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DAYS: September 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Yeah.  The first time was in early 2015, during the beginning of the Will/Paul/Sonny triangle.  I always thought he could be “finishing the job.”  But he, like everyone said, is not a surprising “twist.”  Maybe RC thinks the twist is that since he was the first one exonerated, we wouldn’t suspect him?  I wonder if they’ll connect him killing Abby to Ben?  RC went through so many hoops to isolate them in an effort to make Ben’s “redemption” work…

And there could be another twist tomorrow?  An accomplice maybe??  Lol

Edited by DynamiteKiddo
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Idk what to make of this.

On the one hand, and as much as I hated this storyline and didn't particularly care what happened to Craig, I'm sort of glad that he wasn't the killer. But on the other hand, if he was the killer, it would have made a lot of sense story wise. It could have even caused conflict for Brady and Chloe. And, adding Stefan into that, who knows what might happen?

If Clyde was always intended to be the killer, then what was the point of all this redemption bullshit with Ben and the baby? Any why was Leo running away with a terrified look on his face on the night that Abigail was murdered? Was there a rewrite at some point in the story?

And, seriously Why T F do they keep torturing Nancy?? Her whole arc has come off as so misogynistic and her character has ruined. This isn't the Nancy Wesley that I remember. Does Ron not like Nancy/PD? 

I thought about that too. Especially since we only saw the flashback of Clyde stabbing Sonny and not of him stabbing Abigail

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I'm genuinely surprised by Clyde because I never expected it to be someone on canvas during the story. I thought it'd be Phillip, or someone else sort of plausible but not around. Surprised and impressed are two different things, though, and I still am not getting the point of any of this. I feel like they promised something groundbreaking when this whole thing kicked off. Are Nancy and Craig going to agree to a platonic marriage or something? 

They should have just had the devil kill Abby. Pick whichever possessed person you want, it'd get the job done with higher stakes. 

Also, a break from weddings might be nice. Wedding reveals were cool back in the day because in addition to a story climax they were a rare moment when the whole cast would show up and interact, all wearing fancy clothes. That's not the case anymore, maybe they can try something else. 

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Clyde is not exactly a surprising choice or a very good one.  I am not sure there was a way for this mystery to end where I would be happy.  Craig was a stupid choice, but it would have affected people.  Clyde is inconsequential.  Ben's not even around.  So Nancy will be sad?  Roman needs to hire a cook?  Again, I don't really have a solution on how I would have wanted this to end.  Jen seems to be the most interesting suspect bandied about on this board, but I think that would've been a very unpopular choice for Days fandom in general.

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Will Nancy be sad? Will she go completely off her gourd? They've made a fool of her. They've humiliated her. They've made her desperate. So desperate. I think what they've done to her is the real kicker of this. But, Jen, no, I can't see that in any fashion. To me at this point this just looks like lose-lose.

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The Friday Show, Sept. 23rd

I thought today would be definitive. I thought by the close of business someone would be locked up in the hoosegow. I thought wrong. I hate when this show makes me wrong.

Today the Music was a character in the show. Questioning, searching, seeking, suspenseful, scary even, ... plus much of the dialogue was similarly questioning. I'm left feeling very dissatisfied. We have not yet thrown the book at anybody yet!

Alright, back to the beginning. Jada has Eric's phone so he must have hers. She drops into Basic Black to swap with him. Of course he's not there but Nicole is. We get to live through another of the awkward conversations these two have with each other. Nicole (who never met a boundary she didn't want to cross) says right out loud that they must have gotten their phones mixed up while they were sleeping with each other. Jada manages to suggest that there are things that are none of Nicole's business. They go on this way, testing the waters & testing each other. Finally Eric comes in. He looks good. He's wearing a white t-shirt with a black vest over it. It's a new look. He's been doing photography kinds of things, "getting ready for the shoot". The phone exchange happens. Jada leaves. Then, Eric & Nicole proceed onto Inappropriate Conversation #2. Yes, they each reveal that they had a sex dream about the two of them. Danger, WIll Robinson!

Next up we return to yesterday's Nancy & Chad talking where Nancy tells Chad the history of Craig's scent usage & Clyde's to boot. Chad puts together that it must be Clyde! He can't get away from Nancy fast enough. He looks like he's going to go get a gun & murder Clyde. (You can see all the steps of thinking that on his face.)

Craig finishes his "visit" with Leo in his cell. He really wants to hurt Leo. But instead he drops in on Rafe, who proceeds to question him about where he was Sept. something & June 10th. In Rafe's mind, Craig is a suspect!

We see Clyde filling out paperwork at the hospital & notice Sonny's room & do the same flashback of himself holding a knife & then advance one more celluloid to his raising the knife over his head & aiming down at Sonny ...

From the other side of the open area outside the Nurses station, suddenly, Will appears, saying, "Clyde?!"

Now we move back to Brady & Chloe's place. He's just back from signing docs that make Rachel his sole responsibility with Belle. He is jubilant, but confused because he thought he was losing the custody battle. Chloe reveals that she happened to have with her the surveillance footage of Kristen trying to do her harm at work & leaves it with the judge. She felt like the judge was interested! Brady becomes even more effusive than before over his successful custody to thanking Chloe when what should happen next but Nancy come to their door. She wants them to be her two witnesses at her wedding TODAY. Chloe is immediately all up in her face over what is the danged hurry? When Craig appears at their door. He agrees to also attend the City Hall wedding.

Craig has to unload, has to have someone to tell he's just been accused of stabbing & murdering. He is righteously offended.

Chad goes to a wall safe & unlocks it & takes out a gun! Then he heads back to Sonny's room at the hospital. After some talk, they get Sonny to try to remember more from prior to the attack. And he does! He remembers seeing Clyde reflected in a pane of glass, so they know it was Clyde smelling of vanilla & wielding a knife.

I think you get the idea of the day by now.

Edited by Tonksadora
day's events
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Yeah, Roman needs to focus on employee turnover rate and food/liqour inventory. I wonder if he fired the bartender upon his discovery that a bottle of cheap tequila had wound up missing, and now, he's back to making New England Clam Chowder for his patrons. 

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On DOOL now, finally, it is Lose/Lose for Nancy Wesley. People were concerned before this got going, this storyline, what would be the treatment of Nancy, what would be the impact on Nancy, etc. Well, Nancy has been humiliated, miserable, hurt, made a fool of, been made desperate, and now, next week, is the kicker to this storyline and once again Nancy is the victim. The misogyny to this is off the scale. While you think "Poor Nancy" think should this have been done?!

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I have been very vocal about how this whole story has been awful and misogynistic, but I could see Nancy coming out stronger from this.  If I was writing this I would make Nancy reevaluate her life and realize she felt she needed a new man after Craig's betrayal.  Then I would have Nancy focus on herself and her kids, maybe start a new career, show her interacting with friends like Bonnie, maybe Marlena, whoever and just establish a new life for herself.  Then down the line she gets a new guy.  Honestly, I never really needed to see more of Nancy/Craig and was content with them off screen, but since the show did this story it would be nice if both Craig and Nancy had some sort of redemptive arc and don't just disappear with this story being the last we see of those two.

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Your specific suggestions are dynamite & would've truly been the best way to go with this storyline & give decent treatment & attention must be paid to both parties! I know other people have talked about good ideas, too. And, I know there's a low rumble that Ron hates women. Thnx for reposting great ideas that easily could have been implemented!

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Despite everything, today was a solid episode. I had no complaints.

Eric/Nicole/Jada was the best part of the episode. I was loving the shade between Jada and Nicole. It was written the way that it should be written; not as a campy bitchfight played for laughs. 

I just hope we get an explanation as to how the evidence that gave Clyde an alibi was doctored.

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It's true. The whole day was written like "real soap"! For a change, a change that I like. My complaint is only that I wanted to be at a point further along today instead of having to wait till Monday or Tuesday & that's just regular soap fan impatience. It's nice to have a regular complaint even! My only complaint with Nicole/Jada is the complaint I always have about Ari & that is that they don't find an attractive hairstyle for her & stick with it. She's a beautiful woman & most of the time her hair looks awful.

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