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The Young and The Restless - Find Your Everything

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What a dumb ass promo. It just highlighted so much I hate about this show and so many missed opportunities. 


Victor is not a villain. He's just an old ass fart that someone needs to pull the plug out of. 


Adam is not a bad boy. A boy, yes, because he's childish. He's an idiot. I find nothing he does compelling anymore. It's the same repetitive crap.


Nick is not the attainable they make him out to be. He's an almost 40 year old loser still trying to rely on his 'boyish charm' that diminished back in the late 90s. Nick needs to grow the f-ck up. He has adult kids. 


Abby is an moron. I can't believe she's still gonna marry Stitch after everything that occurred between him and Ashley. Just stupid. 


Shocked to see Summer being brought out the broom closet for this farce wedding when she should be driving story. 


I hate how my precious Sharon is gonna apparently be spending X-Mas with the same disgusting family that shat on her time and time again. Oy vey. If anything, she should be shoving that flute up Victor's ass. 


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I will admit I think the tune is catchy.


Girl crush? So they're saying a lot of women will go gay for MCE? If so...OK, she's a sexy enough lady, but is that really what they're saying? And if so, why can they not have any queer characters on their show but can go all Ruby Rose in a promo?

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It's inevitable that they will go the Shadam/Chick route once Burning Bush has turned to ashes. BTW - Does Nick really not know that Christian wasn't his son? And if Burning Bush knows for certain it was Gadam's why is she being propped, when she is so heartless and cruel to let Nick suffer the loss of a child that isn't even his? Has BB explicitly stated either to Adam or, even herself, that Christian was his? There's been all sorts of allusions to it (and obviously Victor found out somehow - though I don't recall they ever said HOW.) Perhaps, there will be a tragic accident, BB will be gone and Shadam will raise Christian together. That would be a surprising, but plausible outcome that could work.

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