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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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MissLlanview, I'm not sure if this apology was directed to everyone here, but if so, I reject it because you have nothing to apologize for, IMO. I, too, do my share of ragging on folks' looks on here (as well as elsewhere), but I don't take it to the damn-near-orgasmic level that some here do - which is what I take issue with, as it implies that said folks are flawless without any physical imperfections whatsoever.

That said, since my comments (of which I stand by and will continue to do) inadvertedly put you on the spot, I do apologize. I'll also end my part of the conversation here so that this thread can continue to be as easy and breezy as a spring day.

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I really hope not!!!! But for now it is a way to get him off for all the charges against him. He said he saw Faison in the Swiss hospital (the same one where Robin and Duke) are. He didn't say anything because it would have meant exposing himself, but he took a picture. Presumably this evidence will get the DA to drop all his charges.

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VH, thank you for the kind words. I appreciate them. And no need to apologize. Everyone has made good point here. :)

And I want to tell you (since I know you don't watch the whole show right now), that Sonny & Carly were on today and their worry over losing Michael to AJ is increasing by the SECOND. It's lovely to see. wub.png

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MissL, when it comes to Sonny and his Slagbeast, I feel like a woman who isn't sure on whether she should have faith in the decent man that she just met because she'd been in a relationshit for far too long. On one hand, Eeyore calling out both his kidnapper and the sow that birthed him more than once is music to my ears, but on the other hand, I need to see this all come full circle (as in those rat bastards actually feeling a significant amount of scorn, a la JJ Lucky's treatment of his parents after finding out about their violent beginning) before I can trust in this as a rousing success.

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I hope Sonny and Carly get hit with a double whammy. They are so focused on Michael that they completely forgot they have another son. I hope if and when Morgan comes back to town, he is hating on them too for putting him on the backburner and ignoring him

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