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DAYS: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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I gave a couple of examples of how Roman was trash in the 80s. The very first time they met, Roman made Marlena think he was going to strangle her to death. Then, as Marlena learned that Sam had been murdered in place of Marlena, Roman slapped her in the face. And the reason he called her Doc is because he couldn’t believe a woman was actually a doctor. 

Carrie’s biological parents are Roman and Anna but John and Marlena are her true parents. Anna gave custody of Carrie to Marlena in the 80s because she knew Marlena would be a better mother to Carrie than she would. Neither she nor Roman could be bothered to attend Carrie’s first wedding to Austin. Anna didn’t show up for Carrie and Austin’s second and third weddings either. As someone who watched heavily in the 90s, the mother/daughter/father bond with Marlena, Carrie, and John was a tentpole feature. 

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I am not really arguing Marlena and especially John were better parental figures to Carrie.  The twins would have been orphans without John.  It's not really Roman's fault though until the 90's when Roman went incommunicado.  Anna made questionable decisions, but did take Carrie in and raised her for a bit when she was having issues with RoJohn.  It's noticeable that Anna/Roman missed a bunch of Carrie/Austin weddings, but if you aren't on canvas-you aren't on canvas lol.

Carrie is definitely missing on canvas and I miss her all the time, but CC has retired from acting.  I loved Carrie/Marlena/John in the 90's.  It was a very special bond. She seems to have a good relationship with all 4 of her parental figures, so I take it for what it's worth.

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@EdibleFlowers  I am very fond of the Robichaux/Evans/Black blended family. 

I moved the conversation about 1991 to the other thread. This really is for current show discussions & of course  complaining. 

"Look at us! We come from the most successful blended family that I know of." - Brady Black "Exactly! And, I don't care about 'half' or 'step'. I'm just really blessed to have you all in my life." - Eric Brady, DOOL, 11-29-22


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She hasn’t really retired. She just lives in the UK now. I’m sure she’ll be back for another arc with Austin at some point, ideally to introduce Noah.

Soaps bring back characters for weddings all the time. I can forgive Anna for missing the 1997 wedding since that was actually intended to be Sami and Austin’s wedding.

Why was it great to see? Christie and Leann only shared a few scenes together in 1986 and then didn’t interact again for over 30 years. Carrie is better with her mother Marlena. 

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Ha! Ha!  I truly love Carrie more than both Sami and Belle and miss her all the time.  I don't want a recast and it doesn't seem feasible for CC to return so it is what it is.  In my mind Carrie should currently be leading the next generation on Days.

I mean, she also doesn't act in anything else.  She may not be exactly retired, but she's not actively working either lol.

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Most of Anna's life and Anna/Carrie's relationship occurred off screen.  Carrie has been mostly off screen for years.  I think at some point you have to just take their relationship at face value.  They seem to be close and without issue, so I don't think there is anything more there to analyze.  Carrie also seems to be very close with Marlena/John and Roman.  I don't think we really know the relationship with Sami/Carrie these days and that's probably the most interesting dynamic.

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Ok, can somebody please explain to me why we didn’t see EJ punch Leo??? I had to rewind it just to see if I had missed it, and I didn’t. I do have an idea why we didn’t see it but of course I could be wrong lol. I still will never understand how anyone in production could approve such blatantly biased writing. #DontdrinktheKoolAid.

I’m already getting annoyed, thinking about his scenes tomorrow. 

It was good seeing Lucas again, but what was the point of him butting heads with Dimitri? Especially if we’re probably not gonna see him again for who knows how long. Dimitri couldn’t have run into Evan in prison? That would be a nice pairing. Did Evan ever get up out of the water?

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Btw, I love how Lucas is all salty about Dimitri kidnapping Kate, but not about the fact that he tried to kill Lucas’ entire family with the damn Peacock. 

The Paulina/Melinda bitchfight was unnecessary too.

The Abe/Kate scene was really nice though. I liked seeing Kate encouraging Abe to not give up hope, even though I did kinda forget that Abe is still having memory problems. 

Eric/Nicole was really good too. I’m enjoying how they’re going through all the motions of this storyline. It really is elevating the show and making it watchable.   

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Just fyi, the admin is now hinting that I may have misinterpreted her comments, so maybe not all of the scabs are ex-Days writers. But at the very least, Sheri was there in some capacity. To be honest, she often utilizes doublespeak which confuses even me, someone with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English lit!

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Well, geeze, that sounds a bit frustrating! Sometimes people who write spoilers do have a kind of double-speak they use on purpose. 

Nice coincidence one of my double majors was English too! I just laugh when that meme comes around where the BBC thinks we will only have read a dozen of 100 books they list. Yeah, take that sucker, I have read 68 of 'em! I once wrote a paper on Faulkner entitled "As I Lay Reading" because that's what I was doing so much of the time. 

And I am glad Sheri was there during the strike!,

I count both her & Pat Falken Smith as some of my favorite writers. 

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I have a long list, sorry, I am just into writers: Pete Lemay, Clarie Labine, Bill Bell Sr., Irna Phillips, Pat Falken Smith, Sheri Alexander, Donna Swajeski, Jill Lori Hurst, Nancy Curlee, Patrick Mulcahey, Douglas Marland, Michele Val Jean, Bridget & Jerome Dobson, Carolyn Culliton. That's 15! Whoa. I do like Sally. 

My favorite anecdote about Tom Langan is that once when Drake was playing John imprisoned, chained to the wall, dirty long hair, filthy full beard & he had Drake get a shave & a haircut to go to an awards show & Drake was furious because it was going to ruin the story. I said if they'd been smart they'd have just groomed the beard & done the haircut. You could write it that his captors forced him to get a haircut & a flea treatment but no way they'd have gone for a shave. 

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