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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well, I am happy you had good experiences with her in person.

Is there any word yet on if Jane is the big name leaving in November? I don't think she's big to TIIC anymore, but I have hope she might have decided not to renew her contract, which is up coincidentally at the same time.

Because otherwise, I got nothing. GW isn't going to go a blessed thing to "revive" the q's, and I am tired.

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Maybe I'm speaking out of line because I'm new here and so many have been here a long time - but I have read a lot of the comments made from years back on this board and I don't understand why people on a Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest board seem to keep saying they hope Jane doesn't renew her contract or hope she is leaving and things like that.....maybe it's just me - but that's very confusing!

Edited by LuAnn19836
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Yah I dont' get it either Luann! First of all the supposed big name leaving in November is a male, and you know, I'm still waiting on the two male stars out by end of summer that were not Ingo or Tyler.

I would hate for jane to leave and quite honestly, WTF would anyone leave a job at a soap that they are still getting paid at least some to do with a contract minimum whether it is met or not.

I don't believe anyone is going anywhere or leaving anywhere unless they get some fantastic offer and the soap future is dying and let' face it, older actresses are not in very much demand. We have read many articles where she said was the luckiest person ever to have her job, etc.

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I sincerely hope JE isn't out - I don't think she'd go willingly. I think they'd have to fire her before she would go, and I really don't think they will because she plays the octogenarian role for the show right now. She's also the "conscience" character: the one that can get away with saying ANYTHING to people, and it's usually the truth everyone else would WANT to tell them but can't.

Tracy's just too fun to write. They'd be total morons to let her go.

My money is on TG being the HUGE name and probably JJ as the other male. Either JJ or JI. While I'd HATE to see John Ingle go, it could potentially stimulate the long-time rumored bringing of the Qs back to the canvas. And seriously, just how old is Edward now? He's been the opposite of SORASd so many times now that it's just insane.

If they could produce some decent writing for him, I'd love to see Kin Shriner back on canvas permanently. When he's good, he's VERY VERY good. It just seems like they never knew how to write anything but slimeball crap writing for him right before he left the last time. But holy cow, some of his scenes with Lynn Herring, JE, and JZ in the late 80s/early 90s are still some of my favorite things on GH from that time period. They were so much fun together.

(And for that matter, why not pull back Lynn Herring? She's fabulous and completely free from anything industry-related right now.)

Sorry. I guess I kinda spilled my wish list there.

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Speak up. I've been around for awhile and don't always understand myself except that it's a signal that if she goes, we/they will go. It's not a wishing of bad things on Jane at all - it's more that she's the last link to our love for this show, or a true want/expectation that she will do better elsewhere. Personally I think she knows this is probably her last job and she's going to do it with gusto. She might get lucky in Cable, but that seems to be headlined now by women who spent many years on the big screen first. She certainly won't be going to another show.

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Speaking for myself only, where else would I talk about Jane? On a JE hate thread? My reasons for wanting JE to go are my reasons.

People don't have to understand them. THere are LOTS Of things in the GH universe, for that matter, lots of fan bases-that I totally don't get or understand-but I don't pass judgement on them for liking who they like or hating who they hate. It may not make any sense to me, for instance, why Jason has ANY fans who think of him as a hero-but I don't make posts asking them why.

To clarify, I don't want her fired. If and when she leaves, I want it to be her choice. I want it to be because she's done, or she gets a better offer, or whatever.

Part of my reason for wanting it is because going online has become a habit now, and it's a bad habit I need to break for my own reasons. Although I suppose I could break it if I really want to, regardless of whether she is on the show or not.

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I think that was wrong and someone took it from dish and used it on other sites. I couldn't figure out how it could be true. I think things are being moved around a bit and some brekdowns wrong.

She is on for sure on the 4th and 5th and the 12th per pictures and spoilers so far.

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Thanks Hooke:) I don't really understand how GW is telling this story with just 4 episodes every month. No wonder Gina has not been cast yet. I like the material Tracy is getting but it is simply not enough. Where is the balance in GW's GH? I'm also dissapointed that Ed and Monica are now gone for a while it seems and that there was no change about Jason. This whole Jason Q. thing was just a big tease:(

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I don't know if it's a tease or a set-up for stories left to come. Every day in Port Chuck is now taking about 8 to see it - taking cues from Days obviously - so I'm not even sure where we are chronologically with anything. All I do know is Jason's surgery was last week tops.

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