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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey the way you watch now is the way I've watched ever since JE came back.

I don't think I've watched a whole show without FFw'd some of it for many,many years.


spoiler talk:

I'm thinking more along the lines of a "blind" auction...where the bidder bids on a number or on a meal,for example...not knowing who the number is,or if it's a meal,not knowing who prepared it. You know,the kind where the bidder has a date with the person who cooked the meal.

My guess is it's the "number"thing,because even to make Skye or Luke jealous,I can't see Tracy bidding on Lorenzo,not without some other reason.

If this spoiler doesn't come to pass...I have no idea when it's supposed to happen...then it would make a great one for the fake spoiler fics.

Just sayin'. :)

spoiler talk over

*please let Tracy be on today*

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I was thinking the same thing about the ficathon. And I always use the fast forward button watching TV. This is the first time I've gotten to the point where the entire episode is viewed on FF until my favorite character comes on.....

And, yeah, *please let Tracy be on today* I really don't like any of those other people anymore.....

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*I'm missing Ms.Q posting so much.


About the "rest of those people...LOL.

Tracy makes me like Luke,and truthfully I never really paid much attention to him before.

I always thought,and still do,that he is woefully overrated.

But I like them together. Nice balance of ego there.

Meaning I think TG has it,JE if she has it,hides it well.

I love and will continue to love most of the Q's.

But I know what you mean. I REALLY know what you mean.

I'm not a GH fan,and never really have been,honestly. But I do love my Trace. :)

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Okay...4XCrazy, for you (if you haven't yet acquired it elsewhere somehow...), the clip of Tracy comforting Alan before AJ's funeral.

Warning: This comes from www.amodernfairytale.com. They don't like or really allow people to distribute their clips to others not on the messageboards...so you didn't get it from me. (Or, you know, you could sign up...whatever...mum's the word, you don't know me, etc)

And now that I've gotten clip access back, bring on the Tracy!!!!

Spoiler Gabbery







* (I've gotten really good at putting these asterisks in by the way...)

That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. I remember the last time there was a bachelor auction on GH. That was back when we had ACTUAL bachelors that were worth bidding on. Now? Mobster. Mobster. Hitman. Jax (okay, millionaire, good), Patrick (good) Nikolas (Prince boring as all get out), ooh...they could dust off Justus, and Nedley... But, ummm...other than that...pretty slim pickings, unless you also include the just barely not jailbait set. I don't know that there's a way they could do this that wouldn't be...well, stupid. Even the bid on a dish, or like date itself...just...utter stupidity. I am not happy. Nor am I happy that of all people Tracy ends up with Alcasnore. What a thrilling game of backgammon they'll have on their date...oh, and you know it will mean more Skye and Luke crap. Joy oh freaking joy.

Wait, positivity....Tracy....Tracy....Jane will make everything alright....yesssss......

Oh, and when is this birthday stuff happening? I want to see how close Tracy's birthday is to mine! If it's the same day, I will never hear the end of it...but Tracy would make a perfect Aries, even if we know that she's really supposed to be a Leo (she'd also make a good Leo...but a better Aries I think).

/end spoiler gabbery

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OOoh thanks smirks,I have that eppy on tape but I'll watch the clip when I get a chance.

About the spoilers...yeah,stupid maybe,but I like the TK/JE vibe,and always have.

I personally think JE sparks better with both TK AND TG,than RC does. Maybe it's because she's known both of them sooo much longer.

I don't know.

Anyway...here's to Tracy today. *pretty please*

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Re: Tracy's astrological sign. I read somewhere that she said she was a Leo in an episode. However, with the timing of the spoiler, she'd have to be an Aries or a Taurus. That doesn't mean she can't have massive Leo influences in her chart. My girlfriend is a Taurus with Leo moon and Leo rising, and her personality is MUCH more Leo than Taurus.

Actually, I see TQ as Aries/Leo/Leo as well as Taurus/Leo/Leo, but I lean more towards Taurus/Leo/Leo. She cares too much about family, about business, about material things, about loyalty (especially family loyalty) not to have a dominant Taurean influence. Granted, the other signs care about these things, but Taureans take them personally.

I could mock up a chart for her with Taurus/Leo/Leo and see how it works, if anybody is interested.

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Nah we don't need a chart...we know who our girl is. :)

It was me that said it was once mentioned years ago that she was born in the summer,not in April.

But whatever,LOL...I don't pay attention to astrological signs anyway,so it matters not to me at all.

I'm just glad they are using her birthday as an excuse for some Luke/Tracy stuff.


She was on today,not with Luke but with the family confronting Emily.

Hey,at least she was on,right?

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Smirks, I snagged that clip of the Qs discussing AJ and watched it yesterday. Wow! JE reminds me of Cassie from A Chorus Line--heads and tails above the rest of the dancers, and still plugging away at her two-line scenes like a trooper.

A request to all members--a few weeks back, I had to reformat my hard drive due to a virus, and I lost all my Tracy vids. I definitely want to replace Shazzer's Won't U Please B Nice? and Ms. Q's State of Grace (Full of Grace?) video, if anyone can help. But since I'm asking--does anybody have any recs of good Tracy vids, clips of important/funny/poignant scenes, etc. they can share? I want to put together a CD (for my personal use) of Tracy clips, and I figured this would be the place to ask.

As for yesterday's Tracy appearance--my MIL was like, she's not on today's episode. Blink, ya miss her, huh? Cassie...the woman's totally a Cassie. (Tracy, otoh, is a definite Sheila.....LOL at my own joke...)

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I uploaded Mrs Q's Full of Grace (the song is Full of Grace...very big Sarah McLachlan fan) here,

and Shazzer's Won't U Please B Nice here

Also of note, daily clips are up again at GHVT's original site here, for anyone like me who can't get their Tracy fix via normal television.

I have lots of Tracy and Q clips archived...so I'm not sure what you'd want...I don't know of any other TRACY specific videos. I know of a few general Quartermaine videos, but nothing Tracy specific (at least until I get my computer fixed...then watch out!)

All references to 'A Chorus Line' soared far over my head since I haven't seen that movie in well over a decade...BUT, I certainly hope that you don't mean that JE far outshone the rest of the Q's in the pre-funeral huddle scene, because Stuart Damon totally knocked that scene out of the ballpark, and the rest of the Q's minus (not!Lois), did a good job as well.

WTH was with the Q scenes yesterday!?!? What the hell was even the point of having a Q scene if the writers were going to give all the lines to Nik and Alice...is it the Nik and Alice mansion now?!?! Big Alice is starting to tick me off a bit with her insubordination. She's lucky she's not standing in the unemployment line. And she manhandled my Nedley (aside: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! NEDLEY!!!! And spot on with Emily too...still hasn't congratulated the brother on the marriage though....ahem...only for Emily...).

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I taped but haven't watched yet.

So....like I thought,guess I shouldn't blink when I do watch,huh?


AH,my girl.

Sadly I thought again about how TIIC don't value her.

I about fell over in shock when she and TG got part of SOW's cover when they married.

That will probably be the only time JE ever gets a part of a cover again.


I guess we just have to take the scraps we're given and hope it gets better. I do always enjoy her. :)

*me,trying to be optimistic again.* LOL

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To be perfectly honest, I thought Stuart Damon was okay in that scene. He, like most soap actors, doesn't know the meaning of the word "understated," which is probably why I love JE/TQ so much. I'm not comfortable with over-the-top emotions, so I like how she tends to underplay it. But, of course, YMMV.

NEDDDDD!!!! Omigosh, I must see that tape! Hugs thoughts of Ned!

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See most people that dislike the character of Tracy,and even some that love her,would say that TQ/JE is sometimes very OTT.

I think JE has a tendency to yell when she shouldn't,she's far from perfect,but she's also excellent at subtext too...I get the most out of those wordless moments when Tracy will just LOOK at someone else,and a world of emotions are fighting to come out,you can see it on her face.

But as far as being OTT,Tracy is an OTT character,like Luke...larger than life,so I kinda cut her slack in that department because there are a lot of things Tracy says and does,that you just CAN'T do low key,you'd look stupid if you did.

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