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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hi amello. I'm glad you stopped in, and yes, feel free to post often (You might just get that appliance after all. ;)). Tracy's hardly on GH anyway, so you're really not missing her by not watching. But whether she's on or not, we always find something to discuss, LOL.


Story time! *gathers everyone in a circle*

I just got done visiting another board, one that I consider to be comprised of intelligent viewers, but one of posters said something not so nice about JE's acting. And yes, it's just her opinion, and of course, I'm not obligated to agree, but still...

So, I offer this question: Why is it that when someone puts down one of our faves, we kind of get upset about it? Or is it just me? I doubt it, considering the amount of hostility I've witnessed. I mean, chances are these people don't even know each other by name, and yet they'll (and I'm sure I can include "we" in this as well; at least those of us who post at other places) argue repeatedly about why so-and-so is the worst actress on the planet or why so-and-so is the most boring character to ever be seen on soaps. Anyway...

Then I start thinking...(warning fellow TQ fans, you might not like the rest of the post; promise me you will never kick me out of this thread, LOL)...What if JE isn't as great as we believe her to be? Sure, there have been times when she (and others) have done something that's made us go "WTH?" (Case and point: The beginning of the "Let's make Tracy think Luke wants her dead" SL. IMO, most of the acting, including JE's, seemed incredibly forced: "Dillon!!!!!!!!!! Call the cops! Luke is trying to murder me.") Yes, horrific writing played a big role in that, and even the likes of JE and TG couldn't spin that crap into gold, which is why I tend to over look it, but...

(Don't look TQ fans, don't look, LOL) [small voice] Has there ever been a TQ moment that was supposed to be dramatic that didn't turn to be because of the acting? Like for those watching, Tracy on the phone after she hit Jenny, or Tracy telling Ned that she hit Jenny (Can you tell I've been reading transcripts? LOL. I'll upload them when I can...Someone, please remind me if I forget.) And yes, some not so good acting choices out of a millon excellent ones isn't bad by any means, but every time I see a post that insists JE isn't all that, it gets me wondering...and I don't like it, because I do think she's all that. Is she perfect? Goodness, no. No one is. But I do adore watching her onscreen, and I don't like having the slightest thought that's she less of an actress than I believe. [/small voice]

Whew. I hope that make sense. Please don't hate me. Just blame in on real life and Genie Francis's return. Heh. Thanks everyone for reading. If I'm not around much for the rest of the week, know that I'm well and just taking a break from everything GH/Internet related. You all know I can't stay away for long, so no worries. *hugs to all* Will miss ya dearly.

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*pipes up in response to MsQ's questions*

I will admit this before the gods and everyone--JE's and DL's acting (at least vocally) in the Fake Heart Attack Scene was god-awful over the top bad. Downright ludicrous. The line where she says "The only man I ever loved was you" was unintentionally funny.

So why do I watch it over and over? Why have I based so many of my fanfics on that one, particular scene? JE's facial expressions, mainly. Not all of them, because even those can be disturbingly comic, but when she's still, when she's holding back. Emotions that are flittering over her face that TQ doesn't want Edward to see--that maybe JE doesn't even want the audience to see.

I watch those scenes and see JE's potential--but as she gets older, I find it harder and harder to find any scenes (at least the ones I've seen) where she doesn't hit it out the park. (And the one where she tells Dillon Luke is trying to kill her? I'm still working under the assumption that she knew all along they were gaslighting her, and was overplaying the "scared Tracy" bit for their benefit. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.)

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Good morning everyone! Long time no see!

Now that I'm not working like a dog, I have time to gab about my favorite soap diva, and I guess write letters, because they are sorely needed, I think. I just don't think that Laura's return, moreover her short return, should preclude any of Tracy's storyline...Mind you, it WILL, because those are the kinds of writers we have...if anything needs to be sacrificed, it's going to be a Quartermaine. Smart writers would take GF's return and bolster Tracy and Luke's relationship, so there is DRAMA of sorts when Laura comes back...but nooo, Laura coming back means Tracy gets dropped, and not likely in a well-covered onscreen capacity either. She'll probably storm off to Europe to sulk. No LuNacy probably means Eddie Q has nothing to do, or for that matter, the rest of the Quartermaines...almost to the point where they can write them all off en masse...minus Emily and Jason...sometime this fall. I'm not saying it will happen, and I'm not trying to depress anyone, but I can see it happening, in which case I think I may have to start my own soap. Just think of all the talent GH has dropped or marginalized over the past few years...it would be the best soap cast ever.

But we have some hope at least that Laura is temporary...although no doubt they will try to woo Genie Francis back for longer in some sort of godawful recurring status that they have suckered all the vets into, so they can dupe viewers into tuning in every day on the off chance they will actually get to see their vet faves, only to be disappointed. Good on Jane though if they have tried to sucker her into the same and she's not biting.

Ms. Q (Love the banner, by the way), I don't really know that I've ever really cringed at any Tracy scenes, because I tend to enjoy the over-the-top kind of scenes once and a while. I consider them soap kitsche. They have to happen, and as I'm sort of endeared by them. Now, catch me on the wrong day, and say "I WANT MY MOMMY!!!" might rub me the wrong way, but if anything, Jane will cartoonishly overact, and I can handle that much better than underacting, acting inappropriately, or not acting at all, because at least it's comic and you're getting some entertainment value.

Anyway, don't give up people! What happens, happens. But we can enjoy the divine Miss Q while she's on, and if she's not on, I am sure we will enjoy Jane somewhere else.

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Aw, Ms. Q, don't be afraid. No actor or aqtress doesn't make poor acting choices every once in a while, especially in the soap world, with it's fast pace (at least the work schedule is fast paced, LOL).

Jane deserves to be criticized for such times as much as she ought to be loved for the glory she achieves when she does work these days. I definitely attribute her worst work to when she was younger, but even that was probably ten times better than some of the speel we get on soaps these days.

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I don't mean to criticize or anything, but ya'll are depressing the hell out of me.

So SZ says JE's out. These magazines and boards also said Emily was going to be killed off, and lots of other rumors/spoilers that never come true.

I'm not on my prozac anymore, people, so we need to get out of these doldrums. We are throwing a wake for a living, breathing character. Please, let's stop it? My home life is such that I don't feel comfortable even writing anymore--I come here to cheer up and talk about a character I love.

I'm going to try to get something quick written today, but I can't promise anything. But I know TQ herself would tell us to stop burying her before she's dead--and to lighten up!!! It ain't over till it's over.

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Okay let me catch up,first Ms.Q....I have no idea what kind of exit story I'd write. Have to think on it.

*claps* wonderful fic updates, Ms.Q, coolkid,and angel.

Loved them all.

angel I don't want Laura back either,for various reasons. But I'm staying out of it and letting the Laura fans enjoy the news for the most part. I hate it but,nothing I can do about it for now.

Nice to see you posting amello and YES,Jane is the best actress on the show.

Freakin' idiots. BLAH. :angry:

Ms.Q may I have a link to this post please? Is it SOC?

And as far as why we get upset when our faves get bashed:

I think most of us are sane enough to realize it's a fictional character,not a real person,blah blah blah.

BUT when we have a favorite movie,or a favorite blouse,or a favorite ANYTHING,and someone comes along and says "UGH...how could you like that/him/her/it?" It really puts us on the defensive I think because it's like the person doing the bashing is challenging our tastes and likes/dislikes.

Even our intelligence.

And while the person place thing we like,is just that, and nothing more,it DOES become personal when we feel our judgement,our intelligence,our tastes,have been questioned.

I think that's why.

It's a kind of rejection. It's a kind of "well you're not good enough to sit with the cool people,because you like this" kind of thing.

And it sucks.

Which is why I like this thread,because I don't think anyone thinks less of me because quite frankly I think NLG sucks as an actress and Alexis is a big fat bore.

Just as an example. :)

And I don't think less of people who love her.

I don't understand it,LOLOL...J/K...but I don't think less of anyone.

Why would I?

On other boards,however.....*RME* Judgement stands supreme.

I got in a huge fight last week with someone on SZ just because I had the nerve to say I don't like Lulu,and I think Maxie is no bigger of a skank than LUlu is,because of what Maxie's doing,and what Lulu is going to do.(not giving away a spoiler,just sayin').

Apparently it's not okay to think that way for this person.

Which is fine.

I know now that this poster can't take criticism about the character and I won't bother getting into it with her again about it. I felt bad because it got ugly,and I apologized,and actually that exchange was what made me not want to post for days on end.Yes everyone is entitled to their opinions,problem is,some people are better at respecting other's opinions,and some people like me get personal without realizing it,and/or without meaning to.

Board wars can get ugly.

As far as JE's acting. I don't claim to be an acting expert. I know what I like and what I don't.

I do agree with someone who posted the other day,that I think I enjoyed the show more while I was offline than online.

Partly because every nook and cranny of the show is dissected and discussed before I even get to watch,so that little to nothing that happens is a surprise.

I do know that JE is just a person,and therefore she makes mistakes,sometimes dreadful mistakes.

The "on the phone after hitting Jenny"...Ms.Q I laughed at some of it,but I think JE wanted us to. I think she played it as typical Tracy,where you can laugh/cry/get disgusted/love her/hate her,all in the space of one scene.

Aaahh...that makes me miss REAL,TRUE,COMPLICATED Tracy...whom we rarely get to see onscreen due to the shoddy writing these days.

The scenes with Ned....I cried with her when she first told him because JE was shedding tears at the corners of her eyes(which is something Tracy hardly EVER does).

The Tracy and Luke stuff from earlier where she thinks he's trying to kill her...I think was pure camp,and it was supposed to be hammy,and yes I think JE was playing it like Tracy knew all along,or at least,after the first five minutes.

I think JE played it,as TRACY(who is not an actress) "playing" scared,and so therefore she overplayed it,as Tracy would have,because nothing Tracy does is subtle.

I didn't think Tracy's line "the only man I ever loved was you" was funny,because their relationship has always had incestuous tones to it.

At least it did with DL.

I found it believable.

I think JE did the best she could with a very difficult scene.

They did not rehearse the scene.

If they had,she might have toned it down.

They did the scene ONCE,and only once,and taped it,if I'm remembering right.

Jane said it wasn't the kind of thing you COULD do repeatedly and keep it fresh.

She I believe once also said that it was something she wouldn't WANT to repeat.

I think she was a little OTT in some parts,but that line to Edward no matter how it was delivered,rang true to me,and it defines their relationship pretty well I think.

The emotions across her face are why I love JE,period.

She's great at delivering witty,funny lines,and quite good at physical comedy too.

But it's the facial expressions and struggling with emotions,that gets me every time.

Way more than the best dialogue ever could.

She doesn't get nearly enough chances to display those emotions these days.

More's the pity for us.

I'm sorrynex MinervaFan and anyone else if the talk is depressing you.

It's not SZ saying Jane's out,it's SD.

Nothing's official yet,and probably won't be for several months.

Even IF JE doesn't re-sign in November,I think they'd ask her to extend her contract so they can give her a proper send off.

It doesn't bother me as much because I've seen JE come and go several times now.

I don't want to lose Tracy but I have faith no matter what,that everything always works out for the ultimate best.

It does.

And no more of this depressing stuff.

I decree that no more talk of JE leaving,shall be talked about, UNTIL and UNLESS we have REAL,note I said REAL,not meaning SD or any other gossip board, confirmation that she is leaving.

She's with us,we got her,let's celebrate her.


*waves* to smirks, Keith and everyone else.

Long live TQ !!!

ETA I understand the need to take a break Ms.Q. We'll see ya when ya come back. We'll MISS YOU !!

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Great show today, wasn't it? (this is your cue to pass this post if you haven't yet seen today's show...)

I missed like the first 10 minutes of it, but I think I caught all of the LuNacy scenes. How freakin' wonderful they are together, and dare I say it, they gave me a small glimmer of hope. Just sitting there, watching them talk, how could it not be more obvious how right they are for each other, and how miserable Luke and Laura ended up being together? And the kisses! KISSES! Just...awwww... I have no words, but I was extremely happy with the whole episode, even though Laura is coming back...it seems there could still be a lot of room for Tracy after all.

Anyone else want to be extremely happy with me?

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Maybe I'm optimistic, but the writing for LuNacy today was...different. Could we have hope, after all? *beats down hopes aggressively* I loved that the day our girl is finally on managed to be overall enjoyable. What did everyone think of our girl's hair today? It was different, but daresay I liked it. It added to the softness Jane brought to the character in this episode. *SWOON*

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Smirks and ILoveTracyQ! I'm having a horrible day at work--crazy mad mind-bogglingly stupid stuff--so it's wonderful to come here and read the last two posts.

ILTQ--Girl, I hear you talking, and I know what you mean. I don't, for a second, think the *line* "The only man I ever loved is you" is funny, per se. I just sometimes think her delivery of it is a bit screechy and hysterical and OTT. I think the scenes themselves (the three I've seen from that ep) are frackin' RIVETING--probably the most enthralling things I've ever seen on a soap opera. I think the underlying incestuous tone to their relationship is one of the most fascinating things about the Tracy-Edward situation, and it just keeps me coming back for more.

Smirks, I hope you aren't exaggerating about today's episode. It's been a really, really, really bad week at home, and I could use some hope and goodness to look forward to. Kisses....Kissess would be nice.

Kisses would be very, very nice. *sigh*

Okay, I need to go home now. It's been toooo long of a day....

Thanks again, ladies, for helping to cheer me up.

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MinervaFan I understand what you mean about the screechiness.

But sometimes,that's just who Tracy is. Or used to be.

Seriously. You probably wouldn't like her half as much,if you watched in the past...because Guza and Co. have for the most part,"declawed" her.

This Tracy is so much more mild and mellow. Screeching Tracy was (while not ALL the time,she had good cause to screech when she did,LOL) a regular occurance.

So when I see the flashback,I don't focus on the screeching so much because I'm used to it,I guess.

But I definitely see how it would grate on someone's nerves and seem OTT if you aren't used to it.

I like to just always say,Tracy's an OTT character,so any OTT actions are expected.


Yes,I heard good things about today's show as well.

Hmmm.....Ms.Q I know you watched,dare you come out of hiding and add in your two cents? :)

Today's show sounds sweet. :)

ETA *waves to smirks and everyone*

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Keith, I LOVED the hair! (Makeup on this show needs some serious work...but I loved the hair). I like the bit of the curl, just enough. Very pretty, very classy, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again at all.

MinervaFan, watch, WATCH! I promise you the Lunacy scenes won't disappoint. For everything else, your mileage may vary. A lot.

Edited to wave back at ILoveTracyQ!

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Shoot. Me. DED!

Wowsa, wowsa, wowsa, wowsa!

First, call me shallow, but our gal looked f**king HAWT. I loved it all--the hair (soft, elegant, classy, and still fun), the outfit--back to her glory days of sophisticated pantsuits, her make-up, her smiles, her gentleness, her sense of humor - I loved the comment about mooning the guests, and his comeback.

Why do they do this to us? To drive us mad? To make us insane? Because if I could get one episode like this a month, I'd be the biggest GH fan of all time. As it is, they have destroyed us, you know that. They are going there, they are going to put Luke and Tracy together officially, and then bring back Laura. But, we'll figure it out boys and girls.

Please, ya'll, somebody post the clips from today when they become available. I can't trust myself not to lose the tape, and these totally have to be capped for TheDivineMsQ!

P.S. How can ANYBODY want Luke and Laura over Luke and Tracy? I've *seen* Luke and Laura--they're...dull. There's no zing, no zip, no snappy comebacks to smartass comments!


Now, I have to go. PROMISE to try to write tonight. Promise.

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*waves to all*

It's inevitable. I just cannot leave this site for more than a 24 hour period, LOL, unless of course I'm without internet access, but that's besides the point.

*goes off to read posts*

Will return in a bit.

Edited to add...

Thanks to everyone for your input on my super long post. And ILoveTracyQ, how much do I LOVE your response? I think you hit the nail on the head. Oh, and I totally didn't know that the fake heart attack scene was not rehearsed. That is too cool.

Also, ILoveTracyQ, Here is the post, by the way. Not SOC. ;) Thanks for the feedback on the fanfic too! Can I request a favor? Here is a post where someone mentions a clip of JE and WK doing the Angelica/Justin thing on Days. You know, the bed and kissing thing. I never watched JE on DAYS, but it sounds like he/she watched it recently, and I was wondering if there any chance you can ask the poster where he/she found the it since you have an account there? If not, no big deal. :)

WORD to all the comments regarding JE's facial expressions. There was one episode last year (I'm thinking November or so) after Lulu moved into the Q's. Dillon went off on Luke about being a horrible father, and in the exchange, he mentioned his own father. Tracy stood there the entire time. Didn't get a word in, but she didn't need to.

Good point, MinervaFan, it's not over. I'll stop acting like it is. All right. I'll try. How's that?

smirks, you've been missed! *hugs to you* I'm not nearly optimistic as you and Keith, but I can be positive: Tracy was ON today. She wasn't wearing (and I must quote MinervaFan) "10 miles of floating jacket," and she got to do drama. Plus, she had super awesome hair and we got TWO Lacy kisses...TWO! I can't complain.

SPOILER DISCUSSION (nothing Genie Francis related)






From Wizard: Tracy gets the shock of her life when she finds Dillon and Lulu in the same bed. :o

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That goes double for me. I'd love to see JE stuff from Days.

Word. Spread the love. Our girl rocked today, and being on only half the episode is all we have to complain about? I'm gonna celebrate.

Well. I expected this on a level. I did not expect Tracy to get to walk in on it. Hope it airs.

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