doesn't know what Lulu did,so Lulu probably confesses.

My question is,does Tracy tell Dillon,does Lulu tell Dillon,who tells Georgie?

And PLEASE don't let Lulu be pregnant.

But if she's NOT,what brings Luke back?

spec over

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Happy 4th Everyone!


Ooooooh. Aaaaaaah.


*waves to angel*







Well, since she catches them in bed, I can't see Lulu confessing too much about that. Tracy will probably assume. Or not. According to TV Guide, Lulu tells Dillon about the lie, or maybe it said "the truth comes out." I can't remember. I'm just happy to see Tracy getting some spoilers. I just wish the Luke/Tracy part of this week could've played out. Wizard doesn't make stuff up, so I'm assuming rewrites/scenes cut...something evil like that. <_<

Oh, and I don't think Luke's coming back in August because his daughter's pregnant. He's not supposed to find out that Lulu/Dillon slept together until the fall. *cues music for Laura's return* I'm betting his return to PC is Robert/Anna/Holly related. (Note the omission of our girl.) *cries* Well, I can't be positive all the time... ;)

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Hey, I like Lulu. And am I wrong in thinking that Tracy and Lulu have a lot in common--both of them are pretty much neglected by fathers they (secretly or not-so-secretly) idolize. Both of them scheme to get what they want, to get attention, to get love. Both of them are considered "wild" and "trouble-makers." From the very beginning, Tracy admitted to liking Lulu, and tried to work with her at the start to get rid of Skye. I can also see Tracy feeling Lulu's pain very profoundly, having been on the wrong end of many a triangle in her day. I can see her looking at this kid who got exactly what she wanted, only to find out (rather bitterly) that it didn't bring her happiness, and sympathizing completely.

To be honest, if Tracy is better for Luke than Laura is, Tracy is even better equipped to deal with Lulu than Laura is. She understands her, how she works, how she maneuvers, and what motivates her.

If Lulu had it in her to trust anyone, she could do much worse than Tracy. If Tracy had it in her to do the maternal thing, she could do much worse than Lulu.

Either way, it's screen time for our gal, and I'm perfectly happy for it.

No new fic tonight--spent most of the evening comforting Fey. In all, we've lost four puppies in the last few days--there's an epidemic locally, and dogs are just getting sick. (Granted, there are lots and lots of dogs around, so four is not as much as it seems, relatively speaking, but it's still hard to swallow.) Thanks again, everyone, for the good wishes.

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*needs to stop checking this thread*

MinervaFan, I don't hate Lulu. I can take/leave her, but I'll gladly welcome any screentime she shares with Tracy, and I do believe the two have more in common than either of them care to admit. In fact, ILoveTracyQ listed their similiarities a million posts ago (she also included the fact that they both lost, or in Lulu's case, "lost" their mothers). I personally could still go for some TraLu bonding.

I'm sorry about the puppies. :(

Bella, I'm assuming you haven't been around much lately, but if you're reading this, know that I will try and get the next batch of clips up sometime this week. SendSpace is just sloooooooow sometimes, and I don't have the patience. Sorry for the long wait.

Ooh, ILoveTracyQ...Question about The City. I know that Tracy wanted to marry Gino for his money, but how did she get him to propose within a relatively short amount of time?

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Apologies for the double post, but surely someone watched and wishes to comment on the wonderfulness that is Jane Elliot. :D

If you haven't watched and don't want to be spoiled, skip the rest of this.





How awesome was Tracy with Lorenzo today? Forget Luke. Forget Robert. Lo's where it's at. Heh. Can it please be more than 1 scene long next time? Oh, and JE got to play Tipsy!Tracy. Fun, fun stuff. I love that woman, LOL.

Regarding Tracy/Robert...He talked about romancing her. Yeah, why don't you stop talking about romancing her and just do it already. Take her to dinner. Buy her some flowers. Do something, please! And LOL @ our girl: "I will make you cry."

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Loved Tracy and Lorenzo today. He seemed pretty amused with her. And her seems with Robert weren't bad either. Jane always does great. I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July. Sorry short post. B)

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