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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I :D at your story MinervaFan,and I could totally picture DL's Edward the whole time.

JI's Edward is just not Edward to me and probably never will be.

He just can't do the oily,slimy part of Edward and make it believable.

But DL LOOKED like he could have just crawled out from under a rock...not a bash against his looks, he was an okay looking guy. I think ya'll know what I mean.

And MF you really have young Tracy down....I could totally see her doing all of it.

If you do another past fic,can I make a request?

A past fic AU....of what might have really happened,had she and Luke known each other all those years ago.

In Luke's dream on NYE in 2003,supposedly there was a woman who wanted to adopt him and Bobbie after their mother died,and the woman turned out to be Lila. Of course this was Luke's DREAM that the woman was Lila.

But what if it really was?

What if Lila adopted them?

Or what if they just came there to live,or what if Luke's father had gotten a job working for the Q's?

Aaaaahhhh......the possibilities.

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*waves to everyone*

No TQ this week?!? :angry: *flings barware*

Chapter 40 is here!

angel, I highly doubt GH would ever kill of Laura. I also doubt GF would return for that.

At one point, I could've taken/left Laura, but I just don't want her back anymore, and it does have to do with the fact that I'm a JE/Tracy fan. It'd be different if she had a SL outside Luke. I don't know. I get that no one is ever going to be happy on a show, and couples aren't supposed to last forever, but GH sure knows how to piss off its fanbases, LOL. We TQ fans are tame when it comes to some of them...Or maybe there are just less of us (*sobs*), and we're less vocal?

nex4evr, I'm glad you liked the positivity (Thanks to Keith, I now know that's a real word, LOL) I brought into this thread. :D Any time, JE gets decent material (drama/comedy), they'll praise her there. It does my Tracy-loving heart good. Re: Clips...I wish I had them to share, but I don't. *cries*

MinervaFan, will read the newest story later. And as you know, I love the letter. Oh, and I hope you get better soon. *sends Get-Well Card and flowers*

coolkid, yay! You popped in!

ILoveTracyQ, you make perfect sense, and while I agree she's being wasted, and I HATE it, I'm still glad that she's on GH. *sigh* So much potential since her return though. So freakin' much. Even before Luke/Tracy...

I mean, come on, Jax and Tracy almost married! LOL. And while I could never see them falling in love, there is respect there. And if Jax/Tracy had been together at the time of Lila's Memorial, there could've been some good scenes. IR and JE shine together, do they not? But noooo...the entire SL is all about Tracy desperately pining after a man, much younger and of course much sexier than her "old" self. :rolleyes: I won't even get started on the potential with Brook Lynn. *kicks TPTB* Then there's other things like TQ not getting a role in the her son's a kidnapping, stalking pervert SL, the AJ returns/dies/dies again SL, finding out about Justus's death, becoming CEO of ELQ again...

And now that I've depressed everyone enough, I've stumbled across this spoiler...







Luke and Tracy have a heart-to-heart about his marriage to Laura. Luke then goes to see Laura. (We must focus on the first part. :D) And it does sound good, doesn't it? A little tiny better than what we're used to? Right? Work with me guys.

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Hello, all!! I can't stay long; just wanted to say that i lurve the letter, MF! We can only hope that they listen.

Oh, angel, i have often felt like the sort of outcast one in this group, too! :) It's great to see someone sharing in my feelings. It's not like anybody, well most didnt, lol, treated me badly,just a feeling i had. :P

Ms.Q, gearing up to read chapter 40. i cant wait. *does new update happy dance!!!:)*

Neway, gaotta go read and then get my hair did!! C ya!

Oh, glad to see you back, ILoveTracyQ!!!!!

ETA: WHOA! DUDE *waving to keith and kenna* party over here, party over there!

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Aw we can be outcasts together. I just get that feeling a lot because I always seem to be the youngest on these kinda threads and I feel kinda stupid sometimes compared to everyone else. Have fun getting your hair done!!

MsQ Loved chap 40 *so* much!!!!

ETA, Page 89!!!!!

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*joins the party*

Keith, I wish I knew the original source of that spoiler. I saw it on another board and brought it here. Please let it be true. Please let it be true.

angel and tracyluver, don't feel like outcasts. We love ya. :D Thanks for the feedback (either here or at LJ)! Any favorite parts?

tracyluver, any particular reason you're getting your hair done? ;)






Much to our dismay Justus passes on and it is just going to be heartbreaking over at the Q's. He is so part of their family and Edward just takes this news so very hard. It's as if he is crying out for Lila for comfort knowing that she feels his pain! Ned, Lainey, Tracy, Alan, Monica, Emily and all the Q's gather together to support one another during this pressing time. Alice is there not only to polish Luke's new shoes but to keep everyone in control! Um. *speechless* Is this still supposed to happen? Or is this a recap of what should've happened?

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Hmm...oh,where do I start?

angel and tracyluver, I don't think of you as outcasts.

I know it might be a little awkward since we talk about different things sometimes,but personally I love seeing a diversified group, and I love that while we all love Tracy,I think we're all different in personalities and all that. It makes it more interesting,and all of us are what makes this thread so unique to me.

And this thread,unlike some boards,isn't "clique"-y.

We all belong here,we're all welcome here,and we can all be honest and just hang loose and be ourselves,and that's what I love about this thread.

IT makes me laugh.

It makes me smile.

And I can come here and talk about how much I love my girl without someone telling me how I must have something wrong with me for loving TQ ! LOL

*hugs* to all.

Keith about DL...somehow I knew you would know what I meant,LOL.

The man just oozed slime,yet somehow managed to make Edward loveable.

Ms.Q what a cute, FUN chapter ! I loved it. I soooo was waiting for her to jump his bones.

Hmm...maybe later at the ball,by the punch bowl?


As far as the first spoiler.... I read that elsewhere,I have no idea where it came from,and while I'm sure it'll be a great scene,I hope it's not Jane's only one,and I can't help but wish and hope it doesn't mean Laura is going to come back. Sue me,I'm selfish.

Because we all know that not only will it be the end of Lacy,it'll likely be the end of Jane's airtime.

Ooops.....there I go being negative again.

The second spoiler...where did it come from?

Because it sounds like spec more than a spoiler,and so far the only Q who seems to be getting any airtime out of Justus's death is Edward.

Nope...no TQ this week.

And LOL at you Ms.Q,you are crazy about some Tracy/Jax.

I like your friendship with them in your story.

It's sweet.



Just messin' with ya. And TRacy sooo needs a friend,I'd go for Trax,friendship only.

Although some flirting is nice,too.

*sends MinervaFan cyber chicken soup and orange juice.

What a woman you are,still writing and posting fic while you're sick !

I don't even change out of my pajamas when I'm sick. LOL

Please get well soon. :)

Have a good weekend,everyone !

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Hmm, ILoveTracyQ, you may have just given me an idea. ;) That second spoiler came from About.com, but not under the Scoops and Spoilers Section. Mindy's Mix or something. She had other stuff too that's set for the future, so the Q scene could still be coming. I'm going to stop dreaming now.

LOL about Trax. *sigh* I hated that he treated her like garbage, and this is kind of random, but remember when he locked her in the closet by pretending to seduce her, and she fell for it? I hated that too, although that probably falls under the "treated her like garbage" category, but anyway...

If you're selfish, then so am I. We can be selfish together, LOL. I just can't stand the idea that JE might be tossed aside. *prays to the Soap Gods that WK is placed back on contract and Tracy/Ned get to run ELQ together ONSCREEN* I want Tracy/Ned. Tracy/Edward. Tracy/Dillon. Tracy/Monica. Tracy/Alan. Tracy/Jax. (You know I had to add that, LOL). I just want Tracy!TV. *thinks* All right. TPTB can start by having TQ be on for more than 5 minutes/week. Baby steps, you know? :lol:

*thinks again* Wow. There is really nothing to talk about. Oh, ILoveTracyQ, have you ever checked out this story? I know I posted the link a little while back, but it might've gotten lost in a mega-post, LOL. In any case, I think you'll like it.

What else? What else? MinervaFan, loved the fic! Your Past!Fics are so wonderful. When I read the part where she found out Edward passed her report off as his own, I literally said, "Oh my God." LOL. But yay Tracy for getting him back! She's just so smart. Heh.

*thinks some more* Happy thoughts everyone! It's Friday! Enjoy the weekend!

RUMOR ALERT (not anything positive, so it might be better to skip this)






From Sage's Column: Rumor is that Mfundo's axing was just the beginning and there are plans in place to trim down the Quartermaine family considerably. Thank goodness it's just a rumor. It's been a rumor for a long time, right? Remember when LC, SD, and WK (err...that turned out to be true) were supposed to go to recurring? Assuming it is true, though, I just don't understand. Let's trim the Corinthos family, hmm? Not the Q's. And what's the point? Tt's not like getting rid of the Q's is going to free up air time. They hardly get it the way it is. Budget reasons? *sigh* Okay. Ms. Q needs to stop rambling and go write something. And now, I'm referring to myself in the 3rd person, LOL. I'm not crazy. I promise. :)

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*waves to Bella!*

For those of you who haven't read it, Chapter 40 of "Oh, Baby" is not only F-U-N-N-Y, but it's also S-E-X-Y! MsQ, you've been holding out on us! Two minutes more, and that woulda been a WHOLE nuther kinda story!

*whistles and hoots, hoping it will convince MsQ to go for it in Chapter 41!*

No new fic tonight--had date night with Fey, and almost got poisoned by the !@#$%^&*] waitress from hell. Dinner was free--let's just hope I don't get even sicker.

ETA: Prompt 10 is up. Very short, this one. Would post more, but I'm in the middle of a RL, Tracy-esque, Daddy-issue moment. May post later. Love much to you all.

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Guess what I forgot to mention yesterday? June 23rd was the date of Luke/Tracy's first kiss? Me? Obsessed? LOL.

Will respond to MinervaFan's post in a bit, but first I have to share these excellent spoilers!






The Luke/Tracy/Laura mention from before has made the Cable Guide Spoilers. (We got a CGS! *dances around* This happens June 28th.)

*saving the best for last*

According to Wizard of SoapDish (Reminder: He/she is 1 of the 2 real insiders at SD): Lorenzo will be sharing company with Tracy. (This better not be trick wording, as in sharing the company of ELQ, because if it is, I take back what I said about it being the best.)

*the real best*

And the Week of July 3rd is heavy for Luke/Tracy, but not as heavy as Jason/Sam/Manny/Lucky/Elizabeth/Alexis and Sonny/Carly. (I could've guessed that, LOL). But yay for Lacy!

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Okay Ms.Q we can be selfish together. Sounds good to me.

Yeah I thought Trax had potential,still do....Jax has a habit of making the worst choices in women,just like Tracy does in men.

They would be better off as friends though,but when he used to treat her so horribly back in the day,yeah it made me soooo not a fan of his character at all.

About the June 23rd "first kiss" when was this? I don't remember,and truthfully, can we really call any of the times their lips have met,as "real," except for little pecks now and then?

The one in the hotel room in Miami...a HAWT one,BTW....might be the closest I'd call a real one

Oh wait...are you talking about one they had when Luke and she were dancing around sleeping together just before he set her up with Coleman?

CAn you post a clip,I've forgotten it if that's the one you meant.

Yeah I read that FF story you posted the link to,it was okay I guess.

I'm hard to please,LOL.

*waves to all and hugs*

BTW Ms.Q my neice is playing Cinderella tonight,I thought of that when reading your story,she's ten,she's in the drama camp at the college here and they performed last night,I am going tonight to watch the second show.

She's a diva. :)

MinervaFan sorry about the parental issues.

Hope everything turns out well.

LOL at you Keith.

I am excited about watching as well...but I just hope Jane gets stuff after TG goes on break.

Well guys I may check in later this weekend, either way *blows kisses* have a good one and I'll see ya later !

Loved the fic MF ! Tooo funny,and kinda sweet in an offbeat way ("I never had a daughter") although I think blood Q's who are females have very little value to Edward,sadly.

Which would explain Tracy's issues...some of them,anyway.

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