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It is, but it holds up for me. For me RTD's show was more about character, Moffat is more about cool/epic moments (Hey! Wouldn't it be cool if the Doctor rode up the side of a building! Yeah let's put that in, etc.) Of course the irony is Moffat wrote probably my fave individual episodes.

And yes it's old--I tried to find a round table discussion with various Who writers about the strengths and weaknesses of both men done after the anniversary ep but for the life of me I can't find the link. I think calling Moffat a misogynistis wrong, but there's little doubt that every female character he creates exists as a sort of puzzle for the Doctor to solve. It's getting old for me.

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RTD's show was about character on the surface, but underneath the themes became very much about banging one note over and over - Rose! Doctor is sad! Female companions show value by sacrificing to save the world, but are only worthwhile if the Doctor says so! (he shamed Martha in a degrading manner as soon as she stopped doing what he wanted [when she worked for UNIT], and Donna existed only in the end to make the Doctor cry). Rose! His attempts at more were often mawkish, bizarre, and disgusting (everything with the Master).

Moffat's female companions are the same - they exist for the Doctor, and as part of some mystery of life, and they are both more and less independent - they happily live their own lives, which RTD's companions did not do, but it's also made clear that their main purpose is for the Doctor's needs, or for this mystery they exist for. I do think River worked, because of Alex and Alex's wonderful chemistry with everyone, but the Melody story was unnecessary and it took away from her spark. I also hated the writing in Angels Take Manhattan where she talked about how the Doctor only wants you when you're young and cute. It validated the view of the last few years that the Doctor is becoming a sick, sad old man. I'm pleased that she got closure in the Name of the Doctor - she was less sad there, more determined, a beautiful goodbye with the Doctor, and best of all, now I know that she is not permanently trapped in that [!@#$%^&*] feminine hygiene commercial that I never believed she would want - that angered me more than almost anything else the show has ever done.

I'm seriously becoming tired of the way the Doctor is toward women.

Edited by DRW50
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I don't think RTD's show was about character any more or less than Moffat's - I think they just go about it differently. I felt RTD did wonderful work but I also thought he tended to hang onto the same old ideas for a long time; who does the Doctor love? Who loves the Doctor? I thought he lost his way when it came to how they handled Martha's relationship with the Doctor, as well as Rose's final exit.

I don't think Amy's entire purpose was the Doctor - I think the character flourished even more once her 'mystery' was solved. In terms of both that and River I found Moffat's handling of women to be far more mature than RTD's. Time will tell if Clara does the same. River, OTOH, just always worked for me.

Edited by Vee
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I find that hard to believe. It seems odd he would make such a request out of nowhere, much less that Moffat would have such a vehement response. I also find the hamhanded attempt to tie it directly into another rumored event to be way too convenient - particularly when the commonly-held speculation about that particular preexisting rumor had nothing to do with Eccleston and everything to do with Moffat and Skinner.

Looking at it again, it actually just looks like a repackaging of an ancient raft of bullshit peddled by fangirls very early this year - claiming that Skinner and Moffat terrorized Eccleston and that Moffat's "paranoid hatred of Russell T. Davies" caused him to go on a quest to annihilate all traces of the Davies era. In reality, Moffat and Davies are good friends.

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I actually want to watch it again before I even try to say anything about it.

It's funny that I was looking forward to seeing the regeneration so much. I know it may sound weird but I had almost no knowledge of the Whoverse when I started watching. I didn't know anything about regeneration so when Nine turned into Ten I lost. my. [!@#$%^&*]. and since I binged watched I didn't know in advance when Ten would turn to Eleven. This is the first time I have known about and been prepared for a regeneration.

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