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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I forgot to add my two cents about the spoilers........

I'm afraid the "share company" is exactly that Ms.Q.

But if it gets Jane and Ted airtime,even better airtime together,I'm for it.

IF it gets them airtime,and as long as Lo and Tracy don't fool around with each other because they think Skye and Luke have run off together.

Because it's bad enough that every time Skye gets even a papercut,it's ALL Tracy's fault.

I can do without that,thank you very much.

But if I have to sit through it to get Jane on my screen...well,I guess you take the good with the bad.

I don't think it'll be like that though.

I think it's about ELQ.

But it means we will SEE her,that she might get more than a few days airtime,AND Guza did say all those(Tracy included) left behind when Luke leaves,would have major story.

I think the motherhood thing is Tracy saving Lulu,maybe Dillon,and maybe even Georgie(could Diego also be involved,and could it mean Lo and Tracy save them together? Sure would help a lot of Lulu lovers forgive Lo if he's instrumental in saving her life.)


And I hope the Lacy talk about Laura,doesn't hurt our girl. :(

spoiler talk over

PS in the play tonight(which was awesome BTW),there was a little girl who couldn't have been more than five,playing Cruella DeVille(it was an All Disney Tribute).

Anyway....she was sooo cute,she just cracked me up.

"I can't wait to wear....I mean care for,those puppies."


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Hey, gang. Just checking in--wow, tons of activity! Looks like next week is going to feature at least *some* TQ, which makes me smile. I hope the Tracy - Lorenzo thing is more about Diego and Lulu than ELQ, because wow. Can the woman just stay CEO for ten minutes without having to give it up to a gangsta?

Oh, and I've been meaning to say this for days now--A Quartermaine is dead. A Quartermaine *male* is dead. And the only Q reactions we've seen in THREE air dates are Edward, Emily, Jason and SKYE? Who are these people writing the show anyway? Have they actually *seen* the program?

From SoapZone: 28th-Edward ponders his regrets on the day of Justus' funeral, Luke opens up to Tracy about his marriage to Laura; Patrick loses his temper with Noah; Robin and Patrick argue; Skye wants nothing to do with Alcazar, Diego plays on Georgie's sympathy.

On a personal note, I haven't written anything today but the little prompt 10 thing, which I am rather disapointed in. It didn't quite hit--Fey tells me that out of 100, there are going to be varying levels of quality and I should just relax. Also, I got bad news from my dad this morning--in a very bad way--and had a TQ-style meltdown, complete with denial, anger, bargaining, grief and finally--acceptance. (Color me Kubler-Ross, and call me in the morning.) I guess I have more in common with Tracy than I ever thought--this news brought up issues I've been NOT dealing with for decades, and, well... anyway.... I guess I identify with Tracy, Lulu, AND Brooke Lynn more than I thought I did.

I will be back to the writing tomorrow. Thank you for the kind words, both today and in the past couple of days when I've been sick. You guys are an amazing bunch of people, and I'm so glad I found you. (Okay, I'm so glad Smirks held up a big neon sign and pointed the way to you!)


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MinervaFan, I personally enjoyed the latest story. It was something different, and I really liked it. Thanks for the feedback on mine, by the way. The original version of that chapter was nothing like that at all, LOL, but I'm glad I made the changes. And I hope everything's okay on the dad front.

coolkid, yes, it is a shame. *sigh* Why would we want Jane Elliot on our screens when we can have Natalia Livingston instead? :rolleyes:

ILoveTracyQ, I wish I had a clip, but here is a screencap. smirks posted the clips to the first part of the episode, so she might have this one stored somewhere. And that play sounds so adorable. I wish I could've seen it. I love those things. LOL.







Oh man! GH can't have Lorenzo/Tracy fool around because Luke/Skye appear to run off together. No. No. No. *shakes head* ELQ related? Fine. I could go for TQ doing some business stuff, but can I please see her office this time? The teens? I guess that's fine too. I can't complain. JE will be onscreen regardless, right?

Re: The Laura Thing: If it's going to get JE dramatic material, once again, I can't complain. It might be a mere 1 or 2 scenes, but eh...I'll take what I can when I can especially if the following is true...

SoapDish has JE on recurring again (in light of GF's return). Of course, SD also has TK, JI, and LC on recurring, and RC, JJY, SD, and JZ gone. GF isn't that essential to dump all those people.

Kind of OT, but ILoveTracyQ, you know how my mother's not a big Q fan? (I know I mentioned it a few times, and I remember you saying you two probably wouldn't get along on anything GH related, LOL.) Anyway, I had a family graduation party today, and I was telling her about GF's possible return, and she responded, "Why? She's not even good." I thought you'd agree. :)

Edit: Forgot to comment on a couple things. About the "those left behind will have a big SL"...someone's pointed this out already, but is it going to be as big as as the adventure SL in October, the one that lasted an entire three days? "This fall, Luke and Tracy join Lorenzo and Skye on a HUGE adventure." Riiiiiight. I hate Guza. Also...I'd like Tracy to come to the rescue, but I'm still convinced the motherhood spoiler relates to a Lulu pregnancy. But then if GF returns (BTW, someone at SZ met her at some event or something, and she said that she's considering returning and that she and GH have had several "nice talks" recently), we can forget about JE playing a role...Or not, since she'd still be the baby's grandmother. *sigh* This really shouldn't bother me as much as it does.

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My current writing Prompt is "disgust." Can I write it about Tracy looking at JE's recent storylines (or lack thereof?)

ETA: No, really! You, too, can play a part in the magical world of fanfic. I'm hitting a blank--the word is "disgust." Random--gimme a character, a situation, a setting? The more outrageous the better--throw it at me like a major league pitcher.


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I don't know if you're serious or not, but that would be really interesting to read. :D

Bella, here are some clips you've requested via PM (hope you don't mind me posting them here)...

January 31, 2006. Credit to Shazzer.

Part 1: Luke returns! Tracy meets the chimp!

Part 2: Lulu adores the chimp. Luke explains everything. Nik, Lucky, and Liz arrive. Nik wants Lulu to live at Wyndemere. Skye and Lorenzo arrive.

Part 3: Luke missed Skye. Skye's over him. She/Lorenzo kiss before Lorenzo leaves. Lulu makes a decision.

Part 4: Luke doesn't feel well. Georgie, Dillon, and Lulu return with information regarding the chimp. Arguing ensues. The chimp leaves. Everyone except Luke follows. Luke collapses.

Coming up: Tracy is worried about Luke. Dillon suspects a government conspiracy. Luke feigns delirium to win Skye back. Lulu faints.

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OOohh MinervaFan....as for the AU fic you're going to write,angsty or funny or both?


Isn't it sad that the fic writers on this thread are what keeps us going in terms of Tracy?


Ruby was their honorary aunt...their mother I can't remember her name,but she was the sister of Frank Eckert, a character who had a son named Bill....back in the Paul days,Bill was also played by TG.

It looked for a while like they were going to do Bill/Tracy.

Their father was Tim Spencer,and he was a drunk as Luke has said,and ran off and abandoned them when their mother got sick with cancer I think.

So no,Ruby was not biologically related.

And YAY ! for your fic. :)

Can't wait.

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TG was absolutely incredible as Bill Eckert. I saw the custody battle on the Lucy/Scott edit tape, and wow--I would venture to say Bill was as interesting character as Luke, moreso in some ways.

The AU story is going to be sort of action/adventure with a hint of romance involved. I hope to write it tonight and have it posted by tomorrow. I'm glad you're excited about it.

There should be TQ on Wednesday--anyone want to gamble a bet as to whether or not we'll see her beforehenad? I can't imagine she *wouldn't* be at Justus's memorial service--probably to say something snarky and get yelled at by all the "Nice" people.

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EEEEEE !!!!!!

The fic sounds good already,I can't wait.

As far as Justus,I think Tracy respected him in her own way,BUT because he got Edward's approval in about four seconds,and Tracy STILL hasn't gotten it after all these years,well.....there's no way they ever would have been friends or close in any way.

I HOPE we see her more than just one day this week.

I'm looking forward to Wednesday.

And I agree with you MinervaFan,it's an amazing bunch of folks here.

This thread is a safe haven,and I'm soooo grateful for it. :)

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According to recaps,no Tracy today.

So I guess if we don't see her until Wednesday,this'll be another period of TWO WHOLE WEEKS with no TQ....and the last time was only for a few minutes,anyway.

As far as the Lunacy thread,something's up. Because I don't think they deleted it,normally you can go to discuss the soaps and search,and posts with "Tracy" will come up,I tried that,and all I got was the director's thread or some such thing.

Also,normally DTS has multiple pages,and you could just search each page,page by page,to find what you wanted,but when I went over there,it appears right now,there's just ONE page of posts.

Maybe Keith or Ms.Q or anyone else who posts on the main board regularly,knows what's going on.

I doubt the thread has been deleted unless they've gone to just making one page of the most current posts,available. In which case anything not on page one,is inaccessible.

Anybody know what's up with that?

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MinervaFan, regarding the fanfic...You are brilliant! :D And as Keith mentioned, the News, Discuss the Soaps, and Daytime Emmy boards were wiped out.

*sigh* I miss Tracy. Justus's memorial is Wednesday (per Cable Guide Spoilers) and since that's the date of the Tracy/Luke conversation, I guess that'll be it for the week. So far, just 5 episodes this month, and in most of those, she hardly appeared anyway. <_<

*waves to Bella*

Edit: *waves to coolkid*

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Bumping because it's official...







Genie Francis returns to GH: Laura to join Luke for 'General Hospital' wedding anniversary. (Returns in October for a limited run...Looks like she has the option of sticking around.)

Anniversary's in November. JE might be gone...or on recurring. Timing kind of works, doesn't it? Tracy gets her heart broken again and then leaves Port Charles. *Ms. Q sits in the corner and cries*

Edit: *waves to coolkid again* Say something that'll cheer me up. Please? LOL.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! GF <_< didnt she say that she would never come back to GH ;) My problem is if she comes back and Tracy knows before Luke does he's gonna be mad at her and Gap is gonna find a way to make Tracy EVIL!

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