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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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Spin is so revolting now because they are shoveling him as an attractive man! That they have 2 women all twisted over him! That out of the 20 somethings, this is the best choice for romantic lead? WTF! Spin was better as the computer geek, and once that novelty wore off, he should have been written out. Can you imagine an NBA final, game 7 with 3 minutes left on the clock, the coach looks at the bench and pulls in the guy on crutches? What sane person does that?

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VH, something is really off here because Lulu has been written under several different writers, but overall, she is coming off the same, a nauseating depressing life draining shrill. But I don't think we are supposed to be getting this from Lulu, so it has to be Julie! I just don't think 3 or 4 different writers would be THIS consistent. Does this makes sense?

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CH, I've never been able to decide whether it was JMB or the writing that made me hate Shrewlu so. Sometimes, I've thought that JMB's botoxed face is incapable to conveying the facial expressions that are needed to make her character the rootable and beloved heroine that this show wants her to be, while other occasions show me that Shrewlu (like damn near every female) was the victim of terrible writing and that she would've thrived in an earlier (ca. 80s or 90s) regime.

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I've just never gotten the vibe before that he would cheat. He was always loyal to Maxie when he was with her. (offically with her...forget about the crap with Winnifred the Fed)

It kinda makes me sad to be honest.

Because, he really seemed like the only man on the show not to bed hop. (Except Mac, who didn't get any at all until Felicia came back to town.)

If there's one thing I hate....on a show, and in real life. Is a man who cheats.

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Jar Jar Binks. LOL! I think that I am offended on Jar Jar's behalf. Two women would fight over him before they touch Spinelli with a 10 foot pole.

This is why I am convinced TPTB have been working to get the soaps cancelled despite their claims otherwise. What else is the explanation for this abomination? If Spinelli was the last man on earth and there were 100 women left, our species would end.

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