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DAYS: September 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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I admit it. It was good for me to actually be in the groove the show is set in. Instead of thinking "that's not Roman!" LOL

I think the writer's room is not concerned with things making sense. What else can it be? Kristen's got like clearance to say anything she wants & no one can challenge her really. Belle's objecting but not nearly enough!

They just play so fast & loose with reality. It's really discouraging. They actually do some things right & then they just let sh*t happen, i guess because they want to not because it logically could happen!

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With Kristen saying anything and ripping on John, Belle could have really gone down a whole rabbit hole and said remember when you were engaged to my dad and wanted nothing more to have his baby?  And also kidnapped my mother and almost killed me as a child with a poisoned chocolate?   Kristen never was convicted of any of those things, so free game.  What about the whole Tate situation where Kristen stole eggs or whatever she did to have that child?

Even Kristen could have focused in on Brady's addiction issues instead of focusing on the issue of Phillip.   I literally can't even think about this waste of time because it's so frustrating and I think of everything that's wrong with a hearing even being allowed.

I don't really care whether Marlena is a Dr or not.  I was just vaguely interested in seeing actual repercussions from the Devil Possession Part 2 and hoping it all wouldn't be forgotten in 5 mins.   But then again I really wanted it to end in the first place so I can't complain.

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This custody hearing has been maddening to watch. Like @carolineg says, it makes no damn sense that NOTHING Kristen has ever done can be brought up just because she was pardoned. She raped Eric on film! She held John and Marlena's entire 2018 wedding at gunpoint! She kidnapped Sami right before that! She held Nicole captive and impersonated her! Even the way Rachel was conceived is sketchy as hell. There are a LOT of crimes (and just crazy actions) that weren't a part of what she just got pardoned for. And a pardon doesn't wipe your record -- it wipes your sentence. She's still a recently convicted felon who broke out of jail and went on the run numerous times.

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You just listed so many great things I didn't even touch on and there is so much more!   Not to mention why didn't anyone get a written letter or skype testimony from Theresa?  Wouldn't Theresa's word and their amicable, working custody agreement hold more weight than Chloe or John testifying?

You know, if Kristen at least had a savvy, conniving lawyer (even EJ) perhaps I could buy some of this, but the idiot was representing herself.  

I feel like I usually eyeroll Days.  I can take the Devil and some other nonsense because it's all silly to begin with.  This custody hearing was taken dead seriously so it's much more frustrating.  

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Now if the writer's room had let Belle let loose too! Well, that would've been a custody hearing to write home to ma about! They could have been battling legal bots! Could even have been surreal & as long as each side got their shots in it would have been a fair fight, a strange fight, but hell, it was a strange fight as we had it!


Okay, you lost me. Why not hold a hearing? If the parties are no longer both happy with the custody agreement & facts in evidence have changed, which they have, because Kristen is no longer in prison, has a job, has a place to live, etc. Seems foolproof. No?

Today in my FB Memories for the day was the first day I was reporting that DOOL really is revisiting the DevilDoc story one more time for god's ?? sake & doing my best imitation of a mini-rant of how much I hated that idea. And, soon I just wanted it to be over!

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Watched today's episode. So after all that Clyde Weston is the killer?

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That's not shocking. I guess I should be relieved it wasn't Craig. 

The Sonny and Ben 2.0 Titan garbage is just that. I don't care for obvious reasons.

Jennifer's addition story would've been good had it gradually happened and not just come out of nowhere. I did like Jennifer's scenes with Gwen.

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Seriously there's nothing shocking about Clyde being the killer. Isn't that what Ron said? I thought it was Clyde from the beginning . There were really no twists and turns or much of anything to this ridiculous murder mystery and the attack on Sonny. The story was poorly done.

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Okay, I've seen the show now, and spoilers away! That was an interesting way to let us know it's Clyde with him flashing back to himself holding the knife & looking at Sonny. I guess that's the way his ego & id would work where he was seeing Sonny in his hospital bed & remember, aha, the moment before he attacked him. I've been more than ready to see Clyde Weston as more overtly evil. So Craig's return was just a big ole red herring. At least he got to holler at Leo & rough him up a little bit. I can't figure why Clyde is in such a godawful hurry to marry Nancy TODAY. Nancy, poor Nancy, I guess tomorrow is going to be an out of the ballpark terrible day for her.

I enjoyed Sonny taking a piece out of Alex's hide but I would because I don't like Alex & I do like Sonny. And, I wish Alex would quit pushing Stephanie. More than enough already!

Yeah, they are taking Jenn's story very steep & fast. I wonder if they will have Gwen rat Jenn out to Jack & use that as a redemption ploy. I don't know why I keep hoping that Gwen & Leo will both go away. Everyone says they're both on RonC's charmed lists. Jenn in the car & after in the promo worries me quite a bit.

I thought we were supposed to be shocked by this murderer. Clearly I need to have my shockometer in for a tune-up.

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