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ghaw2007's Lyrics


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Verse 1:  Rolling down / Down towards me / Covering me with its destruction / I deserve it / This massive blanket of snow / Because I know that I've done wrong

Verse 2:  Gasping for air / As I struggle to breathe / This pain is far less than I deserve / Digging my way out is futile / I've played the game / Now I'm paying the price / Be still, my heart / Seek that elusive silence / Memories burn deep into my core

Verse 3:  Temperature drops / Darkness settles in / The end is near for me / I can sense it / Rolled down / Down towards me / Covered me with its destruction / Cold, cold grave / My final resting place / I'd smile if I weren't frozen

Chorus:  Avalanche / Mighty avalanche, mighty avalanche / Avalanche

Written by B. (Sunday, January 1, 2006) Copyright 2006

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Call The Names
Verse 1:  You're not considered to be beautiful / Even when you dress up and go to town / Men don't stare at you / They don't talk to you / On your way home, you feel like a fool / Wondering why you bother to get their attention / You're different than most / That's why you're unique / But you view yourself as being ugly / As being undesirable and pathetic / It's difficult to change your way of thinking / When the opinions of others are valued / More than your own
Verse 2:  You're the most despised, you're the most feared / You still don't understand the reasons why / Everyone stares at you / Everyone talks about you / Being the centre of attention makes you feel uncomfortable / Like you're under a microscope / Being analyzed, always criticized / As a result, you view yourself as inferior / Somewhat defective, in need of reconstruction / To assemble a better version of you / It's difficult to have confidence / When the opinions of others are valued / More than your own
Verse 3:  We're on opposite sides of a spectrum / Battling each other for sanity and survival / Thus destroying ourselves as bitter rivals / Seemingly incapable of changing ourselves / Through understanding and compassion / We're always losing as others are benefiting / From our disconnectedness / We're not who we were meant to be
Chorus:  Let's the call the names / They're always with us / In our hearts, in our minds / We're surrounded by thieves, liars and traitors / We're in between the truth and a lie / When our inventions have failed us / And we're in the remains of the darkest of times / We won't surrender, we won't waste away / We'll get together and call the names
Written by B. (Friday, April 3, 2015) Copyright 2015

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Money Where Your Mouth Is

Verse 1:  You say it's going to be epic / Like the biggest ship sinking in the ocean / A spectacle of awe and tragedy / Another exaggeration to keep up with technology / You know what something is / By the kind of fruit it bears / I'm waiting for you to deliver the goods

Verse 2:  Love in the form of words is meaningless / It's like trying to untie a knot / When you know you should stop / But you keep going at it / Thinking you can prevail / The air becomes cooler when you're around / A by-product of the confusion / And frustration that's generated / You seem incapable of providing / The kind of warmth I'm looking for / I'm still waiting for you to deliver the goods

Chorus:  The only way to prove it / Is to answer all questions / Make it undeniable / Money where your mouth is / If seeing is believing / Then don't conceal what you should reveal / Money where your mouth is

Outro:  Penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar / Money where your mouth is (6x)

Written by B. (Saturday, June 20, 2015) Copyright 2015

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Savage Garden

Verse 1:  Give me a seed and let me plant it / Plant it into fertile ground / And let it grow until the end of time / And while it's growing / The harvest will provide nourishment / For many in need with open mouths / And those who can barely walk on their own / Nations will be strengthened / And once the urge to fight each other deepens / We'll go to war / Leaders will be appointed / And plans will be constructed / This all started with the breath of life / And it seems there's no end in sight

Verse 2:  We've been tainted and manipulated / Into being something we were never meant to be / All this time has been wasted / On trivial pursuits and ego-driven madness / We can't go back in time / For if we could, we'd sow in the same seeds / That caused the chaos we're in / Many believe that we're without redemption / A cause unworthy of attention / Rebels will take their places / Always disguise their faces / This all started with the breath of life / And it seems there's no end in sight

Verse 3:  Blood and guts has a way of changing / Changing how you think of yourself / And all that surrounds you / Once you attain a semblance of peace / It could all disappear without warning / And you're left to struggle on your own / At times, it's unbearable / And you'd do just about anything / To get the relief you desire / However momentary it may be / Is there an end in sight?

Chorus:  A savage garden we are living in every day / As mothers are crying for children / Who have died in their arms / We continue to add fuel to the fire

Written by B. (Friday, June 26, 2015) Copyright 2015

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Waiting For Superman

Verse 1:  There will be no sunshine / No warm rays to glisten on the skin / No blending of colours to see / No hand up in the air to partially conceal the view / Erosion of days and prolonged nights / Settle within this time and place / A mood of what occurred and what will soon be / Pushed forward while being pulled backwards / Today will become yesterday

Verse 2:  Discussions of destiny and luck / What's meant to be and possibilities / Another method of passing the buck / Our very own way of normality / Rising tensions will not subside / When the causes are stored in skulls and lungs / If they spill out of ourselves / Open wounds will be the visible manifestation / Of injuries which could no longer be pacified / Pushed forward while being pulled backwards / Tomorrow is today

Verse 3:  With the knowledge of a finish point / We can't cease to worry about what remains / It's attached to every achievement and mistake / Like spots on a leopard, it's impossible to shake / Not all broken things can be fixed / Some missing parts will always be hidden / We're not always capable of preserving what's left / A greater force must take over for us / It could be today or tomorrow / So we'll wait until that day arrives

Bridge:  But if there was, someone who could change this for the better / To put an end to this endless transformation / To capture precious moments lost through the passage of time / To save us from what is known / From what is predicted to be / Then a grand welcoming will certainly be greeted upon him

Chorus:  There's nowhere else to go / No running, no hiding / Wanting a space for yourself / Where nothing is dismantled and rearranged / He's the only one standing between the life we've dreamed of living / Superman is who we've been waiting for / Waiting for Superman / For us to be saved

Written by B. (Saturday, July 4, 2015) Copyright 2015

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Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Verse 1:  When you open your mouth / You lie, you lie, you lie / I cannot look in your eyes / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Another waste of precious time / When you lie, you lie, you lie / It's more than irritating / When you lie, you lie, you lie / A verbal form of oppression / When you lie, you lie, you lie
Verse 2:  Slick and under the radar / Your lies, your lies, your lies / Or so you like to believe / Your lies, your lies, your lies / On high alert in your presence / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Don't you dare play dumb / When you lie, you lie, you lie / I can see beyond your facade / When you lie, you lie, you lie
Verse 3:  Bitter and highly infectious / When you lie, you lie, you lie / A great lack of prevention / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Unhealthy dose of reality / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Imbalance of civility / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Playing with emotions / When you lie, you lie, you lie
Verse 4:  Toe to toe, living to win / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Legacy always in mind / When you lie, you lie, you lie / Methodical and charismatic / When you lie, you lie, you lie / No mercy for opposition / When you lie, you lie, you lie / If you lose, you can die / When you lie, you lie, you lie
Chorus:  A weapon as sharp as a sword / Lies and the lying liars who tell them / Lies and the lying liars who tell them / Lies and the lying liars who tell them
Written by B. (Friday, July 10, 2015) Copyright 2015

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Let Go

Verse 1:  Oh, what a night / Unexpected but good / Arriving early - just doing what I could / First kiss of the night / As a way to say "hello" / From a friendly guy who is really into me / A pissy man getting jealous and complaining / After seeing a naked man and becoming envious / Having better looks / Can sometimes get the claws out / And when people open their mouths / Garbage comes out of it

Verse 2:  What a delight to see you once again / I've thought about you / Thought about you and your friend / Lift me up and swing me around / Be inside of me and make a joyous sound / Compliments are good / They elevate your mood / But action is so much better / Than opening your mouth / Nobody looks at me the way that you do / Your eyes are locked in / And draw me closer to you

Bridge 1:  In the dark of the night / Excitement takes hold / In the dark of the night / Frisky fun begins / What I choose to do / Is always up to me / And I want to do interesting things with you

Bridge 2:  In the dark of the night / Boldness takes hold / In the dark of the night / Freedom begins / What we choose to do / Is always up to us / Interesting minds are always curious

Chorus:  Smart, funny and outgoing / Is irrelevant, is irrelevant / Exotic nature is in high demand / Reach down inside / And flaunt what you've got / No holds barred is the sentiment of the evening / It's undeniable / Unspoken, lingering in the air / Just let go - only if you dare

Written by B. (Saturday, May 31, 2014) Copyright 2014

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White Love

Verse 1:  The pureness of paleness is deep at the core of your beating heart / And it glistens on your skin / Stiff hands would be relaxed if they could travel  / Along the edges of your porcelain mountains and valleys / You are the only drug of choice / When it comes to enriching the senses in full mode / Kingdoms have been constructed by the sound of your voice / Its melodic vibes have been the anthem of armies / Your eyes are never planted in the past / With a forward outlook, you see beyond allies and foes

Verse 2:  Your bu****** are well-shaped like juicy melons / I want my hands to grab onto them and melt away / Every inch of you tells an interesting story / You're the talk of the world / Magazines and films are devoted to you / I want to kiss you with a caring fierceness / And as we become one / Our souls will be set free / Free as the wind that whistles through our bones / And warm as the desires that ignite our passions / We've been consumed with our suppressions and denials / If we don't come to terms with them, they'll blow us away

Verse 3:  Believe in the one who has the power to save you / When your blood ceases to flow / You'll have everlasting life / Sacrifices must be made

And multiplied in good fashion / Your guiding light has been your most ardent cheerleader / Stumbling is natural / It's a marathon, not a sprint / You have nothing to prove to others / As they're in the same condition / Spread the news to all / Shout it from the rooftops / When you're told to hush / Raise your voice louder than thunder / Obey your master to receive your reward / You'll be transported into a glorious and magnificent realm

Chorus:  I fantasize about you / I can't get enough of you / I'm always on the hunt for you / I honour and respect you / I promote and celebrate you / I don't want to live without you / White love / White, white love / Love white / White, white love

Written by B. (Sunday, September 25, 2016) Copyright 2016

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A Bed of Red Flowers

Verse 1:  The glitter, the glamour captured my attention / I was transfixed on a multitude of treats / What I saw is what I wanted / The lights and the sounds / Were enough to push me over the edge / So I decided to male my dreams a reality / I woke up before the sun rose / And fell asleep after it had set / I was determined to push myself past any limits / Success was the only goal / But as time went on, things changed / And I reached a point of no return / I was vulnerable and I didn't know it / Deception surrounded me

Verse 2:  Sharp teeth and wicked tongues / Could be found in unusual places / Side-walks are adorned with fake gold and engraved names / People would travel many miles / To get a glimpse of manufactured chaos / The screams, the shouts, the cries / Were at times overwhelming / I tried to remove myself from the situation / It certainly wasn't easy / I was being controlled and I didn't know it / Deception surrounded me

Bridge:  I was welcomed with open arms / I was celebrated and respected / If only I knew the true intentions / Of those who surrounded me / If only, if only

Chorus:  They want to lay me down / In a bed of red flowers / The Hollywood posse is targeting me / They're pretending to be normal / As they sit in the front row / This isn't the life I imagined / They want to lay me down / In a bed of red flowers / Breath from another is what passes on / You can play or be played / Either way, it's all the same / This isn't the life I imagined

Written by B. (Monday, June 30, 2014) Copyright 2014

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A Place of Acceptance

Verse 1:  There's a man walking around in a bar / You think he's naked, you're wrong, he's not / He may be here for the same reason as you / To have a pleasant and fun evening out / Just say hello

Verse 2:  There's a man walking around in a bar / You take offence, it's your opinion, let him be / You buy a drink or two and socialize / Sometimes what comes out of your mouth / Is not what others would like to hear / Pissy, alcohol-fueled / Complaining, jealous intent / They'll never change, it's in their DNA / When people show you who they are / Don't question it, believe them

Bridge 1:  Many things in this life are challenging / Being self-assured is one of them / Having confidence is vital / With it, you can accomplish just about anything

Bridge 2:  Many things you'll do will be frowned upon / People will dislike and even hate you / If you internalize their viewpoints / You'll always be less than who you are 

Chorus:  Come to a place of acceptance / Like who you are and what you can do / Gossip is prevalent, ridicule is expected / Build yourself up by knowing who you are

Outro:  There's a man walking around in a bar / You think he's naked, you take offence / Come to a place of acceptance / Build yourself up by knowing who you are

Written by B. (Sunday, July 6, 2014) Copyright 2014

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Nothing New For Trash Like You

Verse 1:  The beast is lurking in the shadowy night / Its big eyes and big nose will scare just about anyone / They say the darker the juice, the sweeter the berry / But that's just an illusion / If you're the mother of civilization / Then weep for how low you've sunken

Verse 2:  You terrorize your main target until they die / You've been programmed to function that way / Elevating yourself to a high position / Will not make you superior to all / After all, reality is optional for you

Verse 3:  Your behaviour was once unusual / Now it's expected everywhere you go / Many are afraid, they're afraid of you / Nobody owes you anything in this life / You have to fight for everything, every day / But when you're the chosen one / You'll be protected, always without fail / However, you'll also be miserable and alone / Your main mantra is "Nobody's perfect" / And somehow that absolves you of your wrongdoings

Chorus:  There's nothing new for trash like you / You're not happy until everyone's unhappy / Being undesired, being unwanted / Makes you extremely dangerous

Written by B. (Sunday, July 6, 2014) Copyright 2014

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Destroy What Destroys You

Verse 1:  Destroy what destroys you / Every day, all day, any way / If you don't know how to fight / Or if you're reluctant / Then you'll die / This world, this life - cruel and cold / To survive, to thrive, you must be bold / They say knowledge is power / If that's true, then acquire as much as you can

Verse 2:  If you're ever under attack / Never back down, rise up and fight back / Your opponents must be crushed / Don't hesitate - swift action is necessary / You're a soldier on a battlefield / And the war which you fight is winnable / Create a plan and carry it out / Know your actions before you perform them / They say knowledge is power / It that's true, then acquire as much as you can

Verse 3:  Having riches won't help you / If you misuse your wealth / You have to be thorough and persistent / Overcoming battles can be arduous / Belief in your capabilities is the starting point / If you hit the ground running, you're on the right track / If you stumble, if you fall, don't quit / Quitting is equivalent to suicide / They say knowledge is power / If that's true, then acquire as much as you can

Chorus:  Everyone is your enemy / Search for things to protect yourself / You're hated, you're unwanted / If you allow society to consume you / Nothing will be left of you

Written by B. (Tuesday, July 8, 2014) Copyright 2014

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Finding Ben

Verse 1:  I'm not looking around / Not looking for anything in particular / Minding my own business is my motto / I always keep to myself / And avoid situations which belong to others / I've got troubles of my own / The imbalance they create in my life / Need to be corrected before I can move on

Verse 2:  I will not be your friend / Won't be the one to listen to your cries / You can flood this town / And I still won't flinch / Your tears won't provoke me / To take action to your cause / You can save your breath / Just leave me the hell alone / I don't love you / I never did and I never will

Verse 3:  I'm not looking around / Not looking for anything in particular / I will not be your friend / Won't be the one to listen to your cries / I've got a journey of my own / And I can't lose focus / I make no apologies for wanting to know the real me

Bridge:  Leave me alone / Let me be / Attempts at agitation won't suppress me

Chorus:  I don't need anybody / I don't want anybody / I'm only looking for me / My mission is to find Ben

Outro:  I'm only looking for me / My mission is to find Ben

Written by B. (Tuesday, July 22, 2014) Copyright 2014

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Verse 1:  You would not believe your eyes / If you saw a thousand fireflies / Lighting up the night sky / And providing comfort for passers-by / You often wonder why you don't have the ability to fly / You dream of having wings / You dream of soaring way up high / If there was a way to transform yourself into a firefly / You certainly wouldn't hesitate / You'd give it a try

Verse 2:  Stadiums and skyscrapers would be in your line of view / You'd get to travel the world / And rest comfortably on trees / No fear of bodies of water / No fear of earthly disasters / Being complete and free seems to be an impossibility / Some challenges appear to be insurmountable  / So transforming yourself into a firefly / Is what you'd like to try

Bridge:  Brighten dark skies (4x)

Chorus:  You used to believe that people could change for the better / Now that you're wiser, you know they can't and they won't / So you long to be a firefly / Being able to possess the power to beautify the darkness / Is what you'd like to hold forever-more / So you long to be a firefly

Written by B. (Tuesday, July 22, 2014) Copyright 2014

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Constant Hunger

Verse 1:  All these little rejections build up in your soul / Being turned away crushes your self-esteem / All these little let-downs surround you ever so slowly / To the point where they're about to consume you / Disappointment is such a drag / All these little distortions ingratiate themselves into your mind / Your belief system is based on lies and propaganda / All these little unpleasantries make for ruined situations / It's challenging to generate momentum and to keep it progressing

Verse 2:  All these little recollections buried deep within your psyche / Flashes of the past burst through like a manufactured hurricane / All these little anomalies becoming a nuisance / Plans are adjusted and cancellations are put into effect

Verse 3:  All these little machinations developing sight unseen / Theories abound when they're finally revealed / All these little medications destroying what's left of your health / Natural functions are being replaced through artificial means

Bridge:  Trinkets no longer appease you / Gadgets don't appeal to you / Substance is intoxicatingly desirable

Chorus:  You're wanting more out of life / But are left unsatisfied / You give more than you receive and feel under-appreciated / Attempting to explain yourself causes misunderstanding / This is how constant hunger dwells in you

Written by B. (Wednesday, July 23, 2014) Copyright 2014

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