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Disney's Aladdin Live Action Remake


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Wanted to start this thread! This is my favorite Disney movie of all time, as it also personally resonates to me & my culture. I grew up with this movie! Guy Ritchie is/has been slated to direct (a HUGE mistake, IMO), and just this past day I've been seeing all this news about how how him & his team have been struggling to find a lead for the role of an Aladdin who "is in their 20s and can act and sing". iMO, there are/could be so many candid peeps. Dev Patel is the obvious choice, but in doing research, there is an abundance of actors both in the US and Bollywood world who could knock it out. What are your thoughts??


I'm so worried about this! If Disney/Ritchie fcks this up, I'll need to go to therapy! They better not mess up Prince Ali & Jasmine!!




Let's hope for the best! Thoughts?? 🙏

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Since they're casting unknowns for the leads, they need to bring star power into it. They will fill roles that they can with as many movie stars as possible. I just hope they'd gone for something less... cliche. Less obvious.

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Aladdin itself will sell seats. It's a classic. I don't need star quality to endear me to buy a ticket. Nostalgia and good acting will. Will Smith is not gonna be able to capture the magic of Genie like James Monroe Inglehart did on Broadway. His Genie was VERY much like Robin William's version. Plus, James Monroe Inglehart has star quality. The year the musical came out, it got a lot of buzz and he walked away with a Tony. 

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That will work for you and me. I'll go see it no matter what because it was part of my childhood. And others will too. But it won't be enough for the billion-plus bank they surely aim to make. Look at the difference between Cinderella (which didn't do badly by any means) and Beauty and the Beast, which was jam-packed with very bankable, beloved film stars, way more than Cinderella. A huge part of that is due to the cast. It makes a difference. This is nothing against JMI, don't think I'm knocking him down. In case you didn't see my post earlier, I agree Will Smith is not a good choice. But when they're about to make what they hope to be a smash hit led by minority, unknown actors, that needs to do well worldwide (let alone in the US) you can bet they'll try to get some stars. No question. No doubt. They will not solely rely on nostalgia.   

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Well I can tell you that Will Smith is not gonna draw people to theaters. Not like he used too unless it was for another Bad Boys or MIB installment. Even then, people are drawn to the theatre for nostalgic reasons. 


I truly believe that the Disney name along with it being Aladdin will draw people out in droves to see it. I was gonna go see Beauty & the Beast regardless if Emma Watson was in it. 

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Sure he will. Along with whatever other famous actors they can fit into the movie, if any. It's the reality of the entertainment business: Big names get more publicity for the movie. Not that people fall over for him anymore. But Smith as Genie will get talked about. He will do every interview on Earth. The promotion will be insane because he will be a recognizable name. He'll act as 'mentor' to those playing Aladdin & Jasmine. You won't be able to switch on anything without seeing him on. Bet. Just watch.


I suppose some do go for nostalgic reasons. I go if I think the movie will be good enough/deserves to be seen on the big screen. If I'm mildly interested in something, an actor/actress I really like may sway me.



You are right. That WILL play a huge part. Disney is Disney. But, like I said, that doesn't make you over a billion dollars.


And a lot of people DID go because of Watson. And McKellen. And Thompson. etc. All these people worked PR like magic. There is no denying it! 


Anyway, I'm glad this is moving along (possibly bad choice of director and all). I am dying to see it. 

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