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TV Guide How Y&R will deal with Jeanne Cooper's passing

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They shouldn't toss out the Chancellor living room set, but they probably will. :(

I would have about died if that list had included Brenda Dickson.

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I was on another board where it got crazy. People were bitching because there faves aren't on the list to be apart of the tribute, people bashing other fanbases over who is and isnt on the list, people acting like this solidifies who's the most important on Y&R and all sorts of bs. People's crazy sides came out in the past week.

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I don't have a problem with the people picked for this. I consider this completely separate from the celebration they will do for Katherine Chancellor. There will be time to hopefully bring those people back, but considering what they did for the 40th anniversary, I really don't have much hope. Mac, Brock, Dina, Nina, etc. should be there, but I'm not sure if these new writers realize that. Kay Alden needs to be writing something like this.

One thing I did hate about the JFP interview, is how she said she's unsure of what will happen to the Chancellor mansion. That right there shows she isn't qualified for this show. JILL owns half of that house, is an original character and between her and Katherine there are more than enough Foster/Abbott/Chancellor's to inhabit that home. The Chancellor family shouldn't die just because Katherine did. They need to honor her and continue the legacy. It makes me so sad to watch a Y&R that ISN'T Y&R at all. The music, lighting, the new sets and even the writing is so different from what Y&R needs to be about. Don't tell me they're modernizing because B&B has been doing that and it still feels like a Bell soap. They've also had mostly non-stop ratings gains for 3 years. THAT should be the standard, not Y&R continuing this mandate to become more like an ABC soap.

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I think the tribute is about the actors who were close to her not just the characters, although sometimes they were both. I think JC liked SN and was sorry he was let go. She seemed to get very close to those she worked with, she was also sad when DG (Cane) was let go and very upset about the actor who played Rex being killed off years ago too. And her book told us how close she got to the actor who played BK (Brock). lol

Now Tucker is another story. If Stephen' Nichols Tucker is at the funeral I hope he isn't given a speaking part. After 3 long boring years of watching him feel sorry for himself inside his never ending dark cloud of gloom I don't want to hear a peep out of him. I could care less how bad he feels about not connecting with Mommy, especially since he took off on her. Besides for all we know they could mess with DNA before the funeral maybve they'll find he's not related to Kay after all. (PLEASE!)

The powers that be in the universe couldn't have made there point any better by making sure Kay's last scene was with Jill. EVERYONE but MAB knew Kay's story was with Jill and her longtime family built by Bill Bell and Tucker/Devon were no substitute.. I'm so thankful JC outlasted MAB's regime, I think MAB would have re-cast Kay so I'm grateful for JFP on this matter.

You mean SOC? The "this would be a good time to bring back tucker " thread was the worst, it wasn't just for the funeral/tribute, it was for good. One poster had the gall to say SN returning is was what Jeanne Cooper would have wanted and Y&R should honor that- she has since edited that remark.

They listed contacts of all the Y&R powers that be for posters to contact in that thread too. SMH. I guess some SN fans see JC's death as employment opportunity for Stephen Nichols. I swear SN should pay his fans for being his agent, I notice them tweeting TPTB at GH every day to bring back SN as Stephan Cassidine and now they have Y&R back on their radar.

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No I wasn't on SOC but I see the crazies are every board at the moment. If Tucker has to be at Katherine's funeral(and I never felt anything for him as Katherine's son so I really don't want him back) like you said he need not have a speaking part. I wish they would fix that mess because Kay's child was supposed to be a female. I also heard complaints about Murphy dissapearing as if Murphy was ever a developed character. I know him as Marge's friend Katherine married who popped up onscreen every once in awhile.

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