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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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I wonder if the Bell's will sue Sony, and we'll get another Dobsons/New World Television debacle.

It's pathetic how Maria plays the victim card, when she continuously spat on her audience in every damn interview and acted as if everything she did was perfect and without fault.

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They went extremely overboard in defending MAB. She wasn't anywhere near as good as they claimed and while she may not have killed off various characters, she just as equally destroyed them and treated actors behind the scenes just as bad as JFP would have.

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Sharon Case in particular rightfully hates Maria.

All one has to do is look at her Twitter and see what she's been retweeting...

Though, JFP will probably have Sharon raped again, or recast with Sandra Ferguson and her stiff ass face. Bur really, after what Maria did to the character, it would probably still be better.

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LOL, I just looked at her Twitter and saw some of those retweets. I know to be skeptical, but I really hope Sharon is saved in the future. MAB should be ashamed, as far as I know, Bell loved Sharon and established her to be the new leading heroine and MAB has just tanked the entire character.

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The moment Sharon began lusting after her child's kidnapper, I wanted her 6 feet under, but correct me if I am mistaken, wasn't Case ok with that because she wanted to work with whiney obnoxious MM? So she really has no room to criticize because some filth she does like, and she gets to choose which fitlth works for her? All of it was rancid!

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I can't stand Sharon Newman, but the character def got the shaft, though not so sure MAB is all at fault for that as oppposed to Sony, but SC has a right to be pissed! )though I jeasr she is a B--tch!

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She'll say the same crap she always does when she hijacks a show: I LOVE this show; I want to keep its core characters, I know how important they are to the show and its fans, blah, blah, blah. She'll say it all with a straight face, then go into her office and start dismantling, piece by piece. It's her pattern.

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This quote from the article is a great example of how out of touch those who run soaps (and their helpers) are. This is some type of statement people used to make in 1997 or 1998. Oh those idiots online, they're never happy!

This is the mentalilty which used to say IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T WATCH! Now they can't say this, because people have stopped watching. Millions during MAB's run alone.

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SC was biotching bout wanting to work with JM while she was paired with PB, then got offended when JM was whining bout wanting to stay paired with MS, them she was pimping being paired with MM but she has NEVER wanted to work romasntically with EB LOL!

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Exactly, Maria had almost 5 years to get her act together and/or hire a more competent team of people around her.

Had her last name not been Bell, she would have been fired much sooner.

All she did was sit around and do nothing, regardless of fan feedback, record low ratings, and Sony's unhappiness with her actions.

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