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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I was so ready for the new opening to debut, but I have a special place in my heart for this Gottlieb opening. I especially loved the closing theme against with the billowing satin sheet.

AMC's PP opening should be a new jazzed/rocked up version of the original AMC opening with the album spinning/flipping and bursting open with tons of pictures flying out and slo-mo raining down the screen with all of the cast members, special emphasis on Susan, they get vacuum sucked back into the book, the book closes shut: All My Children

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The last GH wasn't so awful, though it had ridiculous CGI graphics (I think Carl quite rightly called the Cassadines place like something from the Castlevania game). But yes--otherwise I agree. I actualy don't mind the idea of branding the shows with similar--yet different--openings, but they were SO cheap--OLTL's particularly which seemed to have been done quickly last. (AMC's last one, while Frons era, and a clips opening which isn't really my fave, wasn't bad).

But enough of that--let's make PP bring back the "beauty shot" closing credits which AMC, at least, had till 1990 or so--where they'd silently play a new scene at the end. (I am kidding.... of course....)

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AMC could go very cheap with an opening and go back to the opening of the book... it could be a simple as that.

It may not be a popular opinion, but shooting and alternating in the same studios, and re-dressing the sets is a great economical move on the part of PP.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the production staff and crew may cross over to both shows.

All the Bells are great fans of All My Children. I wouldn't be surprised if Maria was interested in the HW position. She is also a Fi-Core writer, but I don't think PP will go that route unless they can't reach a deal with the WGA. The WGA will in all likelihood stand their ground - they were at the forefront regarding new media, and they won't set a precedent that could hurt their entire guild for the sake of two shows.

And please, no Megan McTavish, she is just horrible.

If they are going with the story-arc, they would be wise to re-label "recurring" to "guest starring." I'm not sure you could convince David Canary to recur on the show, but "guest star" sounds much more primetime.

Best guess, if SL signs any kind of deal with PP, it will involve a sitcom development starring SL.

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That sounds perfectly awful, and yet I'd love it. Just the thought of the original slow opening done in rock style makes me smile.

I think they should commision an anime tv style opening, myself--complete with new Japanese vocals. Something that shows shots of each character and gives an idea of their relationship. Since they OBVIOUSLY will get Susan Lucci for it, we can have her even walk through the crowd of everyone else like the classic Fushigi Yuugi opening


(OK I obviously had too much to drink this afternoon...)

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A simple opening of the book would be fine, I think.

I also don't mind the idea of sharing sets--obviously (I would hope) they would re-dress--it's been done with other shows and usually you don't really notice. And AMC and OLTL shared a set designer (Mooney) for nearly a decade.

I had no idea that the Bells were AMC fans, though Bill Bell and Agnes Nixon have always had a ton of mutual respect--while both have pointed out the differences in the way they tell soaps. But MAB did seem keen on hiring AMC stars (and then firing them after writing useless stories) and Kay Alden apparently was very excited to maybe write for AMC.

I think McTavish can be great when controlled. Her last regime was hampered a lot by Frons and the fact that she seems all too eager to please those in superior positions--I always get the sense she has trouble not saying yes to story ideas, or trying to impress with out there stunt stories (which was especially a bad combo when she worked with JFP who seemed to like to dictate story).

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I half forgot about those. They did look great (and oddly, since Griffin--though I was one of the few who liked the character--seemed hired largely due to his looks, they had Griff almost constantly shirtless, which he barely ever was once he came onto the show). That was a good concept, I felt, but it also felt like ABC had comissioned the webisodes, and then by the time they were filmed or uploaded had lost any interest in anything like that.

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I think the idea of sharing crew is so wise and cost efficient. If these folks end up delivering a revolutionary, cost cutting way to make soaps viable again, that's a good thing. Let me slow this horse down, because I just got that gut tug of when you're getting a little too excited and setting yourself up for upset.

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