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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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As The World Turns

Thomas "Tom" Hughes

  C. David Colson (David Cherrill)   73- April 78     

Barbara Ryan Stenbeck Stenbeck Munson Dixon Munson Montgomery Stenbeck Coleman 

 Donna Wandrey  December  1971-73

Colleen Zenk   September  1978- September 2010      


Richard Taylor      Annie's first boyfriend- older motorbiker. Caused friction b/w Annie and her parents as they were disapproving . Tried to take her virginity but lost interest when she wouldn't sleep with him.       
                                      Michael Finn     1972    
                                      Arthur Marcus    1972
Dr. Bill Jenkins     John Swearington        1972  Young doctor Dans protege considered by Ellen a  more suitable match for Annie over Richard Taylor
Reverend George Booth   Jennifer and Kim Sullivan's confidant;counselled Kim over her personal crises  April 74 confirmed that Melinda was Jennifer's daughter; Sept 77,counselled Kim after Dan's death. Aug 79
                                   Paul Keeler  
                                      Philip Sterling        76  Sept 77 Aug 79 
Dr. Rick Ryan   Con Roche   1972-74
Donald "Don" Hughes, Esquire
                         Martin West         July   76- April 78    
                        Conard Fowkes     May 78-81; 85; 86; 93; 95
Natalie Bannon Porter Hughes  Triandos 
Judith Chapman     July 74- Nov 77
                        Janet Zarish      1981
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Marcia    (?Carla)             Catherine Burns                            1970

David Sutton     January 1976 - May 1981

Wade Collins       December 30, 1971- August 1977    *

??????       David Gale      pre-1971


Gertrude "Trudy"  Bauer Palmer   Gloria Grant   1948     Radio
                                                     Laurette Fillbrandt  1948-49     Radio
                                                      Mary Patton   January 1950 - ???    Radio
                                                      Anne Marie Geyer   Radio 1951
                                                      Charlotte Holland   1951   Radio
                                                       Anne Marie Gayer    Television 1952
                                                      Lisa Howard   1957 - 58   *

Dick Cavett     Dick Cavett       March 10, 1986  Judge of The Sampson girl contest     *


Dr. Joe Werner   *
                 Ben Hayes     1966-67
              Ed Zimmerman  October  1967- June 1972 (He died July 72)
                Berkeley Harris    1972
                Anthony Call   1972- November 76
Lee Gantry   Murderous thief; killed Alice; stole from and gaslit Sara McIntyre with maid Mildred Foss after marrying Sara, then attempted to murder her
                            Ray Fulmer      June 1969 - September  1970   *
Ben Scott       Peggy's father, blind to wife Maggie's     *
                             affair with Bill Bauer
                           Bernard Kates August 1965-66
Father Fitzpatrick      Stuart Germain      5/1984     *
Bernie Schwartz     Ben Hammer     5/1984      *
Captain Andreas Rivera    Dominic Chianese    May 1980   showed Holly/Roger to get to Tiburon    *

Bertie Higgins    Bertie Higgins     1982   singer performed at Wired for Sound    *

Neil Sedaka     Neil Sedaka     1982     Musical Performance at Wired for Sound     *

Huey Lewis and the News  Huey Lewis and the News   1982  band performed at Wired for sound  *

Rick Carol              David Gale               1985      *


??????     Dorothy Stinnette      * 
??????    Curtis Wheeler       *


???????      Dorothy Stinnette    pre-1965    *




Milton Biddlecombe (Nerd at Spring Fling Party. Witness at trial.)    Erik Jensen   1993; 1997*

Claire Kolczewski (Head of the Special Victims Unit.)     Shona Tucker       1993  *

Barbara Dunne     Patricia Clarkson     1987    Reporter Cindy London is hired to work with; has a picture with Cindy's brother Peter on her desk    *

Bree     Gina Gershon       date, Geoffrey McGrath    1987   *


????????       David Gale    pre - 1971    *





Edited by slick jones
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The Doctors     
Bill Gordon     George Wilson     Nola's Lawyer    2/13/1980 - ????     *
Calvin Barnes   Larry Riley   3/6/1980 - 1981    *
Orderly    Michael Tylo    7/9/1980

Dr. Dave Davis...Karl Light... Feb 9 1965 -?     *

...Josef Sommer...72-73        

...Richard Clarke...    73-74; 75-76




???????          Leslie Barrett     pre 1972

Jessie Bartok...Jocelyn Somers...  sister, Kate     +Brad M.  ...? 65- Sept 1965   *

Mrs. Preston    Le Clanche du Rand      1980           pushy social worker with Nola
Edited by slick jones
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Dr. ___ Thompson  ?????     July 1968   Chuckie's pediatrician;  contacted Bob re: a large abdomen obstruction.*
Tony Bennett     Tony Bennett   October 25 and 28, 1985    Singer *

Lydia Marlowe      Zsa Zsa Gabor    November 20, 1981         Miranda's sister   *

Oleg Cassini    Oleg Cassini    December 26, 1985      famous clothing designer    *

Melba Moore    Melba Moore      singer     September 18, 1986   *

?????     Curtis Wheeler    pre -1972   *

??????   Marijane Maricle    pre-1972   *


Mabel                        owner of Mabel's Red Hots   *
                                      Maggie Task  1991         
                                   Lynne Lipton   1996-97

Justice of the Peace    William Saunders    December  1984  *

Wife Justice of the Peace     Sylvia Short    December   1984*

Lionel Dalton              Jim Moody    December 1984  *

Judge Henry Shaw   Lewis Arlt  1997    *

Willie     Michael O'Hare     4 &5/1985      *

Doris Smith   Paula Lawrence   4/1985     *

Thomas "Tom" Hughes   

  C. David Colson (David Cherrill)   1973- April 1978       * 

Barbara Ryan Stenbeck Stenbeck Munson Dixon Munson Montgomery Stenbeck Coleman 

 Donna Wandrey  December 1971-73           *

Colleen Zenk   September  1978- September 2010      *


Richard Taylor      Annie's first boyfriend- older motorbiker. Caused friction b/w Annie and her parents as they were disapproving . Tried to take her virginity but lost interest when she wouldn't sleep with him.  *     
                                  Michael Finn     1972    
                                      Arthur Marcus    1972
Dr. Bill Jenkins       John Swearington        1972      Young doctor Dan's protege considered by Ellen a  more suitable match for Annie over Richard Taylor    *


Reverend George Booth   Jennifer and Kim Sullivan's confidante;  counselled Kim over her personal crises  April 1974;   confirmed that Melinda was Jennifer's daughter; Sept 77,counselled Kim after Dan's death. Aug 79
                                      Philip Sterling     April 1974; 1976;  September 1977;  August 1979 *
Dr. Rick Ryan                      Con Roche   1972-74; 1986-87     *
Donald "Don" Hughes, Esquire    * 
                         Martin West         July   1976- April 1978    
                        Conard Fowkes     May 1978-81; 1985; 1986; 1993; 1995
Natalie Bannon Porter Hughes  Triandos    *
Judith Chapman     July 1974- November 1977
                        Janet Zarish      1981




William Barrett Travis "Rusty" Sentell, Sr.       David Gale   July 1982 - April 1983    basic scumbag 

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Tod Adamson...Kevin Bacon.. August- September .79...nephew, Ted. Involved with Stephanie's daughter Wendy Wilkins, causing further hostilities b/w John, Stephanie and Ted as Wendy contemplated having sex with him. Wendy broke up with Tod as she felt bad about sneaking around behind the adult's back. Tod left town for college, telling Wendy he wouldn't forget her.

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The following have been added to the Master copy of the cast list, which wiill be re-posted soon.

DeDe Clark     Shelley Robertson    11/28/2023 - Present     Attorney representing General Hospital in the Dennis Muldoon case; questions Finn; 11/29/2023 -- more questions, won't reveal the hospital's plans
Detective Paul Briscoe    Patrick Robert Smith     11/28/2023 - Present      Pautuck Detective responsible for the Austin Gatlin Holt murder, visits Dante; 11/29/2023  wants to make sure Dante doesn't have a conflict of interest, willing to share information with the PCPD

Claire Brown    Lyn Alicia Henderson   8/3/2023   Surrogacy Specialist (Molly and T. J. ) 11/29/2023  consults with Molly

Emma Scorpio-Drake.   Brooklyn Rae Silzer           2011-18;   2020       3/29/2023  --  Epiphany's Farewell;   11/23 & 27/2023    Comes to town at Robert's request for Thanksgiving; wants to know how long Robert and Diane have been dating.  On her way back to College.

Gloria ________Cerullo      Ellen Travolta  1994-96    Lois's Mother        11/23/2023  Visits Lois at the Quartermaine mansion Hell bent on making a proper Turkey Dinner; 11/27/2023 -- Left the onions frying on the stove, causing a drenched turkey.  Revealed to Lois that she cussed out a lady running a Brighton Beach Bingo Game and that they are demanding an apology. Yuri tells her he will take care of the Russian problem.  11/29/2023   worrying about Ziti; has a sit down with Pete Petrov regarding the Bingo incident. Agrees to stay out of the St. Nicholas church and its Bingo; heads back to Bensonhurst, but asks Chase when he's marrying BLQ...🤣

Ziti Cerullo       Never Seen       Mentioned 11/27 and 29/2023    Gloria's dog threatened by the Petrov family

Elliott       ?????     11/27/2023     MetroCourt Employee that delivered Thanksgiving Pizzas with Nina

Nina Reeves Clay Lansing Cassadine Corinthos     added Corinthos

                 Michelle Stafford           5/1/2014; 6/3/2014 - 6/14/2019

                 Cynthia Watros    6/17/2019 - Present

Minister ___ Caballero    Holger Moncada, Jr.       10/12 & 13/2023     Priest at Sonny Island Paradise that married Sonny and Nina

Dr.  Sofia Navarro      added      11/28/2023 -- talks to Molly about her surrogate's miscarriage   

Devon           added       11/7/2023 --  encourages Curtis to let his family get to know the new version of him. Reveals he's been handicapped from birth, and still has anger. Father of 2 Sons

Brick       Added    10/25/2023 -- explains Judge Sinclair's connection to Cyrus and the Foundation that helps prisoners to reform.

Anzhela        Anzhela Adzhiyan     10/26/2023      allegedly cut Finn's hair before his trip with Elizabeth   (Adzhiyan is the head of GH's Hair and Make-Up)

Danny Morgan            Asher Antonyzyn      11/2/2023 - Present     11/2/2023   Halloween going out with Georgie, Charlotte and Jake for Halloween; 11/3/2023  looks for Charlotte, calls Sam for a ride home; 11/6/2023  talks to Sam about missing Charlotte; 

Mason Gatlin      Added       10/27/2023 -- wants drugs; TJ realizes Mason was the man that kidnapped him for Cyrus in 2020;  10/30/2023 -- Austin attempts to smother Mason, stopped by T. J.; 11/8/2023 -- questioned by Chase, Austin asks about the visit; 11/14/2023 -- whining in hospital, tells Cyrus he wants to finger Austin for everything, Cyrus orders him to suck it up and take the blame; 11/29/2023 -- Learns Austin was murdered, points Dante directly at Ava, finds out he's being transferred to Pentonville later that night.

                                         Nathanyael Grey    7/20/2022 - 11/29/2023

Adam Wright  Joshua Benard     3/16/22;     the douche-y study partner  (Josslyn)   6/3/22 :    gave a sincere apology to Joss about his behavior on their study date;      11/11/2022      overheard Josslyn say there were bed bugs in the dorm and got all worked up;  11/14/2022    ratted on Joss about bedbugs;   September 15,  2023 --   Asks Josslyn to join Study group, disappointed to meet Dex; 10/27/2023   studying with Josslyn   11/1/2023   studying, tells Joss about all the pressure his parents put on him; 11/2/2023 -- tells Joss how lucky she is;     11/16/2023 -- spiralling from the stress from his parents; he starts taking pills to study better;  11/17   Joss takes him to the hospital during their test, panic attack

Dr.  ___ ___  Cramer   Never Seen but Mentioned     11/13/2023     Gregory's specialist for his ALS told him to get a cane

Kim    Kim House      8/22/2023   leader of AA Group   (Alexis, Finn, Dana)

Deception Employee       Kim House     10/9/2023     Meeting held by Lucy and Maxie with Scott Baldwin

Salvatore           Matias Ponce     11/9/2023        famous photographer for Deception Shoot

Photographer's  Assistant (Salvatore)    ????     11/9/2023     Deception Shoot

Photographer's  Assistant  (Salvatore)    ????     11/9/2023     Deception Shoot

Photographer's  Assistant  (Salvatore)    ????     11/9/2023     Deception Shoot

Photographer's  Assistant  (Salvatore)    ????     11/9/2023     Deception Shoot

Photographer's  Assistant  (Salvatore)   ????     11/9/2023     Deception Shoot

Ferdinand       Alpaca        11/9/2023   Deception Shoot with Cody and Sasha;  11/23/2023 --  The Quartermaine stables with Leo and Cody

Andrea Gates       added      9/22/2023 -- reveals she's pregnant;  11/15/2023 -- tells T. J. that she lost the baby, and couldn't face Molly.

           Lily Anne Harrison 8/15/2023 - 11/15/2023 

Julie the production assistant    added      11/15/2023    with Haven, Sasha, Cody and Ferdinand   

Haven De Haviland      added   11/15 and 16/2023  Sasha and Cody's appearance on Home and Heart with the Alpaca

Beck         Beck Williams        11/20/2023    audio engineer for Blaze's music

Gabe      Added       10/30/2023 -- Sonny's door, announces Lois

Alison "Blaze" Rogers   added    10/30/2023 gets to Charlie's early to see Kristina before meeting with BLQ, agrees to sign with BLQ as manager;  11/10/2023  Lunch with Alexis and Kristina, recounts Linc's abusive behavior, discusses an article to help other women in the same situation;  11/20/2023 -- Laying tracks with Beck, BLQ and Kristina for support; 11/23/2023 -- Kristina invites to Thanksgiving with Alexis and family

"Uncle" Pete Petrov    Nick Gracer Mentioned 11/28/23,     Russian mobster, wants an apology from Gl;oria Cerullo to his wife threatened Ziti, Gloria's dog.    11/29/2023   at Q Mansion to broker peace with Gloria.; Yuri taught his nephew the trombone; agrees to a truce if Gloria stays out of Saint Nicholas Church and BLQ gives the nephew a job on musician Luke West and the Stack Seven on tour.

Petra ___ Petrov     Never Seen, Mentioned   11/27/2023    Russian mobster's wife, runs a church Bingo in Brighton Beach, got into a fight with Gloria Cerullo

Dennis Muldoon    Never Seen discussed beginning 11/14/2023    Patient whose family is suing Finn for malpractice; father of one of Violet's friends; complained about stomach issues; travels the world as a salesman; had a tapeworm; Finn told him to get more tests but he just continued working; by the time he got the tests he had stage four cancer and died. Family is suing both the hospital and Finn individually; Diane is the family lawyer

Maitre'd        Gunnar Blomgren   7/24 & 25/2023     seats Elizabeth and Finn, checks in about them staying for dessert   PC Grille; 11/28/2023   seats Alexis and Laura, chastises Cyrus for breaking a tray with dishes on it;  11/29/2023Alexis forgot her phone

Regina    ????      11/3/2023      waitress at Kelly's  

Jake Morgan  added   11/2/2023 -- Halloween with Georgie, Charlotte and Danny  11/3/2023 -- hunts for missing Charlotte; 11/6/2023 --  calls 9-1-1 for Charlotte;  11/13/2023 -- Jake brings Charlotte flowers

Lorraine ____ Miller  aka Harmony added      11/3/2023 -- Wallow has another vision

Georgie Spinelli    added       Lily Fisher  October 2023-  11/2/2023 Halloween with Jake, Danny and Charlotte; 11/3/2023 --lost Charlotte, with Danny, called Sam for ride

              Eden Harker  7/27/2023 - 9/11/23

Tre'     added     10/31/2023 -- last day with Anna

Coroner       Barry Livingston    11/22/2023      in morgue with Dante; body found is Jameson Forsythe;

Super      Kenny Swartz     11/1/2023        let Anna into her apartment (Maxie's old one)  when her key was lost (Charlotte)

Charlotte Cassadine     Added     10/20/2023 -- with Laura. Laura tells her about herself at Charlotte's age and gives her an opening to confess her bad behavior;   10/31/2023 steals Anna's key to her new place; 11/1/023 -- burns cookies, goes to see Kevin and lies; 11/2/2023 goes out for Halloween with Jake, Georgie and Danny -- armed with red spray paint and a hermit costume in her backpack; 1/3/2023 -- breaks into Anna's new apartment, shot as an intruder by nna; 11/6/2023    Rushed by EMT's to the hospital; 11/9/2023 wakes up; 11/10/2023  recuperating, tells Laura Anna is dangerous and shot her on purpose; 11/13/2023 on her feet, receives flowers from Jake; 11/21/2023   visit from Nina with a gift, admits she spray painted but didn't set a fire; 11/22/2023   freaks out when Anna visits her room; 11/23/2023 -- confesses to Valentin and :Laura she vandalized but never started a fire

Tracey Angelica Quartermaine(Ashton Williams Hornsby Solieto Spencer Zacchara Spencer...Spencer

          Jane Elliott 78-80, 89-93, 96, 03, 04-17; 2019-20;2020-21; 2022;    4/18/2023 - 11/8/2023    arrived to purchase Ethan at auction; left to settle Luke's affairs with Bobbie in Amsterdam. Will return soon...

Cyrus Renault  added    10/27/2023  visits Trina at the gallery, she gets in his face, and Spencer follows suit; 10/31/2023  -- in Trina's bad dream; visits with Esme at Laura's; 11/1/2023   shows up at Kelly's and Carly tells him to beat it; 11/14/2023 -- tells Mason to stop squawking and take the blame for the kidnapping;  11/15/2023  lets Austin know that Mason will be taking all of the blame;  11/17/2023   -- shows up at Laura's office excited about his busboy/dishwasher job at the Port Charles Grille, interrupting a meeting;  11/21/2023 -- scrubbing floors at the P. C. Grille, visited by Sonny; 11/28/2023    working at the P. C. Grille while Laura and Alexis lunch and talk about Esme and Spencer, he drops a tray and gets chastised by the Maitre'd.

Trish Ramish    added     11/9/2023   working the MC; 11/10/2023    seating Drew/Curtis; 11/15/2023    MC -- Diane and Alexis; Kristina and Molly; 11/16/2023  happy to hear Carly may get the MC back; 11/17  with Nina; 11/22  MC; 11/27/2023  reminds Nina there are no available turkey dinners left, Anna, Robert, Diane, Emma;;  11/28/2023  MC with Drew, Sam, Scout

(Twice a month) Dr. Terry Randolph added     11/14/2023 With Portia, tells Finn he and the hospital are being sued for malpractice; 11/20/2023   can't help Finn and Elizabeth -- away for a conference over Thanksgiving

Lois Cerullo Ashton Quartermaine   added   10/30/2023 --   visits Sonny to catch up; 11/1/2023  playing math games with Leo, chats with Ned;   11/8/2023   challenges Eddie to take a leap; 11/9 talking to BLQ; 11/13/2023 -- talking Blaze's career with BLQ; 11/23/2023  --  wants a real Thanksgiving, so she brings Gloria in to cook.  11/27/2023 -- catches on to Gloria's attention being elsewhere, shocked to learn her mother is in a Russian mobsters line of sight;  helps to broker Gloria's deal with "Uncle" Pete. Says buh bye to Mom.

Sgt. Nathan (or Tony)  Robinson  added      11/17/2023 PCPD desk

Judge Albert Kim    added     11/3/2023 off camera -- freed Drew

Stella Henry    added     10/26/2023   has to help Felicioa out of a tricky billing situation; 11/9/2023  coffee with Felicia and tells her not to feel guilty because she suggested Anna take over Maxie's old place. Stella is off visiting Cousin Wanda in England over Thanksgiving (mentioned 11/27/2023

Rocker       James Simenc   10/11/2023      guy in Eddie's dream

Liesl Obrecht    added          10/25/2023    Back from the spa after donating bone marrow to Willow; sees Carly; upset that Nina didn't tell her she got married

James West added  10/25/2023   has a reverse dinner (dessert first) at Kelly's with Maxie; 11/2/2023   Halloween Party at Kelly's with the kids.

Yuri      added       11/8/2023   driving Tracy to the airport; 11/13/2023  explains why country music has become so popular; 11/23/2023 -- picks up Gloria from the bus station, talks to Terry at her conference;  11/27/2023  discovers burnt onions and wet turkey, overhears Gloria's problems with the Russian Mafia, tells Gloria and Lois he will take care of their Russian issue; 111/29/2023 -- invites "Uncle Pete" Petrov to the mansion, taught Uncle Pete's nephew the trombone, BLQ resolves everything; takes Gloria back to the bus station

Mr.  ____  Williams      ??????    11/17/2023     patient Felicia was able to help cover their costs 

Agent Jameson Forsythe    Never Seen    Mentioned starting 11/3/2023      Former supervisor of Anna Devane in the early 1980s. She had files and notebooks providing proof that he had been dirty back in the day. Anna found the files in an old storage space she had kept.  Believed he was after her before learning it was Charlotte.  Her files disappeared the night of Charlotte's shooting.  Forsythe's body was in the coroner's office on 11/22/2023 -- his death was Dante's next case.

Scout Cain  Added          11/2/2023 --  Kelly's Halloween Party; 11/27/2023 --   Thanksgiving at Carly's; 11/28/2023   -- MetroCourt with Drew and Sam, Drew wants to send her to a rich kids school, she doesn't want to.

Aidan Spencer                  has an internet baking business, was at the Kelly's Halloween party  11/2/2023

Avery Corinthos    10/17/2023    police station for Ava with Pilar; 11/2/2023  Kelly's Halloween Party   11/27/2023    Thanksgiving at Mam Carly's

Cop         ?????      11/13/2023      with Dante and Jordan

MetroCourt Waitress   (Brunette)    ?????   11/15/2023   (Diane, Alexis and Molly/Kristina)

Nurse       ?????      11/17/2023     with Felicia and Mr. Williams

Nurse    ????    11/14/2023         with Austin


Nurse    ????   11/13/2023        Sends Gregory to Dr. Cramer's office

Nurse    ?????      11/27/2023     Portia, phone call

9-1-1 Operator   ??????    11/6/2023    Jake's call for Charlotte

SEC Insider      ??????       10/13/2023       told Michael Nina was the snitch on Carly and Drew

Nurse         ??????     11/6/2023       Austin and Charlotte the patient

Nurse         ??????     11/6/2023       Austin and Charlotte the patient

Bailiff    ??????      10/12/2023         Judge Sinclair's courtroom

Bodyguard      ??????     10/13/2023       Selina Wu

Bartender   ????    11/29/2023       Port Charles Grille  Alexis's phone

Court Stenographer      ?????      10/12/2023    Judge Sinclair

Doctor       ????     10/19/2023          Scrubbing In    

Desk Sergeant    ?????     11/28/2023    Dante regarding Briscoe

Cop           ?????      11/6/2023      Anna's Apartment  

Cop           ?????      11/6/2023      Anna's Apartment  

Cop          ?????      11/6/2023      with Charlotte

Cop          ?????      11/6/2023      with Charlotte

EMT         ?????      11/6/2023     Charlotte  

EMT         ?????      11/6/2023     Charlotte  

Gardener  ??????      10/12/2023       Sonny's Island hotel

Guard      ???????    10/20/2023     Escorting Drew out of the hospital

Guard      ???????    10/20/2023     Escorting Drew out of the hospital

Guard      ?????      10/27/2023 and 11/8 & 29/2023     at Mason's door

Guard      ????    10/17 & 20/2023      Drew's door

Guard  ???????        10/13/2023     at Cyrus's release  

Hallway Nurse    ????    10/26/2023

Maid       ??????     10/12/2023     Sonny's Island Hotel

Hub Nurse    ???????       10/23/2023

Phil Brewer changes set for Hoppers next

Dr. Phil Brewer..            .Roy Thinnes April 1963-64

                                   ..Rick Falk January 1966   (real life accident)

                                      ...Robert Hogan February 1966 -June 1967

                                              ..Craig Huebing 1967

                                     ...Ron Hayes         1967

       ...Martin West      March 1968 - December 6, 1974 (possible flashbacks after the murder was solved )

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As The World Turns

Grace __ Burton         Eugenia Rawls       73  adoptive mother of Peter    
Marion  Graham Burton     Margaret Klenck        73   wife, Peter
                                           Laurie Heineman         73      
Peter Burton    Chris Hastings    72- 73  friend of Tom and Carol Hughes,medical student, discovers he was adopted and tries to find birth parents.Bio father is Rev Wally Matthews whom he at first dislikes, unaware  he is his natural father who gave him up when his wife died in childbirth. They grow close but Peter is hurt when he learns Wally knew for months he was Peter's father. Marries Marion Graham and reconciles with Wally.
Reverend Wally Matthews     Charles Siebert      1972- Jan 74 ordained minister/doctor who gives spiritual and medical advice. Took over Paul Stewart's practice,natural father of Peter Burton whom he gave up for adoption in grief after his wife died in childbirth. Discovers Peter is his son, but doesn't reveal the fact -when the truth comes out Peter rejects him until Wally explains the circumstances. Involved with Lisa Shea who hopes for a proposal  but he cannot commit.
Edited by Paul Raven
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As The World Turns

Judge  _____ White     ?????? Feb/March   1976   Teddy Ellison's custody trial, ruled the Ellisons could remain Teddy's legal guardians.
Dr.  ____ Prescott      George Rose   75-1976   Chief of Staff at Oakdale Memorial. Called for investigation into Norman Garrison's death  under pressure from John Dixon.
Dr. Jim Strassfield    Geoffrey Horne  May  1976-78   Chief of Staff at Oakdale Memorial,dated Kim after her divorce from John.
Dr.  _____  Gilmore   ....    ???? Feb 1976  OBGYN at St Josephs who informed Kim she was pregnant.
Dr. ____ Endicott      ?????     March   1976  Acting    Chief of staff at Oakdale Memorial
Lisa Miller Hughes Eldredge Shea Colman McCall Mitchell Grimaldi (Chedwyn)       
                                               Pamela King  July  64        
                                   ...Lynn Rogers    77-78    Temporary
                   Betsy Von Fursteberg    1980 temp replacement when Eileen Fulton had hepatitis  June 83-84  
                   ..... Maeve McGuire     92     Temporary
                             ....Jane Powell   90;91, 93, 94      Temporary
                           ...Jennifer Bassey  early 90s     Temporary
                            .......Carmen Duncan     04       Temporary
                    Eileen Fulton       May  60- April 64, August 64 -May  65,Jan. 16,  1967-83, July 84- Sept 10  
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Guiding Light

Jacqueline   "Jackie" Scott Marler Spaulding Marler

                    Cindy Pickett    1976-80

             Cynthia Bostick  1979 (temporary)

                     Carrie Mowery  1980- July 82

Dr. Matt Davenport    James Carroll    Dec 1982 - Jan 83  former boss and lover of Maureen Bauer; doctor, Nola

Martin Bruhner   Clement Fowler    March - May  1983  patient +BBert; taught Rick German

Lucien Goff       Andreas Katsulas ? 1982 - April  1982   One eyed man that was after Alan Spaulding


Ben McFarren  

                    Stephen Yates March  1976- ?   January82

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Barbara Sterling Vento Latimer   daughter of Gaye and Bruce; involved with Ken, Tony, Philip ;  supported by Vivian while married to Tony  sent to an institution for slashing Rick's face (1964)

                           ...Zina Bethune...1965-70; 1970-72

                       ...Lee Lawson...1961-65, 1970(temp) 

                           ...Nina Reader...1959-61  

Henry Carlson    paper company   Gaye's father

... Tom Shirley...1959-61   

...Jack Stamberger   1961-72; 1974-76


Vivian ________Carlson        Bruce's uppity mother -in-law

                                          .Eleanor Wilson...1959

.                        .Helene Dumas 1959-1972; 1974-76     


Carl Doyle        C. David Colson     1971 - January 27. 1972   Professional gambler, places bets for a gambling ring; worked at Club Victoria; tried to convince Barbara Latimer to sell him her club. She refused and fired his behind. He was owed $18,000. 00 by Judge McClure. bolted for New York.  

Judith Cole...Marsha Mason      October 1971-72.    Reporter, digging into gambling, Judge McClure, and Meyers and Traynor, pavers. 

Gordon Hoyer      ??????          1972    Barbara's lawyer,  represented her for divorce on the grounds of desertion and adultery; found out that Rick would not contest the divorce if he got Club Victoria.  

Judge Jason McClure    Leon Janney     1971 - 1/27/1972    Judge with ties to a gambling ring. Tried to convince Barbara to sell Club Victoria; took bribes from pavers Traynor and Meyers, but he didn't give them the paving projects they wanted. Confessed all and faced the music.

__________    Traynor       ?????           1971 - 72    Paving company owner; bribed Judge McClure to win a bid on a job, but the judge didn't give them the job  

____ Meyers          ?????            1971 - 72    Paving company owner; bribed Judge McClure to win a bid on a job, but the judge didn't give them the job  


Thanks for the info, @FrenchFan.

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Tracy    Added        12/8/2023-- returns in tears over Luke, hates the decorations; 12/11/2023  -- learns about engagement; has gifts for Leo;  12/12/2023  -- reunited with Ned, will help BLQ run Deception


Violet Finn   added             12/7/2023 -- tree shopping with Gregory;  12/8/2023  Decorating tree, learns of Chase/BLQ engagement and tortures the audience with singing   12/11/2023  threatens to sing at BLQ's wedding.

Lois   Added     12/8/2023 --  helps Olivia and Cody decorate the mansion for Christmas; tells Olivia about Alan's train set for Christmas Day; yelled at by Tracy; 12/11/2023  ---yelled at by Tracy, learns BLQ and Chase are engaged

Roman Hume  Added  12/12/2023   --   At Kelly's with Brennan. reveals only 2 or 3 people aside from Sonny might recognize him. Brennan tells him to find Anna's papers since Hume got rid of Forsythe without the package in hand.

Danielle   12/12/2023     waitress at Kelly's  12/13/2023 waits on Joss/Adam/Trina

World Security Bureau Chief ___ Brennan       12/12/2023 -says Anna likely won't recognize him, Tells Hume to find the paper trail that Forsythe stole from Anna, reminds him that it was his error killing Forsythe without the evidence.;  12/13/23 ---  bumps <cough> into Carly at the park with Donna

Bank Manager     ?????    12/12/2023      gets Dante a Safe Deposit Box

Lindsay     ????         12/13/2023    patient at the hospital that will be there through Christmas

Lindsay's  Mother       ??? 12/13/2023   Parent,  relieved that Lindsay's Christmas will be good.

Bus Station Bystander  ????  12/12/2023      walks to lockers   (Dante)

Bus Station Bystander     ????  12/12/2023      talks on phone   (Dante)

Stella Henry   Added      12/13/2023 --    working with Felicia; runs into Sonny. Tells Stella he wishes to underwrite all hospital holiday festivities in honor of Mike Corbin

Adam Wright Added      12/13/2023   Singing and playing guitar, tells Joss and Trina that he's self-taught. Lunch with them at Kelly's

Leisl Obrecht Added   12/12/2023 -- tells Scott that they can't be together, her grief is too great






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