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Lost episodes of soap operas... I was just watching a classic soap and one of the best moments ended on a cliffhanger... only to find out the next episode missing. I am... so IRKED.

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Staff of restaurant/fast food cleaning with chemical fluid, spray... the tables next to you, while you EAT. Happened so many times. I always say - please can you wait for me to finish - I am allergic. It's the most disgusting off-putting thing to smell this SHARP chemical-fake-flower-smell of cleaning liquid while you eat.


Happened at KFC, Mcdonalds... and some italian pizzerias too. 


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People who post too much baby photos on Facebook and too much personal photos... like... personal personal. I don't need to see your most precious moments honey... they stop being precious once you show them to me. It just irks me.

My cousin is like that - she poses her children for photos every other day like they are some kind of dolls and puppets and just shows them off all the time. The twist - she is a horrible mother. Other than the pictures on facebook - her children are being taken care off by grandparents all the time. She prefers to go to clubs and drink than to be with her children. But on FACEBOOK - she is sooo loving in front of PEOPLEEEE.

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When a 10 euro shoe I bought from the store only to go into dirty places with the dog... ends up being more comfortable than a 300 euro ones. 

Makes me hate the expensive one sooo much.

IT'S A HARCORE pet peeve when this happens.

Cheap things sometimes WORK so well. 


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People who use dogs as accessories. That DRAG them to concerts and events... completely damaging that dog's ear and psyche. DISGUSTING people.

I also HATE people who act like gays are there to prop straight women and they are their accessory. I hate when I hear a woman say - this is my gay best friend. Just say BEST friend. Or male best friend. Putting gay in front of it... really triggers me. 

I remember one time a friend of mine... who now is... not anymore... told another girl IN FRONT OF ME - I always have 1 gay friend everywhere I go... this is my new one! And she was hugging me and acting like this was positive. Bi-tch - BYE.


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People who talk too much when you watch a movie with them. I am all for a light conversation if the movie allows it and the mood is the right one... but monologues that make me struggle to keep watch the movie... are a big No. That's why I am never able to watch a movie with my father... He won't shut up.

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There is a place in hell for people that block public walk sidewalks taking photographs or just a group of people talking and blocking the way.

I NEVER move away. I just stand in front of them and stare till they MOVE OUT OF MY FU-CKING WAY and free up the sidewalk.

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When there is a smell in the apartment I can't figure where it comes from.

I swear this happens and I'm not imagining it - my husband feels it too sometimes.

There have been moments where I feel a ladies perfume and... who knows where it came from. Drives me mad.

Today I am noticing a slight smell of lipstick around the living room. I am sniffing around the drawers to say where it is coming from. We don't have lipstick in this house! LOL.


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People who hate some for their likes and dislikes yet are friends with others that share the same likes and dislikes.

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People who kiss ass to others to be popular/relevant. When those people wouldn't give them the time of day if they weren't kissing their a$$.

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That will sound very mean if me, but when my husband spends money ON me without asking me first... I can go mad.

I hate strange unexpected presents that I never use and never like. I remember he bought me an ugly lamp in a ball shape once without a reason and when I asked how much it cost... And it was more than 30... I went into a mini meltdown. That lamp was used maybe 3 times in a year or something. And he always does this to buy himself things and pass them like they are for me so I can't say anything.

Only for bracelets and necklaces I make an exception to this rule.


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I have ADHD... and it's unbearable for me when people try to put me in a box or control me. I am good with rules (as a matter of fact what I work right now and earn my living through finding faults and problems with other people's work), but I don't like anal-retentive crazy nit-picking people when it comes to my PERSONAL life or personal choices. So someone coming and telling me unasked advice about the way I dress or the way I am cooking or exercising, can really put me off to a point I don't see this person as anything other than a nuisance. 

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