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Yeah, that movie is some crazy [!@#$%^&*].

Hussein turned down the opportunity to direct The Five Doctors back in 1983. I expect either Gatiss or Toby Whithouse will take over in a few years, but I've been very happy with Moffat. I will say I think AAISAT is Gatiss's best work in nuWho by far. I like him, I like his other work but I frankly found all his DW work mediocre until AAISAT.

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Something I didn't notice in DOTD: At Coal Hill School, where Clara now works, the sign outside apparently labels the "Chairman of the Governors" as "I. Chesterton."

I'm likely not going to be able to watch The Time of the Doctor on the day of due to my being out of town with family, or at least not in the way I want, on my big screen TV - maybe if I can rig up my USB to their TV after downloading it. I'd rather watch it on BBCA, but my parents don't have it up there. Ugh, anticipation.

Edited by Vee
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I don't "get" the Cybermen. They're not visually interesting or terribly scary (whereas I as a grown man think the Dalek's are pretty terrifying (they're garbage cans on wheelies, it's ridiculous!)) I don't know why they keep coming back other than they used to be one of the Doctor's big foes.

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River Song is an example of what I hate about Moffatt's writing (the long story arcs and his female characters, anyway.) I liked her when she made one or two appearances during Davies' run (in episodes written by Moffat, I believe) but...

The River Song problem http://io9.com/5938410/does-steven-moffat-have-a-master-plan-for-doctor-who

Edited by EricMontreal22
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The Cybermen haven't been scary since the '60s. Both The Pandorica Opens and Nightmare in Silver came close to fixing them but not quite.

If they'd go back to an updated version of their original appearances in, say, The Tenth Planet and Tomb of the Cybermen - i.e., tattered cloth standing in for torn flesh, strange, high jangly voices, gaunt, spindly creatures - then it might work. But it would scare the [!@#$%^&*] out of kids.

For example:

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The Cyberman are heartbreaking, which we rarely see exploration of. There were a few scenes in the parallel worlds story that brought them back where you saw this, when that world's Jackie was turned into a Cyberman but still had her feelings.

In the late 60s they just became baddies, and generally have stayed that way ever since.

I think they're more frightening than the Daleks when they are properly written.

The clanking sound when they walk has become overused.

The Doctor's penis has become too much of a central part of the story in the last few years. I hope that will be over soon.

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I'll take Moffat's constant attempts at epicness and myriad twist and turns over the cheesy crap RTD tried to pass off as drama.

And I love River Song. Love her. Alex Kingston has had me since ER and that egg scene (if you've ever watched ER you know what I'm talking about). And River is fascinating. The whole timey wimey-ness of her conception and birth and marriage and death is one of the major strengths of the show: time travel. Also I'm just a big fan of stories that are plan in advance and (pretty much) make sense in the end.

And that article is over a year old.

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