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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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I'll just say, for me personally, although I'm not above thinking other kids are cuter than others and/or teens/young adults more attractive than others, I'm sensitive about other young girls, even those who are already adults, like myself or KA. So many of them become insecure about their looks and wind up with issues like eating disorders, that I sometimes feel kind of sensitive about it. And in the case of KA, because I grew up watching her and was a fan of hers watching OLTL as a kid, I just feel a bit more sensitive about it than I should.

And now I've gotten too damn serious here.

But of course, like I said, I'm a hypocrite, because I can't claim to have not made fun of looks myself. And I will say that she's more average looking. I'm willing to concede that.

I'm sorry that I started any of this. I was just playing around with SB and Cheap based on what they said about her (I mean, SB ribs AllMyDaysatGH about him liking Alicia Minshew all the time--so I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same to me!). I usually ignore it because I know I'm in the minority here. I think I'll do that again.

Again, I apologize. I'll stick to other stuff now.

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I can, I did, and I stand by everything I say.

Folks can rag on someone's looks until kingdom come for shits and giggles, but let someone point out the mere possibility that they don't have any leg to stand on that front and they get indignant?

And for the record, this doesn't just apply to Kristen Alderson...

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