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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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As someone who won't be reading both threads when they're separated, I have to say I think it makes perfect sense. Some of us just don't care for one show or the other and don't like having to wade through numerous posts looking for any news.

Once it gets beyond ITA or LMAO, I can be quite clueless. I still don't know what SMH means.

I don't think it's ridiculous to be spared from trying to decipher another twitter message that basically says nothing. Jennifer Bassey still hasn't been contacted and apparently didn't even know David Canary was returning. Why should we have to read through that if we don't want to? And thank you, Brett, for respecting those of us who don't need to read every tweet posted!

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Absolutely--and some old school movie stars were known to have sent out mean letter back to any negative comment. It's just multiplied, I guess. I *do* think in his case he should rise above that--or create two accounts and get his demons out about the negative feedback out somewhere else. But in those cases I do think people who *tweet* him mean comments, or even negative comments have it coming. When he comments about things he's read on forums--that's a different matter.

I agree it's great for things like that. I dunno if establishing relationships by a false connection is a good thing but then again.... Most of my best friends I've met online--and it's only a step removed.

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You don't wanna give OLTL in a new 20+ min format under great writers a chance? :P Regardless, I think the issue is some info will get posted in one thread, or the other--it will not be posted--I expect--in both. I think at this point it is definitely related to both shows.

Steve, you're one of my fave posters--and I know with this one thread it can get hard to skip through every post (though I think with two, the opposite will happen), but it's easy to skip by a tweet post--especially since they always have that beyond confusing format...

SIGH. I shoulda known.... I think when I se initials on here I automatically think about smushed couple names. Did anyone explain Samsel yet?

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I'm still not sure how great these OLTL writers are, Thom Racina, the creator of the Ice Princess mess on GH, John Black's confusing backstory on DAYS and one of the final writers of Santa Barbara, paired with Susan Bedsow Horgan who seems to be mostly famous for working with Douglas Marland and Michael Malone. If the new OLTL survives 6 months, I might tune in but I'm not convinced it will.

By the way, you're one of my fave posters too, but we need to agree to disagree about the tweets!

Thanks for filling us in on SMH! Now can you explain why SFK said "DSL"?

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I can usually suss my way through most acronyms but when I can't I use the Internet Acronym Dictionary. Which wouldn't help with DSL but like I said, I just assumed something else.

I think Samsel is a purely Rhinohide Creation™. It's part of her posting voice. Like my slapping, your insanely Canadian politeness, ChitHappens' use of the term "chit," The Artist formerly known as Soapboy's Bobbie love, etc...

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It does sound like Jennifer Bassey is a little out of the loop - even the "meeting" she had with the AMC producer was at a SAG event that they were both attending.

While I would like to see Marion and Stuart on the show at some point, I agree with Eric - Adam and Brooke are needed at the initial re-launch.

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