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I don't even want Helen in the top 10. I wonder if BB will get/accept we're not fond of Helen anymore and stop with the mastermind edit for her.

Elissa is as annoyed by Helen's "Mother Theresa/Speaker for the House" shizz as Helen's alliance member Amanda, lol.

For the night (at least so far), Amanda has calmed down about El noting she's completely readable (likes you, hates you, lying). Her PMS nearing its end may have helped. She still wants the non-white people out (Howard is now "the black man" to her) of the house as soon as possible but may allow Candice to stay a bit longer since Amanda is Queen and all and makes all these decisions OR ELSE.

I love the GM mocking everybody's doing (her voice). It's not mean spirited but she's making it too easy. She reminds me of Rachel a bit.

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I don't see Elissa and Helen having a superspecial friendship to the end. Helen is mostly close to Andy in terms of protection or anything like that. I think she'd choose Kaitlin over Elissa at this point.

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The main difference is Rachel faked a lot of her hysteria (people in BB12 would talk about how nice and polite she was when the cameras weren't on her). GM is all real, unfortunately.

Last night, Judd, Aaryn, Amanda, Andy, McCrae, decided to play a trick on GM by hiding all of Nick's stuff and making her think it had been taken from the game. She had a full meltdown. Everyone but Aaryn (who is a sociopath) realized this was not a good idea, and Amanda quickly told her it was a joke. GM then devolved into manic fits of laughter.

She really is a mess. I hate when BB casts this type of woman. When people laugh at her it almost feels like making fun of someone with mental illness, so she's not even a love-to-hate villain.

And Candice was going to be the scapegoat of all this, with Amanda and Andy wanting to blame her (as Andy loves to "joke," Candice should be blamed for everything in the house). The only reason they didn't was because Candice was the first to comfort GM.

Candice and Howard are going to try to have a "funeral" tomorrow with her, to bury Nick's stuff, so she can move on.

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There are a lot of differences between them including that BUT when I think of a unique voice, funny and sometimes bewildering entertainment tantrums, and a lot of (tearless) crying - as well as being easy to mock in a hilarious way - I think Rachel.

They've postponed the funeral. It'll be on Friday night. GM isn't ready.

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I don't think it helps that Judd/Amanda/Jessie/McCrae are on slop, which drags them down. I wish they'd do away with slop. And Gina Marie is eating their ice cream. Some of the slop was also thrown away when it wasn't supposed to be.

Jeremy lied and lied to try to get Helen and Elissa to keep him. Helen was tempted (and outed her entire alliance in the process), but it doesn't seem to be happening. Elissa pretty much just used the opportunity to get in some kicks.

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I'm going to cry if Howard doesn't win the next HoH. I want him to find out about Amanda's agenda and nominate her with Andy or McCrae. Hopefully he can then recruit Elissa to put up whoever of those 3 that he can't nominate.

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Andy and Amanda are literally making me feel ill. All those bitches do is talk game and trash talk. I hope against hope the edit of Wednesday's episode does justice to Amanda's irrational obsession to get Howard out. She's rationalizing he should have gone even before Jeremy which is ridiculous.

Did they just call Elissa to the DR? Hopefully they map out to her an alliance shift for the next week or two. They should use next week to get rid of Aaryn quietly if Howard or Candice wins HoH but in the same time Candice, Howard and Elissa need to align and get out Amanda, Andy or McCrae in the upcoming double eviction. Spencer can also join this team.

I don't know which team GM and Kaitlin will choose. GM seems to like Elissa. Kaitlin is not as into Amanda as Aaryn is. Judd is firmly on McCrae and Amanda's team and trying to bring Jessie there.

Helen? Helen is useless. All she does is blabber about nonsense and she reveal all secrets. She needs to be isolated or self-evict.

Jeremy pleaded to Elissa and Helen to keep him. He said he'd protect them over Kaitlin to the end. (Kaitlin said she was just using Jeremy earlier tonight to one of the girls.). He was throwing Aaryn under the bus. Aaryn has been ignorantly campaigning for Jeremy which means she'd go - she doesn't get that. I wish El had told him to kiss her ass and then maybe she'd think about it. She called his former alliance "The Moving Trucks" too. Hah. Sigh.

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Amanda is worthless. The people she's trying to confide in (Jeremy, Aaryn, GM, Kaitlin) will get rid of her ass if given the chance.

These people are stupid. The next four weeks should've been a breeze with them picking off the remainder of the minority alliance and then getting out either Spencer or Howard. Instead, they are so adamant in getting Howard out that they're failing to see that power shifts weekly and so do alliances. If Aaryn wasn't such a racist turd along with whiny GM and Kuntlin, they could've pulled rank by snagging Candice, Howard, Spencer, and potentially Elissa.

Watch Grodner do a comp on Thursday that suits Howard or Candice. It's going to be hilarious.

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Production interferes with everything and has for years. If you don't like it... wink.png Howard is blatantly safe because of production this week. There may be a blatant HoH fit to him on Thursday. Kaitlin said production fixed that PoV for her to win or something close to that. Production may blatantly fix this for a BB winner that is African-American. I don't care. I rather a fixed game where the nicer people win and the sort of vile people lose.

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