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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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Wyatt buying that car to hit more people. Jeffrey should go talk to the DA about Wyatt.

I think Benny should tell white boy what happen. He probably can help them hide the crime better.

How can another person plant cameras on other people place?


So they wasn't giving Lil Quincy crack or whatever.


David know that he's going to get Veronica out.


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LaQuita....I cant with her name and the way she talks. Why is she getting so much airtime every episode?


Considering how long Quincy was in the hospital, how did the original doctors not realize he had lupus and tell Hannah? Did they not properly exam the kid?


Oh hell no to David sleeping with Maggie. I bet she will be pregnant based on their convo. She aint taking the morning after pill


I cant with that nosy neighbor having a camera on her mail box aimed at Candaces' house


LOL at Candace trying to get Benny to sue the Cryers. Its kind of refreshing to see her at the bottom and not her usual smug self. She is scared of War and knows shes f--ked

Edited by Cheap21
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I caught the tail end last night as Veronica was about to walk into the house. I was so excited and then when she walked away to go talk to 5-0... I was sad.... but then Thirsty Chick popped up and when she told her to meet her inside, I'm like, "OH SH!T!" I just hope and pray she's dead.

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Cant beleive I just marathoned through 5 episodes in a row. Surprisingly stuff actually moved and it didnt seem as slow as watching week to week


Love Candace's new ho friend Erika! How do she and Candace know each other though? They made it seem like they've known each other for quite some time while hooking but in the last episode Erica said she just moved here which is why War doesnt know her. How is she old friends with Candace then? 


I shouldnt have, but I enjoyed them jumping the social worker. Who is the actress and do I know her from somewhere bc she seems familiar?


LMAO at Q's sister snapping at and calling the nosy lady an old bitch bc she is.


Oscar is dumb....why is he still in town?


Ben is also dumb. He stay letting Candance manipulating him


David: "Jim you are playing with a wig, behind bars". DEAD


Jennifer: "How do you not know your wife's home address?" LMAO


Veronica setting up Maggie to walk into Jim's trap? I LOVE this evil bitch!


Its amazing how much loyalty David has to Veronica considering she cheated on him and tried to kill him


Katherine: "Let me make this more clear. BITCH, I will have you murdered in the streets" LOL....so many good lines


I cant stand Hannah's ass. Why is she in Candace's house disrespecting her? Candace should have thrown her ass out. When she got on her knees, I thought she was going to start praying. Im glad Candace slapped her back. Hannah is the worst type of Christian. Now threatening to kill her own child?


WTF!?!? Now its Sunday? DIdnt they just say in the last episode it was Monday? Thats how Jim and Veronica finally got their bail hearing in front of a judge




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The pacing on this show is still bad. Scenes go on for WAY too long

Why is Jeffrey trying to seduce a married bigot? He needs to leave this alone. And the judge is married to some street cop? Talk about a mismatch

Did War rape Candace in that scene? Benny's partner and his girl just lay there and did nothing

Yay to Maggie being dead! Veronica does not play

I didnt get David. Why he assume Veronica was dead without checking it out?

Wyatt is dead...how anticlimatic. They sure glossed over that.

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Wyatt dead? That's kinda sad because he's super hot. But I wonder if some of these people eventually want out of this crappy show because they can't take the dialogue. I mean TPs writing for his plays and movies is nowhere near as bad as his television shows. I just don't get it.

Good that Thirsty is dead because I really could not take her and her thirst for that man.

I too questioned that scene Cheap. I happened to tune in at that moment when he had her against the fence and I was wondering if he was in the act of raping her or not.

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I think bc we are dealing with a show that has 22ish episodes a season dragged out over most of the year vs a play/movie thats done in 90 minutes to 3 hours. Theres less time for the repetitive nonsense and scenes that drag on when you are working with a short time frame. Thats not the case with these hour long episodes and Tyler repeats so much and has scenes last forever to fill up time.


The show really needs a new EP that can take over the reigns of his shows bc this and ILYIW both have potential and have foundations for good shows, if only the exectution was better. For one, the seasons do not need to be 22+ episodes and broken up into 2 parts. If you cut out all the repetitive dialogue, 10 minute long scenes and filler material, the same stories could be told in like 8. The pacing would be much faster and we'd actually see movement.


Next is new writers bc even if you cut alot of material, the writing is just bad. Like why did David assume Demonica was dead and just drive off? Why is Candace written like such a dumb amateur now? We also dont need to hear Hannah give anymore sermons as that is cringeworthy


As for War and Candace, I saw other comments on the net and Im glad Im not the only one confused by that scene. Like was he just scaring her by banging on the fence or was there penetration? You shouldnt leave rape to be as ambiguous as they left it here. And if she was raped, I dont see what purpose that served. She was unaffected by it and we already get that War is some awful person so it was unnecesary to further make us hate him. I dont get where Tyler is going with this one

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Beautifully said Cheap. And I get what you mean now, especially with your first paragraph. I just wish he could watch some other hour long shows to show him that you don't need to be repetitive to fill up an hour which in retrospect is mainly 44 minutes, because you have to factor in the commercials.

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Why is Jeffrey screwing a married RACIST cop? Does he not watch the news and know that black men need to be careful around white cops, especially ones that hate black people? He is playing with fire especially since this cop has alot to lose and they are in the south where being gay is less accepted. The cop will throw him under the bus and Jeffrey will be on the losing end if threatened. With that said, I like this new take charge Jeffrey. Makes him much hotter than the whiny little bitch he was before. I didnt like how cruel he was to Landon though


Some reviews call Hannah a runaway slave and that has me dying bc she does talk and act like one. She is hollering and yelling about wanting to raise Q, but she doesnt even have a house. Heck, she couldnt even afford the taxi fare to go see the boy in the hospital. How are you better off than foster care at this point?


Demonica is evil. "My friend, Maggie Day is dead." GIRL! She was laying it on thick. I like her evil ass though

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