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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Isn't taking July off to edit a change? I thought I remember reading AMC would be back end of June filming. I could be totally wrong though- the amount on information I've been trying to absorb on this whole thing the past few days has likely completely fried my brain.

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I guess it has fried my brain as well. wink.png

Let's say that viewers ARE feeling overwhelmed, and that this new viewing schedule resolves the issue. Great. It appears to me, however, that no one at the shows OR at PP is addressing the OTHER problem: the fact that the current production schedules for AMC and OLTL have been relentless for the actors and creative personnel. Taking more time for editing is one thing, but I think they need to adjust in order to give more time where it REALLY counts: in the writing and in the acting.

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Khan, I just checked my PVR and OLTL/AMC are still on my schedule to record next week. I also checked the show guide for FX Canada, and the soaps are still showing up. Whereas they were airing them 3 times a day, now they are showing as airing once a day. I guess we have to wait to see what actually happens.......

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Neither show is listed on my grid anymore. FX Canada has gone back to 30 Rock episodes in the AMC/OLTL slots.

Someone mentioned maybe they were only supposed to be on FX Canada temporarily until a deal with Itunes Canada could be worked out. That did cross my mind as well, but FX Canada had been promoting them relentlessly (until yesterday).

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I've read Prospect Park's statement, but not most of the 35 page thread. PP's statement doesn't state what's really going on: How much revenue did they budget to make and how much did they really make? Anyone have the deets?

The rest is fluff and excuses.

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That is only half the equation though. They need certain levels of revenue to fund next year, deliver a return on equity or loan payments (however their debt or equity is structured). By cutting down epsiode orders, they have more time for revenue to catchup while delaying new expenses (next batch of production costs). I suspect they are severely behind budgeted revenue to do something so drastic so early, but who really knows?

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As I mentioned in another thread, I've had FX on all morning and afternoon while I catch up on some work on my computer - and they are still advertising the soaps relentlessly.

On another note, they've been playing American Horror Story all day. I keep taking peeks, and damn, that show looks scary!

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All I can do right now is take the long view and hope it is better for the production schedule BTS. I do wonder how many years EE or Corrie were at 2 a week and they did just fine.

If it's a sign of doom, at least we have a year or so of shows I intend to enjoy. But I already got these shows back so fast, which is more than I ever thought I'd get.

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