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Bradley Bell Interview

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Currently, the Rick (Jacob Young), Maya (Karla Mosley) and Caroline (Linsey Godfrey) drama has captivated the audience in such huge way! This story really is must-see television. Did you think this story would become such a bonafide hit?

BRAD: I had hopes for it, and these are all very fine actors, and sometimes you have everything in place and it doesn’t work. This one not only worked, but it exceeded my hopes and expectations. The roll out of this story is going to blow people’s minds! We have a few twists and turns up our sleeve that are going to be amazing.

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Great interview!

I liked that he point out that his writing style is different then his fathers.....as much as we complain about his writing sometimes, I think that sheds light on some of his stories and how he wasn't ever gonna be like his dad...

I still think Brooke's new story is gonna be realizing she's in love with a woman....

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To be honest, it makes no sense that they haven't heavily utilized Crystal Chappell considering she's Caroline's mother, a part of Spencer and Caroline is such an important character. Obviously Karen can't be around because they won't recast the role, but why not at least give Caroline one parent to interact with?

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Has Caroline's bio dad been revealed? Let it be Deacon. haha And, when was the last time CC was on B&B? I'm glad for all of JJ's success with her show because she is wonderful, but, boy, I wish Karen would give Ridge and $B like smackdown for going after Caroline 2.0. (There are so many dynamics that would play here, including Karen being the twin.)

Brad Bell has really hit his stride during the past three years - both from storytelling, the charcter development and, oh my gosh, production values - using LA, the exeterior shots - even at Forrester, the remotes, etc. The biggest and most significant shift was that show always lacked the ability to create a 'younger' generation that had a significant presence on canvas. (I mean, seriously, Jacquie Marone and her boy toy. Yuk.) It's been a giantic shift in the show. Better use of the business environment (both Spencer & Forrester), pulling in lots of different players - and giving them a part in the A story (Ivy's role with Rick/Myrabella is a perfect example that led to lots of interesting beats) rather than the same four people rehashing.

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