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soaps borrowing from SOAP??

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Please don't mention Burt's alien story, I can't take that.

I thought this was going to be about those cringeworthy scenes from our saviors "Cartini" where Port Charles suddenly got religion and started chanting "Lord hear our prayer." I immediately flashed back to when the Tate family were exorcising Corinne's baby.

The scenes of an exhausted Jessica crying and smiling as she holds her crying, saved granddaughter in her arms were more "soapy goodness" than anything Cartini have ever coughed up.

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The baby being possessed was borrowed from the film Rosemary's Baby. Casey the alien on GH came at least half a decade after Soap.

Soap and Capitol had the same finale with Jessica and Sloane respectively facing a firing squad. In that case, I guess you could say Capitol borrowed from Soap.

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For people who mostly worked on sitcoms I never quite understood how they were so much better at soap material than at comedy. Aside from Jessica, Benson, and sometimes Saunders and Chuck and Bob, most of the comedy on the show never worked for me. I think season 2 was the best season because that season was probably the one which dove furthest into pure melodrama.

Season 3 made a lot of big mistakes and while the fourth pulled it together a little (I particularly liked Mary's alcoholism story, even if it was rushed), the damage was done.

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Right, which of course was borrowed from The Exorcist. They all go hand in hand.

You know, I'm not a huuuge fan of KH as ditzy wide-eyed Jessica on Soap. Maybe because I knew her as Mona first. I watched Benson as a kid but never Soap.

Have you all been watching Sunday nights on Antenna TV?

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I wasn't a huge fan of Mona (or anything on WTB), although I enjoyed KH's work. I just loved her work as Jessica because she played a ditz but she never let Jessica be pathetic. She could always break your heart, and she could be tough when they wanted her to be.

I haven't watched Soap in years, not since Comedy Central. I probably won't ever watch again, as I have no real desire to (especially the alien story, the embarrassment that was Jodie, the increasingly annoying and nasty Eunice, and the terrible terrible story with Danny and poor Lynne Moody), but I will always have fond memories of the show.

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I haven't but I should. I manly watch that channel for the Norman Lear shows. I wish they hadn't moved Maude because that is my favorite spin-off of AITF. I am Glad that there is finally a new cable station that airs old shows since TV Land sucks at it now. I wish the people that owns Antenna TV would make one for old game shows.

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You now have my undivided attention because this was one of the best shows ever! Way before it's time, but great and had one of the best ensembles casts I've ever seen! Bravo to the casting director! I liked everthing about this show, and oddly enough, someone was brilliant enough to work it so that the damn doll (Bob) was my favorite character. How does something like that happen? I have the first 2 seasons on DVD but recently found a network that plays reruns. But this might be a thing of the past as Benson, it's spinoff, begins tonight. I'll take it!

Carl, for me, the alien story worked because of the late great Richard Mulligan! That man could act! I always felt Kramer (Seinfeld) was a poor man's Burt Campbell!

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Richard Mulligan was a very funny actor but I didn't like the whole tripping through time with Jack Gelpin, and I really wasn't thrilled with alien Burt the sex fiend as Mary was having sex with a stranger.

I thought the Burt vigilante story was probably the best story he'd had since the early episodes. I also loved the story he had with Caroline McWilliams and Inga Swenson.

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They really did have a great ensemble, many of whom I knew first from Junger Witt, Thomas, and Harris' later shows, Golden Girls and Empty Nest. I love Richard Mulligan, that's a great comparison Chit.

I love Antenna TV, my TV basically lives on that station. I agree, they should totally expand their programming and there is definitely room for at least ONE serial in their lineup, even airing late nights.

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Sitcoms where so much better then in general IMO, which is why I do not wast my time on new sitcoms except Modern Family. Most people in my age group do not like me because I was born AFTER my time...lol! I forgot Benson will be on Antenna TV. I have Season one but they won't re lease any more seasons of it.

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