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B&B Promo: Forbidden Temptation

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I posted this on the B&B preview thread. I am for more interested in the fall out of the affair than the affair itself. I want to see if Katie rejects Bill or if she fights for him. I want her to reject him because this is his second time on the cheating merry go around although he did not actually sleep with Steffy. But I cannot see that happening since it would leave Katie without a love interest.

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My bad. I didn't see it there. I cant wait for Brooke and Bill to have an affair. After all this build up, it will be anticlimactic if they don't.

The problem is Bill is the only man on contract for the women in that age range. Its why we have Taylor now with grandpa Eric and its just Bill to fill the void. I guess they could stick Katie with one of the recurring guys like Thorne, but they never seem to want to do anything with him. She could be single on the backburner until they are ready to hire someone new, which I keep pushing to be Taylor's brother Zach
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Brooke didn't need a man at this point. A man break would be the best thing to happen to her IMO. This story with bill would be ok if she fought it and dint give in and didn sleep with him. Showing growth for the first time ever.

I agree. I buy that he was tempted by Steffy but Brooke? From Katie? What!
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Personally I think she needs to get laid. She has WAY too much time on her hands and has turned into such a busybody bc she doesn't have a man to occupy her time. I think that would alleviate a lot of stress and make her a lot happier

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I think that Brooke has gone as long as she can without a man. She has an itch that she must scratch and Bill is the nearest post. I just don't buy that after his disdain for her all these years that he is suddenly attracted to her or that he would give a second look even with his distance from Katie. Bill tempted by Steffy or a younger hot woman, yes, but not Brooke. She is too lonely and desperate to be sexy and young, it feels more oft putting than anything. I see Brooke attracting a younger guy interested looking for a fling like Carter.

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I don't understand why Brad has not already cast a male in the 40s/50s range. Ridge has been gone a while. They have to see how only having Bill ties their hands storytelling wise. Unless, their plan is to string out this Katie/Bill/Brooke triangle for years.

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Agreed; I'm looking forward to the inevitable affair. The two are smokin' hot together! The last time Brooke had chemistry like this was with Winsor Harmon's Thorne. Not sure if lightning would strike twice if they went that route again, but I do wish they'd use him more. They could easily age his daughter Alexandria and give them both story.

Gasp! They should SO go that route! But KKL would need a stronger screen partner than a cardboard cutout Lawrence St. Victor.

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I would love it if Brooke and Thorne came slowly back to each other again. I always thought Thorne was her best match.

I would also like Brooke to not consumate this affair-of-the-mind with Bill. It would be nice to see growth on her part.

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